So I'm a woman of a few talents (surviving bad cinema, badminton, Boggle) but like any mere mortal, certain skills elude me. Organization. Social planning. Planning. Planning socialism, you get the idea.
For instance, I announced a contest several months back which still excites me, and yet I've yet to select a winner. What this means is 1) I will do so this weekend and 2) Said winner will receive a special "I'm sorry I'm a procrastinating poophead prize," fear not, not comprised of poop. This also means I will start reviewing the recommended films with intros from the lovely and daring souls who entered.
Also, it's social blogging season and like most times of year, I rarely seem to be 'wid it.' I've had half a Billy Loves Stu inspired meme sitting in my draft box for a month, 9 entries into my Horror Digest honored Willies, and terribly lax thank yous for Versatile Blogging.
But finally, I found a trend I can easily hop onto! No, not Bandz or street dancing (well, kind of street dancing...hint hint bonus episode of the GleeKast coming at you in 3D!) but the Screen Grab Meme Spectacular bestowed upon me by none other than the baton-twirling BJ-C of Day of the Woman . Bloggers are ordered to grab a few images with one unifying theme. Now I combed through my globby brain for days trying to figure out what would be appropriate before finally bashing my own noggin with a frying pan for overlooking the obvious.
Starting with The Godfather of Dollinema...
whose name need not be said
Baby Oopsy Daisy, Demonic Toys
Dolly Dearest, Chucky's first true love
Cowboy Curtis (I'm guessing), from Stuart Gordon's Dolls
Billy Baloney, Pee-Wee Herman's naughty friend. True story: despite my doll phobia, this thing lived in my house all through my childhood. As recently as three years ago, my mother kept it on top of the refrigerator and would occasionally bring it to the dinner table with the prime aim of making me uncomfortable.
Dream Warriors Got No Strings!
One of the eeriest (if memory serves) PG-Rated films of all time, Roland Emmerich's (yes, that Roland Emmerich) Joey, aka Making Contact
Further proof that all dummies are evil: Anthony Hopkins and Fats, Magic
May and Suzy
The soon-to-be-Criterioned Night of the Hunter
It takes a bad man to combine clowns with dolls.
Steven Spielberg, I see your true soul.
Blade, the respectable leader of the Puppet Master series
Mannequins = Dolls all grown up.
Mannequins=me crying in the corner
An underrated anthology classic, Tales From the Hood
And we conclude with the question that's plagued mankind throughout the ages:
How'd it get buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurned?
I was supposed to use this space to tag fellow bloggers to make them work, but how can I focus on choosing who to assign Googling to when the best YouTube compilation of all time is screaming at me?