Pre tačno šest meseci sam imala čast i zadovoljstvo da budem kuma srednjoškolskoj drugarici, partneru u kafanisanju i društvenim igrama i koleginici zahvaljujući kojoj sam našla svoj prvi stalan posao. Zbog pandemije je proslava bila veoma mala, ali zato veoma prisna. Izašla sam malo iz svog uobičajenog crnila i nosila sam medenu šarenu bluzu te su i nokti morali da se slažu sa njom.
Exactly six months ago I had the honour and pleasure to be maid of honour to a highschool friend, drinking and boardgaming buddy and a person thanks to whom I found my first permanent job. Because of the pandemic, the guest list was extremely short, which made the entire day more intimate and truly lovely. I stepped out of my usual black clothes and I wore a cute colourful blouse, so my nails had to match.