Showing posts with label striping tape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label striping tape. Show all posts

23 October 2016

Matching Manicures - Teal

Nova nedelja, nova tema. Ovog puta nosimo petrolej lakove. Ugrabila sam koji minut da iskombinujem dva i uradim ovaj jednostavan i brz, a nadam se zanimljiv manikir.

New Sunday, new theme. This time we are wearing teal polishes. I took this opportunity to combine two of them in this fast and easy, and hopefully interesting mani.

01 February 2015

Matching Manicures - Tape mani

Ovonedeljna tema usklađenog manikira je manikir napravljen uz pomoć lepljive trake. Ovakvi manikiri su veoma zgodni jer se mogu postići zanimljivi oblici i jasne linije bez mnogo muke. Jedino treba paziti da je osnovni lak suv. Ovog puta sam želela da uradim nešto kompleksnije, ali ne preterano komplikovano i nadam se da vam se rezultat sviđa.

This week the theme for Matching Manicures is tape mani. This sort of manicure is quite convenient because it allows for achieving interesting shapes and crisp lines without much trouble. You only need to make sure the base colour is dry. This time I wanted to try something more complex, but not too complicated and I hope you like the final result.

11 January 2015

Matching Manicures - pruge

Ove nedelje na noktima nosimo pruge. Uprkos lošem vremenu i osvetljenju uspela sam da snimim manikir koji sam spremila za ovu temu.

This week we're matching our manicures in stripy theme. Despite bad weather and even worse lighting I managed to take several snaps of mani I have prepared for this theme.

09 January 2015

Essie Serbia Nailfie

Početkom decembra Essie Srbija je objavio nagradni konkurs za koji sam se konačno nakanila nešto da napravim. Isprva sam htela da napravim klasičnu sliku jednog od Essie lakova koji mi stoje neisprobani, ali sam ipak odlučila da uradim nešto kreativnije. Konkurs traje do 10. januara, biće 30 dobitnika, a nagrade su Essie lakovi (jedan lak po dobitniku).

Essie Serbia has announced a contest that I have finally decided to enter. At first I thought I could just post a regular swatch photo of one of several untried Essie polishes I have, but instead I opted to do something a bit more creative.

21 December 2014

Matching Manicures - jelka

Usklađeno društvo je odlučilo da ovih nedelja radimo praznične i sezonske manikire. Iako ne ne marim mnogo za ove praznike uradiću sve predložene manikire koji ne zahtevaju crtanje. Današnja tema je jedna od tih nezahtevnih - novogodišnja jelka.

Matched-up gals have decided to dedicate matching manicures in following weeks to holiday and seasonal themes. Even though I don't care much about holidays I will do all suggested manis as long as they don't require me to try to draw on my nails. Today's theme is one of those simple themes - we're doing Christmas tree.

17 December 2013

Essence Superheroes dekoracije

Napokon se Superheroes kolekcija pojavila i u našim Lilijima. Cela kolekcija je posvećena noktima i sastoji se od šest lakova za nokte, skidača laka, tri vrste šljokica, četkice za nanošenje šljokica, dve vrste nalepnica i nesesera-tašnice. Zadovoljstvo mi je da vam konačno predstavim dekoracije koje sam dobila na recenziju, a u nekom od kasnijih postova ću vam pokazati i par lakova iz ove kolekcije koje sam odabrala. Neseser neću predstavljati, samo ću spomenuti da košta 399 dinara i da ga nosim u torbi uz svoj redovni neseser. U ovom držim priručnu turpiju i balzam za zanoktice. Predstavljene proizvode sam dobila na iskrenu recenziju. Za više informacija vidite moju politiku rada.

Superheroes trend edition finally hit our drugstores. The entire collection is nails-related and sonsists of six nail polishes, a polish remover, three sorts of glitter dust, a brush for glitter application, two sets of stickers and a cosmetics bag-purse. It is my pleasure to finally be able to show you the products I received for review, and I will show you a couple of polishes I picked from the collection. I won't show you the cosmetics bag, I'll just say I carry it in my bag alongside my usual cosmetics bag and I use it to keep a spare nail file and cuticle balm. I have received these products for an honest review. For additional info see my disclosure policy.

19 December 2012

Novogodišnji manikir

Kako je boja laka koji sam namazala bila idealna za novogodišnji manikir, iskoristila sam priliku da isprobam traku za ukrašavanje koju sam uzela na sajmu, a i da malo trošim silne šljokice kojih sam se nakupovala (i koje konstantno kupujem) po kineskim radnjama.

Since the polish I had applied is perfect for holidays mani, I took the opportunity to try the striping tape I bought at the cosmetics fair and to use some of the glitter I keep on buying and almost never use.

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