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A queda do Muro de Berlim foi há 20 anos / The fall of the wall in Berlin was 20 years ago



1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre: twenty years ago, China's army forced a bloody confrontation against peaceful student demonstrators

The Tiananmen Square Massacre was twenty years ago! In Beijing, the resulting military response to the protesters by the People's Republic of China government left many civilians dead or severely injured. «The Gate of Heaven» became of Hell. Howmany died? Today, we dont't still know. But we don't remain silenced.



Notícias da semana: futebol, crise, gripe A... e Barbara Matera

Em semana mais "curta" logo no início se soube que Rui Costa fora castigado durante um mês. Não, não ... não foi o árbitro que foi castigado pela péssima arbitragem no Benfica-Marítimo, foi mesmo o dirigente (ex-jogador) do Benfica. Actualmente é politicamente correcto "roubar" o Benfica no campo e castigá-lo mais ainda na secretaria! Entretanto, os castigos para quem faz coisas muito piores (veja-se o caso do treinador Paulo Bento..,) ainda não saíram! Quando acabar o campeonato... cumprem o castigo!

Tivemos os jogos europeus da Champions League e da Uefa Cup com o Manchester a ser a única equipa a ganhar avanço na primeira e o Hamburgo a ganhar em Bremen na luta fraticida para a segunda, enquanto o Barça de Messi ficou em branco na terça-feira com o Chelsea (para a Champions) e os ucranianos hoje empataram entre si, mas a uma bola, para a Uefa.

Para além da crise económica, passamos a ter de aturar mais uma crise - a da gripe suína. Os porcos é que não gostaram nada de serem associados ao nome e toca a deliberar em Assembleia Geral um ultimato contra os humanos para a mudança de nome. Aliás, acho eu, que a transmissão do vírus dos suínos para os humanos já por si é vingança suficiente dos animais em retaliação por os andarmos a comer em presunto, em pezinhos de coentrada, em feveras e noutras manifestações. A verdade, é que com o receio do Triunfo dos Porcos decidiu mudar-se o nome para Gripe A. Como esta deliberação, "penso eu de que" não tem aplicação retrospectiva (não é como o aumento da taxa das tributações
autónomas, que mais do que retrospectiva foi retroactiva), estamos agora com uma doença que ainda não matou ninguém - os que morreram foi de gripe suína-, mas, que ameaça matar muita gente, tais os riscos pandémicos. Na realidade, o caso não está para brincadeiras...

Até porque (já) hoje, Dia do Trabalhador, vai mais parecer um Dia do Desempregado, tal tem sido o crescimento do número destes últimos...

Folgo em saber que, em Itália, as eleiçoes europeias vão ser muito mais interessantes do que cá.

Que pena! Basta olhar para esta candidata nas listas "del Popolo della libertà". Já estão a perceber porque motivos aqui as eleições europeias não vão ter interesse nenhum e a abstenção vai ser bem alta....



Budget Issues

"Friend, you cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. And what one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving it. The government can’t give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody. And when half of the people get the idea they don’t have to work because the other half’s going to take care of them, and when the other half get the idea it does no good to work because somebody’s going to get what I work for. That, dear friend, is about the end of any nation." - Dr. Adrian Rogers, Christian preacher.
(from here)



Make Peace Not War: What's Happening in Gaza ?

«It may be a new year, but the bloodshed in Gaza this past week is a clear reminder that there's no time to wait to protect human rights in 2009. ...

The U.S. government cannot continue this lop-sided blame on Hamas for the crisis. Ask Secretary Rice to urgently express deep concern about Israel's disproportional response and its policies which have brought the Gaza Strip to the brink of humanitarian disaster.» (from Amnesty International USA)



BUSH - A Cartoon Can Speak Thousand Words

Robert H. Reid I AP



Mugabe claims cholera was released by the British



A queda do muro de Berlim foi há 19 anos /The fall of the wall in Berlin was 19 years ago



United States: Presidential elections



Republic of Kosovo : Yes or no ?

Kosovo, Kosova, Kosovë; Косово и Метохија; Kosovo i Metohija



Australian Minister had to resign after an improper party

Australian New South Wales Police Minister Matt Brown resigned after it was revealed he had danced in his underwear at an office party and allegedly simulated a sex act with a female Labor MP during a drunken party at Parliament House. The Premier, Nathan Rees accepted Matt's Brown resignation.

Well, two things we conclude:

Minister is in fact a Minister and not a (normal) man.

Portuguese Ministers in comparison are (still) well-behaved.



Mugabe: You bloody idiots

Hint: Look for yourself



Tomorrow Ireland decides Treaty of Lisbon

Irish people is going to decide the future of Europe.

The population of the European Union is 490 million, according to the CIA World Factbook. If we imagine that 2/3 of the EU population is old enough to vote, that would work out at about 325 million. After the defeat of the EU Constitution in 2005 by Dutch and French voters (and the rejection of the first Treaty of Nice in Ireland in 2001), the elites of Europe have learned a valuable lesson: don't put vital matters of EU-wide importance to the people by referendum, because they might just vote the "wrong" way.

So, the Irish people are the only citizens in all the European Union to be given the right to vote on this so-called treaty. That is to say - out of some 325,000,000 Europeans who should be allowed to have their say, the fate of the EU will be placed in the hands of some 2,000,000 Irish voters

The EU's new Lisbon Treaty is under threat because Ireland is holding a popular ballot on the agreement ahead of a referendum.

Ireland is the only member of the 27-nation bloc that is holding the ballot and if the "no" vote wins a majority, it will be the end of the treaty. In a desperate attempt to get a "yes" vote, the Irish Premier Brian Cowen has resorted to appealing to the Irish nation's largely pro-European instincts.

Brussels now has to wait and see whether or not it gets a "yes" vote which will be announced on June 12. And if it fails to get the vote, it has to come up with a new strategy. But what?



USA is obstructing progress in Bali

«My own country, the United States, is principally responsible for obstructing progress here in Bali. We all know that» - said Al Gore, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, this Thursday, speeching at the UN Climate Change Conference in Nusa Dua, Indonesia.



Bush and the Portuguese language

The President of the United States, while discussing budgets issues, gave learning the Portuguese language as a second language an example of a wasteful project.

Bush is free to decide how to spend the budget money but he is, obviously, unaware that Portuguese language is the fifth most spoken language in the world.

Shouldn’t the Portuguese diplomacy act accordingly and manifest its disapproval?

Wastage is most certainly the time spent and space used up on this blog talking about Bush…


Bush e a língua portuguesa

O Presidente dos Estados Unidos da America, em discussão orçamental, deu o exemplo da escolha da língua portuguesa como segunda língua, como um paradigma do desperdício. Desconhecerá, absolutamente, que a língua portuguesa é a quinta língua mais falada no Mundo!

Não seria caso para a diplomacia portuguesa manifestar desagrado?

Desperdício é, com toda a certeza, gastar tempo e espaço neste blog para falar de Bush...



Tibet and Dalai Lama

This Wednesday, October 17th, the President of the United States will present His Holiness the Dalai Lama with the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal of Honor. Thousands of Tibetans and their supporters will be in Washington, D.C to celebrate this historic occasion. Following the award ceremony, the Dalai Lama will give a public address from the West Lawn of the Capitol.

This celebration will also mark the first public meeting between the Dalai Lama and a sitting U.S. President, following a wave of high profile meetings between the Dalai Lama and world leaders. Last month, he was warmly met by German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, despite strong objections from the Chinese government.

Unfortunately, more recently, Portugal's Government and its President didn't receive him officialy.



No Irão não há homossexuais... - Ahmadinejad

«No Irão não há homossexuais como no vosso país. Não temos disso no nosso país. No Irão não temos este fenómeno, não sei quem vos disse que temos» - Ahamadinejad, Presidente do Irão.



Marriage : A Temporary contract ?

Gabriele Pauli - German politician

Gabriele Pauli - Bavaria's most glamorous politician - wants marriage to expire after seven years and accused the CSU (Christian Social Union) which promotes traditional family values, of nurturing ideals of marriage which are wide of the mark.

"The basic approach is wrong ... many marriages last just because people believe they are safe," she told reporters. "My suggestion is that marriages expire after seven years."

Gabrieli Pauli, fifty-year-old and twice divorced, is standing for the leadership of Bavaria's CSU in a vote next week.