WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label University Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label University Challenge. Show all posts

Monday, September 22, 2008

Long leggid Bears, rencht baks, an extra pooey bottoms.

Weekend's scores:
  • Gills: poo! We played Aldershot (Full nayme - Mummy won't let me rite it cos it's a bit like SHOT but not. But yu get wat I meen. Ha!) an they wer cheets!! We had to play wiv just 10 men an they got wun mor goal than us just to rub it in.
  • Simpsons: no
  • Tesco: yes
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9/10
  • Overall Score: 6.39621/10


Mummy has reelly rencht her bak an hassent been abol to walk proply since Friday. She haz got hold ov sum metal rods we yewz to open windows that ar hi up an owt ov reech, an she iz yewzin theez az walkin stiks. She carnt walk uprite so it's reelly eezy to get a lift- yu just jump on bord as she goze parst, an hold on to the bak ov her T-Shert.

The doctor tonite gayve her sum pills. Sum ov them ar painkillin types an the uther ar relax-yer-mussols-an-nok-yu-owt types. I'm a tad worreed abowt thiz larst type, az she haz allreddy been pooin alot today, followin eetin Daddy's chilli-hot Bombay Mix larst nite. The larst combinayshun ov things yu want is: unaybol to walk + allreddy pooey bottom + mussol relaxin drugs. I'm goin to be keepin well cleer for the nex few hours, I can tell yu.

*** *** *** *** (diffrent bit comin up now) *** *** *** ***

I've suddenly realized wy my footboll teem, Gillingham, havent been too brillyant this seezon. I've been fergettin to alert yu all to ware yor lukky bloo pants on match days!!!!!!!! So let's start agen strayte away now! They ar playin this comin Saterday- so get yor bloo pants reddy! Uther bloo clothes will help; T-shirts, speshly, an scarfs, tho it ite not be cold enuff for scarfs yet. But bloo pants ar the most pantayshus an therefor the most powerful. I kno I can rely on yu all!

*** *** *** *** (anuther diffrent bit comin up now) *** *** *** ***

I'm off to watch University Challenge now. Wun ov the teems, Edinburgh, haz a Bear! So he is shor to win.

Grayum is gettin so exsytid. He allways duzz. This is him watchin it the uther week, wen Bath had a Bear on teem. I find it a bit differcult to beleev a Bear wud want to be assoshyaytid wiv a BATH but Mummy sez it's a nayme ov an old playse whare Roman types yewst to hav baths. Sownds a bit far fetcht to me. Enyway. I think this Bear haz extra long runnin-legs to cope wiv the danger ov baths in the visinity. Throw my arms up at him!

Bye fer now!!!!

ps: the Bear's teem wun tonite!!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Jus mewsin....

Weekend's scores:

  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: no
  • Tesco: yes, evenchelly an breefly. An "breefly" duzzent meen enything to do wiv pants. If it did, that overall scor down there wud be bigger.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score:10 wa-heyy!/10
  • Overall Score: 6.758/10


Well, as I was sayin abowt Bear statews....(hehehe!) I fergot to show yu a cuppol ov Bear statews that Father Crissmoss dropt off fer us:

Snowy Bears!

Thare waz sum discushun over wether they shud be put away wiv the Crismoss dekorayshuns, but I put my furry foot down! An so they remayne on the mantelpeece. An I shud think so, too!

My furry foot bein put down.


I think I've now got the hang ov warin my new hat. In fakt, larst nite I wor it to watch a cowboy film in!:


But today Dilly grabd it, an stuk streemers in it. She sed she wantid to play "The Two Musketeers".
Hmmm.... mayde me think 2 things:

(1) I'm shor this is sum kind ov sakrillidge, an
(2) it's worryin, but it kinda sooots her.

Meenwile, Grayum an Daddy wotcht "University Challenge". Wun ov the teems had a Bear! Yu kno, Grayum jus carnt see a Bear wivowt wantin to go up to them, tap them nose-to-nose an showt "Bear!", jus to confirm their Bearisity.

An ov corse, the teem wiv the Bear won! Hrayyy!

Hmmm... bit ov a foto-jernol today! Never mind. I'll think ov sum mor werds for tomorro. I've bin doin sum deep thinkin laytely, an I mite hav sum deep kwestchuns for yu.

Bye fer now!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Weekend Report

Weekend's scores:
  • Gills: yes- score 1-1, so a not-a-lose
  • Simpsons: no
  • Tesco: yes- Mummy had a sudden choklit need. Her teeth grow bigger wen this happens an it can get scarey. Yu hav to get out the howse an find her sum choklit FAST. Luckily Tesco was still open.... women are WEIRD.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 12/10 Mummy tried to get me the same time as I got her but I ducked so I get to use the dubble-the-scor rule.
  • Overall Score bit scary, really, so 7/10

Yestaday was a bit scary cos there was a Earthquake near where Grandad lives. Not a big wun. We don't do big wuns in England. Just wuns big enuff to knock off chimneys, scare the cats an make peopol move out into tents where they get lots of free tea.

The odd thing is, it happened in KENT an also in SUFFOLK. Well, peeps, I liv in ESSEX, wich is the county in between these two. So how come it skipped us?

Well, folks, I shall tell yu how come........


Yes, I am still wearing it. 3 weeks now. In this time the it has enshord the followin:
  1. Gillingham hav stopt losing matches

  2. I chose the winner of the Grand Nashonal

  3. my team won University Challenge

  4. a 4.5 earthquake skipt my county an moved on to the next
There! An yu know wat? Mummy STILL keeps telling me to take it off so she can wash it. Tsk! Onnistly, I don't know wat other proof I can giv her.

all hail the lucky kit

Bye fer now!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My Lucky Kit

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10/10 (got Daddy into a deep an filosofical argument an then got his nose! HAHAhahaha)
  • Day Score: 7.392/10


Regular observers of my blog will remember that I had a good weekend, cos Gillingham won, an I chose the wining horse at the Grand Nashional. WELL! Larst night I watched University Challenge (Daddy likes to shout out the answers, Mummy likes recognizing pieces of music that nobody else cares about, an I like to see if they brort a Bear). Only wun team had a Bear on it AN THEY WON!!!!!!

me watching University Challenge

close-up of my team's Bear!

I was giving all this sum deep Bear Thort larst night wen I realised that I hav never worn this kit combo before. It must therefore be Very Lucky Indeed. So I am not going to take it off till the end of the football season, next month. Mummy tried to grab it off me earlier, saying it needs a wash, but I ran an hid behind a pile of Daddy's shoes (she never goes too near them) an got away with it this time. How I shall fend her off for another month, I'm not shor. Wat if she takes it off me in my sleep? Oh no!!! Me an Grayum will hav to take shifts.....

my Lucky Kit combo

Bye fer now!