Showing posts with label woops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label woops. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Woops! They Forgot the H

Awareness is a dying art. Take, for example, my complete ignorance over the fact that in the fall of 1992 there existed a light-hearted sitcom set after the accidental release of nuclear missiles destroyed the majority of mankind. Because let’s face it: if there’s one subject that screams for ringing laughter courtesy of a studio audience, it’s the apocalypse.

Thanks to YouTube, that same wondrous creation that gave us Rebecca Black, Wicker Man compilations, and kittens playing the piano, FOX’s quickly cancelled Woops! remains as alive as the six lucky surviving stock characters it starred. Like many conventional sitcoms of its era, the show hasn’t aged well, but that doesn’t make it any less bizarrely fascinating, so much so that THE spokesman and president of the Dead 2 Rights (motto: Changing minds, not eating them) and myself just had to tackle this failed comedic exercise.
If you’re not familiar with Wayne Kotke, then let our co-discussion on Woops! be your entryway into a world of wonder. Wayne is a blogger, musician, comic scribe, and all-around superstar whose talents pretty much defy description. To learn more of this zombie--er, living impaired gentleman of whom I bestow my fondest praise, head over to his home base where you can find daily Zomby comics (just like another unlucky big-nosed Z-named character, but funny and dead) told with Wayne’s unique voice. Over yonder is the link to our Woops! writeup, complete with streaming links to the special Christmas episode.

What, you thought there’s no Christmas in the apocalypse? Santa DOES have a bomb shelter you know. And survivor’s guilt. 
Get to it!