Showing posts with label mint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mint. Show all posts

27 June 2021

CND Vinylux Mint Convertible

Koliko god da ne delim boje na letnje i zimske (završnice su već druga priča), lepo vreme nekako mami da nosim mintaće. U ovom slučaju, Vinylux Mint Convertible. Vinylux su hibridni lakovi firme CND i kod nas se mogu nabaviti u Unitechu. Cena je 1117 dinara za bočicu od 15 ml, ali veoma često budu na sniženju.
While I don't separate nail polish colours by season (finishes are a different story), nice weather tempts me to wear mint polishes. In this case, Vinylux Mint Convertible. Vinylux are hybrid polishes by CND and come in 15 ml bottles.

17 March 2021

Flormar Full Color FC23 Petite Mint

Pošto smo u petak mazale mint lakove i pokazala sam vam tačkasti manikir, vreme je da vam predstavim i lak koji sam koristila kao osnovu. Dobila sam ga prošle godine, dok smo još radili iz kancelarije, od koleginice kojoj nije legao. Kako volim mintaće, nisam se bunila :) Flormar lakovi se mogu nabaviti u Lilly i DM drogerijama i koštaju oko 120 dinara, mada često budu na popustu.
Since we have worn mint polishes since Friday and I have already shown you my dotticure, it is time to show you the polish I used as base. I have gotten it last year, while we were still working from the office, from a coworker who didn't feel it. And as I love minty polishes, I didn't object :)

12 March 2021

Minty Dotticure

Uporedo sa povratkom blogu, vratila sam se i Instagramu, mada iz sasvim drugih razloga. Ranije sam imala dosta slobodnog vremena i to sam vreme rado provodila na Instagramu. Onda sam imala sve manje vremena i prolazili bi dani, nedelje pre nego što bih pokrenula aplikaciju. Sticajem okolnosti, poslednjih nekoliko meseci zbog posla često idem na Instagram te tako osim poslovnih stvari vidim i ponešto od onoga što meni dragi ljudi kače. Takođe je sada skoro godinu dana otkako radim od kuće te pauze ne mogu da provodim u razgovoru sa kolegama, ali zato mogu da gledam razne lepe slike. Tako sam naišla na nagradni izazov koji je pokrenuo sajt Whats Up Nails. Trenutna tema za izazov su tačkice.

As I returned to my blog, I returned to Instagram as well, although due to a different cause. I used to have a lot of free time, which I loved to spend on Insta. Then I had less and less time and days and weeks would go by without me even starting the app. However, it happened that I actually need to use Instagram for work quite often, which means that alongside business-related stuff, I also catch a glimpse of what people I follow shared. And it is now almost a year since I've been working from home, whiche means that I am no longer spending my breaks talking to my coworkers, but I can spend them now looking at pretty pictures. That is how I found a nail art challenge by Whats Up Nails, and the current theme is dotticure.

03 September 2016

Born Pretty BP-X09 Stamping Plate

Danas vam predstavljam još jednu od novih kvadratnih Born Pretty pločica i jedan od odličnih Born Pretty pečatnih lakova.

TOday I am showing you another Born Pretty square image plates and one excellent Born Pretty stamping polishes.

26 July 2016

OPI This Cost Me A Mint

Znate da je kolekcija nežnih boja dobra kada se nekome poput mene dopadnu čak dve od šest nijansi. To je bio slučaj sa ovogodišnjom OPI Soft Shades kolekcijom. No, pošto su u dve prolećno kolekcije izbacili dva pastelno-žuta laka, nisam mogla da prelomim koji bih uzela te sam uzela samo mintać. OPI lakovi ne koštaju pravo bogatstvo, ali nisu ni jeftini s obzirom na cenu od 990-1200 dinara. Ima ih u Sefori, Primax apotekama, Ivančić i sinovi apotekama i u Nail Line-u. U Primax-u su neke boje na rasprodaji i možete ih uzeti za 700 dinara, a svakog 15. u mesecu možete nesnižene lakove kupiti sa 15% popusta, dok su kod Ivančića u Nušićevoj na sniženju od 20% svakog prvog četvrtka u mesecu.

You can tell that soft colours collection is good when even someone like myself likes two shades out of six. That was the case with this year's OPI Soft Shades collection. However, since they have made two pastel yellows for two spring collections, I could not decide which one I like better so I only got myself a mint polish. Despite the name, it did not cost a mint, but a bit less.

23 July 2016

Born Pretty BP-L006

Dok iščekujem da mi stignu nove Born Pretty pločice za pečatiranje, evo prikaza još jedne od starijih velikih BPS pločica. ONa je trenutno na sniženju od 50% i košta svega $2,59.

While I am waiting for new Bor Pretty stamping plates to arrive, here's a review of one of the older large BPS image plates. It is currently on 50% discount and retails for only $2.59.

21 May 2016

MoYou Nails 403

U poslednje vreme MoYou Nails stalno ima neke akcije, specijalne ponude, a ja sam malo posustala sa predstavljanjem njihovih proizvoda. Pa dok je još u toku akcija da se za dve kupljene pločice dobijaju još dve, hajde da predstavim jednu od njihovih pločica.

MoYou nails has been having various special offers lately and I kinda neglected showcasing their stamping plates. So let's show you one while they are having "buy two, get two" special offer.

23 April 2016

Matching Manicures - Flowers

Hvatam poslednji voz da učestvujem u ovonedeljnom usklađenom manikiru - za sutra imamo novu temu i potrudiću se da spremim taj manikir na vreme. Do tada možete baciti pogled na moju interpretaciju cvetne teme.

I am taking the last chance to take part in this week's matching manicures - we have another theme for tomorrow and I will do my best to prepare that mani in time. Until then you can take a look at my interpretation of floral theme.

21 April 2016

Cuccio Mint Condition

Kako to često biva, poslednjih dana mi se dešavao život pa nisam imala priliku da vam ovaj veseli mint lak, koji i dalje nosim na noktima, pokažem kada sam to planirala. No nije avionski let u pitanju pa verujem da vam neće smetati što članak kasni koji dan. Cuccio lakovi imaju 13 ml, koštaju 550 dinara i mogu se nabaviti u salonima koji koriste ovaj brend, a o detaljima se možete raspitati kod uvoznika Silver Line doo.

As it happens so often, life has been getting in my was these past several days so I didn't get a chance to write about this cheery mint polish, which I am still wearing, when I intended to. Fortunately, this is not a scheduled flight, so I trust that you won't mind that this post is a couple of day late. Cuccio polishes come in 13 ml bottles and are available at salons and salon supply stores.

27 March 2016

Matching Manicures - Spots & Dots

Ne znam za vas, ali ja jedva dočekah lepo vreme, ma kako sveže bilo. Još bih više uživala da nisam u sred renoviranja stana i da ne moram da živim u isparenjima različitih lepkova i farbi i u neoperivoj prašini od maltera. No da ne idem u digresiju, danas se u sklopu usklađenih manikira tačkamo, a meni se nešto radio veseo manikir. Nadam se da će vam se svideti.

I don't know about you, but I am so happy nicer weather finally started, despite it being quite chilly. I'd enjoy it more if I was not in the middle of home renovations and if I was not forced to live in paint and glue fumes and in fine dust from wall paint. But I digress. We are doing dotted manis for this week's theme. I hope you'll like it.

22 January 2016

Ya Qin An Stamping Polish - Orange & Green

Ya Qin An Stamping Polish (#21282)

Uz par Born Pretty lakova za pečatiranje, uzela sam na testiranje i par Ya Qin An lakova za pečatiranje. Ovi lakovi su spakovani u bočice koje sadrže čak 18 ml. Puna cena im je $8.66, ali su trenutno na sniženju i koštaju $5.99.

Along with a couple of Born Pretty stamping polishes, I have taken also a couple of Ya Qin An stamping polishes. These polishes come in large 18 ml bottles. They retail for $8.66, but currently they are on sale and cost $5.99.

19 September 2015

Born Pretty BP-L007

Prošle nedelje sam pokazala jedan damastni manikir, a sada predstavljam Born Pretty Store pločicu koja sadrži dosta takvih starinskih, tekstilnih i heraldičkih motiva.

Last week I showed you a damask mani and now I am presenting you a Born Pretty Store stamping plate that has many such vintage, heraldic and textile patterns.

12 September 2015

Born Pretty 09 i BP-09

Pre nego što mi stignu nove Born Pretty Store pločice, volela bih da pokažem one koje mi već mesecima stoje neisprobane ili makar nepredstavljene. Među njima prednjači ovaj par BPS pločica iz prve kolekcije - originalna Born Pretty 09 i njena unapređena verzija BP-09.

Before new Born Pretty Store stamping plates arrive I want to show you those that I've had for months and that I still haven't either used or reviewed. Foremost this pair of image plates from the first BPS collection - the original Born Pretty Store 09 and its improved counterpart BP-09.

11 September 2015

MoYou Nails 232

Posle kratke pauze i razmišljanja kako da radim francuski manikir na ovako kratkim noktima, nastavljam predstavljanje MoYou Nails pločica upravo jednom koja ima motive za frenč.

Image plate 232

After a short break and contemplating how to do French mani on my nubbins, I continue reviewing MoYou Nails image plates with one that has only French tips.

29 August 2015

MoYou Nails 74

MoYou Nails pločica koju vam danas predstavljam ima pomalo starinske motive pa mi se fino uklopila u raspoloženje koje me drži od steampunk manikira.

Image plate 74

MoYou Nails image plate I am showing you today has a vintage-y feel so it fit perfectly with the mood I was in since steampunk manicure.

08 August 2015

Born Pretty BP-L024

I danas sam u cvetnom raspoloženju pa vam predstavljm jednu Born Pretty Store pločicu sa floralnim motivima.

Today I'm still in flowery mood so I am showing you a Born Pretty Store floral stamping plate.

04 July 2015

MoYou Nails 305

U četvrtak je počeo osmi Japanizam i, iako je tema yōkai za koju bi prigodna bila MoYou Nails pločica 304, dobar deo onoga što se vidi svake godine na Japanizmu je kawaii, tj. slatke, simpatične stvari i njima savršeno odgovara MoYou Nails pločica 305.

MoYou Nails Image Plate 305

The eight Japanizam festival began this Thursday and, even though the theme this year is yōkai that MoYou Nails 304 would be suitable for, what we usually see on this festival is kawaii, that is sweet, cute stuff MoYou Nails stamping plate 305 is perfect for.

21 June 2015

Matching Manicures - pastel

Za neonski tematski manikir predvidljivo nisam imala materijal, ali za pastelni neočekivano imam.

One could rightly expect that I don't have what to make a neon manicure with, but surprisingly I do have means to do a pastel one.

29 May 2015

MoYou Nails 300

Početkom meseca sam spomenula kako je MoYou Nails izbacio novu kolekciju pločica pod imenom Concept Collection. U kolekciji se nalazi deset tematskih pločica koje se dosta razlikuju od onoga što smo ranije viđali kod MoYou Nails. Naime, na pločicama motivi nisu jasno razdvojeni kao na starima već prekrivaju celu pločicu i donekle se preklapaju. Neki su taman za ceo nokat, neki su samo detalji, neki su toliki da treba da se prostru preko više noktiju... Na svakoj pločici ima svega od ovoga. Kako je moj prvi susret sa ovakvim pločicama prošao možete pročitati u nastavku.

MoYou Nails Image Plate 300

I have mentioned in my monthly overview that MoYou Nails has made a new collection of stamping plates called Concept Collection. It consists of ten individually themed stamping plates that are a lot different from what we've seen so far from MoYou Nails. What I mean is that these plates don't have clearly separated designs, but motifs that cover entire plate and that overlap to an extent. Some of them are large enough to be full nail images, some are small accent images, some are so large they go over several nails... Every image plate in this collection has a bit of everything. You can read about my first experience with this sort of stamping plate after jump break.

06 April 2015

OPI Hawaii - Little Hulas

Napokon su stigle nove kolekcije OPI lakova, uključujući i letnju kolekciju, inspirisanu Havajima. Osim dvanaest pojedinačnih lakova u prodaji se nalazi i set od četiri mini laka. Meni se ovakvi setovi dopadaju jer mi daju priliku da isprobam boje koje inače ne bih ili da imam mikro pakovanje nekog laka koji mi treba za nail art, a ne bih ga koristila često. Ovaj set se zove Little Hulas, sadrži četiri mini laka (4 x 3,75 ml) sa OPI ProWide četkicom i košta 1560 dinara. Ove ste boje juče mogli da vidite zajedno u usklađenom manikiru, a danas svaku predstavljam pojedinačno.

At last the new OPI collections have arrived, including Hawaii collection for this summer. Along twelve individual full size polishes it also contains a four piece mini set. I love this sort of nail polish sets because they give me opportunity to try colours I normally wouldn't or to own a micro package of a polish I'd only use for nail art and seldom at that. This set is called Little Hulas and it contains four mini polishes with OPI ProWide brush. You have seen all these colours in my yesterday's mani, and now I show them individually.
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