WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


This month's scores:
  • Gills: we're top of the table!!!
  • Simpsons: havent seen a singel episode. Can yu beleev it? They continew to expose me to Family Guy (kwite like Rupert tho). Also, hav seen Amerrykan Dad. Roger the Alien guy, in the attic. I'm keepin an eye on him.
  • Tesco: yep, been kwite a few times.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: Absolutely serspendid! Daddy cort a bad germ off wun ov the kids at skool. He is in his 3rd week ov coffing. Mummy startid coffing last week. Ever wun to get her full munny's werth, she has also been pooing so mutch she has to stop midway and flush, then carry on (I lissen owtside. Wat can I say, I'm a spy, it's wat I do). Granny has had a sor throte an weer wayting to see if she gets ill too. 
  • Overall Score: Not bad, intresting. 8/10 


 Iym jus popping in to wish evrywun a Merry Crissmoss an thank yu all for the grayte cards an pressies yu hav been sending wile my sekritry has been unabol to help me updayte my blog. 

 I hope yu awl hav a grayte time!!!!! 

Nose hugs!!! 

 Bob T Bear (esq)


Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

Thanks Bob!! You have a great tree with loads of presents! You must have been extra good this year. Have a beary Merry Christma!

Buttons the Bear said...

Merry Christmas Bob! I got your card in the mail Christmas Eve, thank-you beary much, I haven't had a chance to open it yet as mom wants pictures and we was having company for dinner. You know how mom's can be when they are busy.

You will be receiving mine late as my dad just mailed my cards out yesterday. I hope you have a wonderful day. I can't wait to hear how you like it.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Julie said...

Yor tree is beeootiful! I hope evrywun is feelin abit betta. Thank Mummy for my lovely card xx♥xx

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Have a great Christmas Bob! Lots of Love, GrannyK xx

Sullivan McPig said...

Merry Christmas!
I received the awesome card you made for me! Thanks :-D
I myself will be sending New Year cards. December went by way too fast.

i beati said...

holographic tree pretty I yearn for Mamam's Christmas cards Can you persuade her to make some for next year I'll pay hardy love to all

Scala said...

Merry Christmas! Bob

Jerry and Ben said...

A Beary Merry Christmas Bob!!

The Teddy Bear Family said...

He came! He came!!!!!! Yippee, Santa (aka Father Christmas) came and brought us lots of stuff, and CANDY!!!! Yippeee.......

(The Teddy Bear's Mommy was left in the lurch while candy/gift frenzied bears went rnning off to play some more. So, hope you're having as Merry a Christmas as they are having, and stop spying on your mum. The bathroom is an inner santuary - a spy free zone. We wash teddy bears found near bathrooms. ;) )

CherryPie said...

It is nice to see you :-) Happy Christmas it looks like you have had a good day.

Ryan Lorenc-Haluska said...

Merry Christmas and Nose Hugs, Bob! I Must Say that we Loved our Wonderful Puffin Card! Thank you for Thinking of us! That Puffin Whooshed-In in a Flurry of Snow– that was a Welcome Sight to we Floridians!!! BTW, you are Certainly Welcome to Stop By and Visit for a Few Days when you are Ever on This Side of the Atlantic! And that is a Genuine Invitation! :o)

Beanie Mouse said...

Happy ChrissMoss Bob!!!! Hope you had a brillyant day!!!

BumbleVee said...

oh, dear.... I sure hope everybuddy over there gets all get better soon.... we have been sniffling a bit and some coughing happening too...but, not as bad as those two sound.....

Here's to a healthy New Year for us all!!

Feronia said...

Hope you had a Merry Christmas Bob and hope you have a fab 2013!
Lots of love from Australia,
Em & Woolley xx

Hammie Hamster said...

Happy new year!