Showing posts with label voodo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label voodo. Show all posts

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Film Club + Reader Recommendation x Jumpsuits = The Sweetest Hill of All

See, in Canada we don't get Netflix. And because of that, I don't have access to all these movies. And I'd LOVE to be able to finally see it. The radio ad for it is one of my favourites. "Roses are red. Voodoo is blue. Sugar is sweet. Revenge is sweeter".I mean, foxy mamas, voodoo and zombies? Come ON! So you have to watch it for me. Do it for me. Do it for the Canadian who can't watch it.”--Ghoul Friday

1974’s Sugar Hill has been on my radar for several years now yet somehow, I never felt quite hip enough to watch it. Putting aside my pasty whiteness and general nerditude, the film’s cult status genuinely intimidated me. But as a fortune cookie once told me, fear is just excitement in need of an attitude adjustment and when Stacie Ponder announced Sugar Hill as December’s Final Girl Film Club pic, my fate was sealed.
I would walk the funk.
Quick Plot: Diana “Sugar” Hill is enjoying a glittering night at her fella Langston’s nightclub, partially because her beau is wearing a suit that actually glitters. Note that he’s the most sedately dressed man in the room.

The evening gets a whole lot less starry when evil real estate tycoon Morgan and his racist crew (plus a Fabulous henchman named Fabulous) beat Langston to death. It’s a bummer, but Sugar has the luck of having a voodoo priestess in the family who knows a thing or two about summoning a vengeance smart demon. With a few pieces of jewelry and an IOU soul, Sugar has the gloriously tophatted Baron Samedi and his pinball eyed minions hunting down each of Langston’s murderers with innovative homicide on their zombie minds.
The story, you see, is quite simple. Sugar wants revenge. Sugar gets revenge.

The beauty of Sugar Hill, however, is that how she gets it is simply a joy to behold. A rundown:
-bait ‘n switch at Le Whores Massage Parlor
-eaten alive by fasting hogs
-knocked down by a hopping disembodied chicken leg
Dig it?
Sugar Hill is a fairly infamous gem of the blaxsploitation era and having FINALLY watched it, it’s easy to see why. While the racist dialogue that rings out of every white character’s mouth is squirm-inducing, the film itself never feels racist or uncomfortable to watch. We WANT these bigoted jerks to lose, and an audience of any color can appreciate a smokin’ hot, well dressed and groomed chick directing scenes of carnage like Tyra Banks at an ANTM photo shoot.
This being horror, I suppose it’s worth asking and answering whether Sugar Hill is actually a scary film. At times, sure. Though Samedi is closer to Sweet the dancing demon from Once More With Feeling than anything terrifying, actor Don Pedro Colley brings an interesting (and, am I strange, sexy) creepiness that we can’t be sure will spare our spunky heroine. With their spider web wrapped bodies, his zombies have a memorable strangeness that works despite (or perhaps, because of) the film’s overall lack of gore. Some pretty rough violence is suggested, and even though we’re pretty much all for it due to the sliminess of the villain/victims, director Paul Maslansky (who sadly directed nothing else) is wise to not beat us over the afros with blood and guts.

High Notes
In her early scenes, Marki Bey feels way too classy and sweet to possibly turn into the hell-breathing vengeance madam she becomes. After a surprisingly disturbing suicide induction, however, Bey makes a subtle but perfect transformation into a woman in full control of all her tools, from her bargaining business abilities to the easy chemistry she sparks up with virtually every one of her male costars. It's not necessarily as fun a performance as you'd expect from this era, but it's still enigmatic enough to keep your eyes glued to the screen.

Lessons Learned
Always be sure to wear a nude nylon stocking over your face when planning on killing a high profile businessman. Sure, your flashy one of a kind zoot suit might be a giveaway, but it never hurts to add a tad of discretion
White people suck
If there’s one sad fact I’ll humbly accept from this movie, it’s this: in no way do I possess a mere pinkyful of the coolness it would have taken to flourish in the 1970s. Sigh. Perhaps I should be thankful that I grew up in an age where role models were ET and Jem.
I must use dynamite as a synonym for great way more often than I do now
For whatever crime of mankind, Sugar Hill isn’t officially available on DVD in the US, though you can enjoy it through the wonders of Instant Watch and Midnite Movies. It’s certainly a treat worth tracking down and/or calling upon your favorite sharply dressed voodoo  demon for a wide release. In the meantime, bulk up your sugarcation with a trip to Final Girl for a roundup of other reviews.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Nasch This

Don’t hurt me, but I have something quite shaming to say:
Before last week I had never seen a Paul Naschy film.

Ouch! I should’ve said not the face.
Anyway, it’s true. I can reenact every Freddy Krueger kill and identify each of Toulan’s puppets, but somehow, in 28 5/6 years on this planet, I simply haven’t delved into the weird and wonderful world of Spain’s most memorable genre star. 
That was certainly one reason for jumping on the Vicar of VHS and Duke of DVD’s Paul Naschy November Blogathon. The other being their site, Mad Mad Mad Mad Movies, is a joyous blogging nook of the horror world, oozing with dry wit and affectionate reviews of some of the worst movies ever made. Be sure to head their this month to see what these royal noblemen have brewing!
Until then, let’s get avenging.
Quick Plot: A married couple argues over whether to do some grave robbing. Today, this is what celebrities call ‘irreconcilable differences.’
It’s off to the mausoleum of a murder victim, where our morally questionable pair are soon locked inside with a reanimated corpse. Death happens. Insanely jazzed credits roll. Life is good.

Over in England, the redhead Elvire introduces her friend to her HIndu mystic Krisna, played (in one of three performances) by Sir Naschy. Though Krisna’s brand of self-burning and peacefulness seems to be drawing the British crowds, he and his entourage 

(which includes a gorgeous Catherine Zeta Jones-ish Indian lass...

a mysterious farmer with a comically oversized pitchfork...

and henchman baring an odd resemblance to the killer in Terror Train)

 take leave in Elvire’s homeland right after her father and house servants are brutally slain. 
It doesn’t take too long for Krisna and Elvire to fall in love, he for her crimson hair and blue velour and feathered fashion sense, she for his very own Naschyness. There are complications, of course. A spurned lover. A mangled faced brother who likes to abuse voodoo. The Devil.

You know, the typical roadblocks every new couple meets.
Vengeance of the Zombies is an unusual movie, and I mean that as a compliment. Between brutal dream sequences and bizarre voodoo inspired kills, you never quite know what you’ll get next, nor is it easy to read any of the characters’ motives. It’s a rare treat to be able to say that of any genre film.

High Points
Jumping jazz hands this score was a blast! Tribal drums, smooth jazz, frantic jazz, classical cellos, disco magic, elevator about diversity
Death by soda can. DEATH BY SODA CAN!!!
Low Points
Though I liked Rommy’s portrayal of Elvire (even despite the fact she’s a pesky one-named actress) it’s always a disgruntling sight when I see a female character stand back and worriedly watch her lover be attacked by a villain. Dear, please: there are always things you can throw, even if you have the arm of a girl

Lessons Learned
You know your marriage is in trouble when the only thing that gets your wife hot is robbing a grave
Like any person that loves comfort, Satan is not above lounging in a fluffy bathrobe
Voodoo is a great outlet for those with an interest in arts ‘n crafts
The Winning Line
“It was there my brother raped her, causing her death. It was supposedly an accident.”
Why, please why, is there no flashback to an accidental rape/manslaughter???
Stray Observation
Are morticians all closeted members of Overeaters Anonymous? I’ve lost count of how many movies set in a morgue involve the supposed professional chomping down on a sandwich a mere foot and half away from the recently deceased

I thoroughly enjoyed Vengeance of the Zombies for its unique visual and audio style. Though the final act dragged a little, it’s an oddly fascinating little movie that combines a surprisingly complex story with some rather elegant gore. Zombie fans looking for some typical Romero shamblers should be warned that the titular monsters here are more old school, but don’t let that deter a rental. It’s something fresh, something colorful, and bazoinks was that score groovy.

Now get thee to Mad Mad Mad Mad Movies for more Nasclogging!