Showing posts with label brazil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brazil. Show all posts

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Somewhere Beyond the Grave, Dull Stuff Happens

Zombies! Apocalypse! Samurai swords! Magical ear-bleeding harmonicas!

Damn you raised expectations.

Quick Plot: In ‘another time, another place’ (presumably in the future), a dark clad man (known only as The Officer) wanders the post-apocalyptic landscape in search of The Dark Rider, a mysterious, maybe supernatural killer terrorizing what’s left of humanity. The radio bids whoever is still out there to have a nice day, with little optimism that anyone is listening to say thank you. Also in the mix is a trio of bizarro harmonica playing murderers and a small population of the walking dead.

I guess they eat human flesh? It’s never explained, which is actually quite neat. For the first half hour or so of its running time, Beyond the Grave offered something truly refreshing: a different kind of apocalypse. Filmed in Brazil by newcomer Davi de Oliveira Pinheiro, it mixes standard zombies with a sort of free-range magic element set against a rather beautiful (and rarely seen on film) landscape. 

Boy did I want to like this movie.

Much like the Civil War zombie opus Exit Humanity, Beyond the Grave is an ambitious piece of work that combines recognizable horror tropes with a different kind of storytelling. The Officer is a stoic hero (I guess) who gradually amasses fellow survivors, all equally defensive, quiet, and hard to care about.

At a certain point, I realized Beyond the Grave was a story of a man of no words entering dark buildings to investigate weird occult signs while he tells a young teenage couple to wait in a car until something comes up, at which point one of of them runs into said dark building to retrieve said man of no words and they move on.

This happens twice.

Thankfully, we get a minor reprieve when we meet a few more dynamic characters holing up in an old school building. Like everyone else in this movie, we never have any idea how they are related to one another, but at least the man in charge smiles.

In this movie, that’s a feat.

I respect Beyond the Grave quite a bit. It goes for something new and doesn’t back away from doing so without mercy. Unfortunately, it also finds a way to bleed every minute in such a way that makes the experience feel endless. At about the halfway mark, something huge happens that seems to redirect the entire story. It’s fairly awesome in theory, except that a) the movie doesn’t fully follow through with it in any way that seems to make sense and b) there’s still half of a dull movie left to struggle through.

I did not enjoy Beyond the Grave, but I’m hesitant to not recommend it. Much like Exit Humanity, it earns high marks for being different...and low ones being kind of a drag.

High Points
Melissandro Bittencourt’s gorgeous cinematography goes a long way in aiding the unearthly tone of the film’s untraditional apocalypse

Low Notes
While some of the actual zombie designs are interesting enough, close-ups on my 52” screen TV revealed some distractingly wonky detailing 

Lessons Learned
You don’t need bullets to learn how to shoot

Shocking bit of education, I know, but please: don’t put your bare foot on the chest of a man who has incredibly easy access to a samurai sword

When wielding said samurai sword, be wary of walls

Beyond the Grave is worth a viewing, if only to see some genre film from a less cinematically active region. It has a few neat tricks up its sleeve for zombie fans or those with an appetite for unusual horror. But man oh man, it doesn’t make it easy on the viewer. I found Beyond the Grave a sluggish experience, yet I’m still putting director Pinheiro on my radar. He has an eye. Now let’s hope he finds a way to make it work with the rest of his filmmaking senses.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

At Midnight, I'll Have a Snack (and if I'm still hungry, I'll take your soul)

There’s a place for cheese and I’m not just talking about nachos. At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul is the first entry in the long-running "Coffin Joe" franchise, a collection of low budget Brazilian films that follows an enigmatic mortician as he pisses off townspeople by killing some men, raping some women, and proving that a cape and top hat never go out of style. All in all, it’s an entertaining romp that never really scares but often amuses.

Quick Plot: We begin with not one but two prologues set against thunder and extreme close-ups. First, Coffin Joe himself (writer/director Jose Mojica Marins) spins off some deep and dark philosophy, followed by a Gypsy witch ominously warning us to abandon the theater before it’s too late. Five seconds later, it’s too late and the story gets rolling as Joe prowls through his little village with the power of Monty Burns and the fashion sense of Mr. Hyde. Married but childless, he comforts himself by eating lamb on Holy Friday, whipping bar patrons who question his poker winnings, and lusting after the nice young woman engaged to his best (and understandingly) only friend. All the while, Joe keeps his funeral services in business by occasionally providing his own clients.

Poor CJ. Despite his refreshingly lack of a boggy conscience, the man is bored. Neither God nor Satan seems to want to play, even after he spends an agonizing ten minutes inviting the pair during a dark-and-stormy night rant. Having killed anyone around him that has the guts to engage in conversation, Coffin Joe is forced to make new friends and wait for the return of the souls he's wronged.

At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul is something of a cult classic, as it introduced the world to South America’s most charismatic sicko. Jose Mojica Marins' films are still being made today (the most recent, Embodiment of Evil, is newly available on DVD) but this was my personal introduction. As a horror movie, it’s more than dated and fairly weak with no real scare value to keep you up at night. As a piece of entertainment, however, it has an earnest (although a little more disturbing) John Waters-esque sense of camp that is hard to resist. I love an indie whose budget feels scrapped from used sofa cushions, and Coffin Joe's debut is sincere. Any film that uses Elmer’s glue and glitter as a visual effect deserves at least some kind of genuine praise.

High Points
The opening credits are scored to a weird and unsettling mixture of drums and screams, creating the mood for a much more atmospheric film than the one we’re given

I’m a sucker for anything set during Day of the Dead, and Joe’s midnight stroll does get a boost from its time and place

Low Points
Maybe this is addressed in a flashback sequence from subsequent films, but a little explanation of a) what made Joe such a jerk and b) how he still managed to have (an admittedly daft) friend would have given the character something extra

Lessons Learned
Expressive eyebrows will instill a very high level of fear amongst small town barfolk

If your prediction is death, you get a free fortune reading from the local Gypsy witch

Brazilian tarantulas bite very gently

If you’ve never met Coffin Joe, then this is worth a rental. Its minor infamy is a great starting point to a 50+ year series and you have to admire some of the work done with such limited time and resources. One DVD extra is a thorough interview with the chatty (and still long-nailed) director-star, who reveals quite a few details about just how bare bones production really was. I’m curious to see how Joe’s quest for the perfect family evolved over the years, but I’m not about to shuffle the queue just yet. Your life won’t be incomplete if you skip this film, but ff you’re a true horror fan interested in older films with more camp than thrills, then I recommend At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul for a fast and fluffy 90 minutes of popcorn enhanced fun.