Showing posts with label MoYou Nails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MoYou Nails. Show all posts

08 March 2017

Matching Manicures - Inspired by Fashion

Prošle nedelje sam preskočila usklađeni manikir, a i sa ovonedeljnim kasnim jer u poslednje vreme ne stižem da mažem nokte. Ipak sam pokušala da ovom prilikom pomirim i aktuelnu i preskočenu temu i nadam se da će vam se rezultat svideti.

I skipped last week's matching manicure, and I am late with this week's theme because I haven't had time lately to paint my nails. However, I did try to combine current and skipped themes in today's mani and I hope you'll like the end result.

29 January 2017

Matching Manicures - Inspired by Jewellery

Nakit je jedna od stvari koje mnogo volim. Godinama nisam mogla da nabavim nakit kakav mi se sviđa pa sam počela sama da ga pravim (Cajkin kovčežić sa blagom). Danas ipak imamo daleko veću ponudu nakita i prošle godine sam naišla na ženu koja pravi zaista fantastične stvar od stakla, plemenitih minerala i mesinga, pod imenom Art Manufaktura Gea. Brzo sam skupila pravu malu kolekciju i znala sam da će mi ovaj nakit biti inspiracija za današnju temu. Ukoliko se i vama sviđa, možete ga stalno naći na Katapultu u Knez Mihailovoj 5.

Jewellery is on of the things I really like a lot. For years I've been unable to find pieces to my taste so I started making it myself (Cajkin kovčežić sa blagom). These days however we have much wider variety of jewellery and last year I found a woman who is making these amazing pieces from glass, minerals and brass, called Art Manufaktura Gea. I have easily created quite a nice collection and I knew that this jewellery will be my inspiration for today.

12 December 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired by Pinterest

Još jedan manikir čija se tema ponavlja je na redu ove nedelje. Inspiraciju tražimo na Pinterestu, a plašim se da sam ja malo preterala i skoro u potpunosti iskopirala manikir koji mi je privukao pažnju.

We have another repeat for a theme this week. We're looking for inspiration on Pinterest, and I am afraid I overdid it and nearly completely copied the mani that had caught my eye.

10 November 2016

MoYou Nails 432

MoYou Nails s vremena na vreme organizuje takmičenje/izazov za blogere i ovog puta sam se i ja priključila i mogu reći da zaista jeste bio izazov. Dobila sam dve pločice po izboru MoYou Nails i trebalo je sa njima da napravim dovoljno reprezentativne manikire da mogu da ih podelim sa svetom. Jedna pločica mi je bila prilično neinspirativna, a ova sa motivima za francuski manikir mi se svidela, samo sam se plašila da neću moći ništa da izvedem zbog trenutne dužine noktiju. No snašla sam se i zapravo sam zadovoljna rezultatom, a nadam se da će se i vama svideti ovo što sam spremila.

From time to time, MoYou Nails holds a contest/challenge for bloggers and this time I took part in it and I can honestly say that it was challenging. I received two image plates chosen by MoYou Nails and was supposed to make manis that would look good enough to share. One stamping plate didn't really speak to me, but this one with French tips designs I liked, I was just worried that wouldn't be able to showcase it with my current nail length. However, I did manage to come up with something I like and I hope you'll like it as well.

30 October 2016

Matching Manicures - Halloween

Ne znam za vas, ali ja sam uveliko u veštičjenoćnom raspoloženju - dakle nosim šišmašnu, klasične avatare sam promenila u rogate i opskrbila sam se mračnom literaturom. :D Red je da i manikir bude u skladu sa ostatkom.

I don't know about you, but I've been in Halloween-ish mood for some time - I've been wearing my bat-bow, I've changed my regular avatars to the one with horns and I have enough dark literature at hand. :D It is only natural that my nails should match the rest.

16 October 2016

Matching Manicures - Lišće

Danas nam je tema lišće i mada ne mora nužno da bude jesenje lišće, ja sam bila u raspoloženju za prikladan sezonski manikir.

Today's theme is leaves, and while it doesn't have to be autumnal leaves, I was in the mood for a season-appropriate mani.

11 September 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired by Supernatural

Posle letnje pauze, vraćaju se i Usklađeni manikiri. Nastavljamo gde smo stali sa temama za Izazov 31 dana, što znači da je na redu manikir inspirisan natprirodnim. Pošto sam i dalje prilično nevešta u crtanju, morala sam da se ograničim na ono što mogu da izaberem sa pločica koje imam i brzo sam našla motive koji mi se sviđaju. Iako sam zamišlju zadovoljna, izvedbom baš i nisam, a u nastavku možete pročitati zašto.

Matching Manicures are returning after summer break. We're picking up from where we'd stopped with 31 Day Challenge themes, which means that this week it is turn to be inspired by supernatural. Since I am still bad at drawing, I had to limit myself to motifs I could find on my stamping plates and I was actually quick to find suitable images. However, even though I am happy with my particular idea, I am not as pleased with how it turned out. You can read why after page break.

09 July 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired by Fashion

Kako sam osoba koja ne prati modu, trendove i sl. ova tema mi je posebno teško pala. No, s druge strane, tema je takva da nismo ograničeni samo na savremene modne tendencije već se možemo inspirisati i modom prohujalih doba ili drugih naroda, civilizacija. Stoga sam se odlučila da inspiraciju potražim u dalekom Japanu, a tome je sasvim sigurno doprinela činjenica da je prošle nedelje održan Japanizam i da se preko puta mog štanda nalazio štand Tsubaki kimono.

Being someone who is not into fashion, trends and such, I found this theme to be a chore, which is why I am only publishing this article at the last moment. However, on the other hand, the theme is such that we are not limited to current fashion trends, but we can take our inspiration from fashion of times gone by, of different peoples or civilisations. That is why I looked for my inspiration far away, in Japan, and the fact that Japanizam had just ended and that Tsubaki kimono booth was right across mine had figured greatly in this decision.

26 June 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired by a Book

Posle prošlonedeljene pauze, danas se vraćam usklađenom manikiru. Danas za temu imamo nešto meni veoma blisko - knjige. Ukoliko me pratite na Instagramu (@cajkinekandze), znate da uživam u čitanju, posebno jezovitih priča. Stoga nisam imala ni trenutak dvojbe šta će mi biti inspiracija - Montegju Roudz Džejms i Džozef Šeridan Le Fanu, tj. stara Wordsworth Editions izdanja zbirki njihovih pripovedaka.

After last week's break from Matching Manicures, I am back again. Today we have something really close to my heart as a theme - books. If you follow me on Instagram (@cajkinekandze), you already know that I enjoy reading books, especially chilling stories. That is why I did not have a moment of struggle what will be my direct inspiration - Montague Rhodes James and Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, i. e. old Wordsworth Editions collections of their stories.

27 May 2016

MoYou Nails 400

Pošto MoYou Nails "kupi dve pločice, dobijaš još dve" ponuda i dalje traje (do kraja meseca), red je da vam pokažem još jednu njihovu pločicu i to jednu od meni najdražih među četvrtastima.

Since MoYou Nails "buy two, get two" offer on stamping plates is still active (until the end of the month), I think it is only fair to show you another one of their image plates and this is one of my favourites from their square plate line.

21 May 2016

MoYou Nails 403

U poslednje vreme MoYou Nails stalno ima neke akcije, specijalne ponude, a ja sam malo posustala sa predstavljanjem njihovih proizvoda. Pa dok je još u toku akcija da se za dve kupljene pločice dobijaju još dve, hajde da predstavim jednu od njihovih pločica.

MoYou nails has been having various special offers lately and I kinda neglected showcasing their stamping plates. So let's show you one while they are having "buy two, get two" special offer.

14 May 2016

Moyra Nail Art Stamping Plate 07 Labyrinth

Ne mogu da se otrgnem utisku da pečatiranje noktiju polako uzima zamah u Srbiji. Em mi se čini da se žene i devojke sve više interesuju, em se i uvoznici više okreću etabliranim proizvođačima. Moram priznati da do pre par meseci nisam znala da mađarski brend Moyra ima pločice za pečatiranje, a čim sam se zainteresovala ispostavilo se da ih je naš uvoznik, Nail Line, imao i na stanju. Ukoliko ste u Subotici možete po njih otići lično, a za nas ostale preostaje naručivanje sa sajta Cena pločica je 795 dinara, a poštarina je oko 250 dinara.

I can't escape the notion that there is more and more interest for nail stamping in Serbia. Not only are girls and women more interested in this form of nail art, but importers are turning to more established brands as well. I have to admit that up until several months ago I had no idea that Hungarian brand Moyra offered image plates as well, but as soon as I expressed interest in them, it turned out that our importer, Nail Line, has them in stock. If you are in Hungary, you can order them from the official website, and if you are elsewhere, ships internationally. Moyra stamping plates retail for 5.90 €.

01 May 2016

Matching Manicures - Geometric

Juče ste u prikazu MoYou Nails providnog pečata mogli da vidite deo današnjeg manikira. Tema su nam geometrijski oblici i zamalo da odem najpredvidljivijim putem za mene (ahem, Mondrijan, Kandinski, Metropolis) no u poslednjem trenutku sam se predomislila i izvukla nešto malo drugačije, mada ne van moje zone prijatnosti.

You could see a portion of today's mani yesterday in MoYou Nails clear stamper review. This week's theme is geometric design, and I nearly went the most obvious way for me (ahem, Mondrian, Kandinsky, Metropolis), but at the last moment I changed my mind and took a bit different turn, albeit I did not push myself outside of my zone of comfort.

29 April 2016

MoYou Nails Clear Stamper

Kako su se pojavili prvi prozirni pečati, tako sve više proizvođača opreme za nail art plasira na tržište svoje verzije. Među njima je i MoYou Nails, čiji prozirni pečat danas predstavljam. Providni pečati su verovatno najkorisnija alatka za pečatiranje koju trenutno imamo te mi je drago što postoji i velik izbor ovih pečata.

Ever since the first clear stampers hit the market, more and more nail art tools manufacturers are coming up with their own versions. Among them is MoYou Nails, whose clear stamper I am showing you today. Clear stampers are probably the most useful stamping tool we have at the moment, so I am glad that there is such a large selection.

23 April 2016

Matching Manicures - Flowers

Hvatam poslednji voz da učestvujem u ovonedeljnom usklađenom manikiru - za sutra imamo novu temu i potrudiću se da spremim taj manikir na vreme. Do tada možete baciti pogled na moju interpretaciju cvetne teme.

I am taking the last chance to take part in this week's matching manicures - we have another theme for tomorrow and I will do my best to prepare that mani in time. Until then you can take a look at my interpretation of floral theme.

26 March 2016

MoYou Nails 412

Za slučaj da niste saznali preko društvenih mreža, proleće nam je stiglo. :D Vreme ovih dana je bilo više jesenje, ali sam ipak u veoma dobrom raspoloženju i baš su mi se pečatirali neki veseli prolećni motivi. Prošlonedeljni tematski zadatak mi je došao kao poručen za testiranje upravo ove MoYu Nails pločice.

In case you haven't been informed via various social networks, Spring has begun. :D We've been having more of an autumnal weather these days, but nevertheless I've been in quite a good mood and wanted to stamp some Spring-themed designs. Last week's matching manicures theme was the perfect occasion for me to try out this MoYou Nails stamping plate.

20 March 2016

Matching Manicures - Proleće

Kalendarski danas na našoj hemisferi počinje proleće i to nam je povod i tema za ovonedeljni usklađeni manikir. Sa lepšim vremenom meni dolazi i bolje raspoloženje pa sam bila spremna za nešto malo komplikovanije od onoga što inače radim za tematske manikire. Nadam se da će vam se svideti.

Astronomically, today is the day Spring begins in our hemisphere and that is the cause and theme for this week's matching manicure. My mood improves with better weather so I was willing to do a bit more complicated than what I usually do for these manis. I hope you'll like it.

05 March 2016

MoYou London Fashionista 11

Osim lakova za nokte, NailLand drži i opremu za pečatiranje nekih od najpopularnijih brendova. MoYou London i Mundo de Uñas su dva takva brenda. MoYou London pločice koštaju 6,50 €, a Mundo de Uñas lakovi za pečatiranje su 2,20 € (5 ml) i 4,90 € (14 ml). NailLand šalje robu širom sveta - za Evropu šalju GLS-om (General Logistics Systems) i mađarskom poštom (Hungarian Post), a za ostatak sveta samo preko mađarske pošte. Za Srbiju šalju preko mađarske pošte (sa praćenjem) i poštarina je 10 € za narudžbine do 5 proizvoda, odn. 15 € za narudžbine preko 5 proizvoda, a besplatna je za pošiljke preko 75 € odn. 100 €. Ako se nađete u Budimpešti, možete posetiti i njihovu radnju u centru WestEnd u Váci ulici. Takođe svake nedelje organizuju takmičenja na svom Instagram nalogu u kojima možete osvojiti kupone za popust na njihovom sajtu.

Besides nail polishes, NailLand carries stamping supplies by some of the most popular brands. MoYou London and Mundo de Uñas are two of those brands. MoYou London plates are 6.50 €, and Mundo de Uñas stamping polishes cost 2.20 € (5 ml) and 4.90 € (14 ml). NailLand ships worldwide - for Europe via GLS (General Logistics Systems) and Hungarian Post, and for the rest of the world only via Hungarian Post. Shipping via Hungarian Post is with tracking and costs € 10 for orders up to five items and € 15 for orders larger than five items. They also offer free shipping for orders over €75 (up to five items) and € 100 (over five items). If you are in Budapest, you can visit their shop at WestEnd City Center at Váci street. They also organize weekly contests on their Instagram and you can win discount for shopping on their website.

13 February 2016

MoYou Nails 402

Još jedna pločica koju sam koristila u jednom od skorašnjih usklađenih manikira je MoYou Nails 402. Kakve se sve lepote kriju na njoj i kako sam ih ja upotrebila možete videti u nastavku članka.

Another image plate that I have recently used for a Matching Manicure is MoYou Nails 402. You can learn what wonders it holds and how I used them after page break.

12 February 2016

Born Pretty BP-77

Ako ste mislili da sam odustala od Born Pretty pločica za pečatiranje, prešli ste se. Samo sam ih malo zapostavila. Istini za volju, ni oni neko vreme nisu izbacili nešto novo što bi mi zagolicalo maštu, a one pločice koje mi stoje neisprobane i nepredstavljene me nisu baš inspirisale. No kada su mi stigli lakovi za pečatiranje koje sam u januaru predstavila, taman sam ih uparila sa dve BPS pločice koje do tada nisam koristila. Jedna od njih je BP-77.

If you thought that I had given up on Born Pretty image plates, you were wrong. I just neglected them a bit. To be fair, they haven't placed a new plate that would tickle my fancy in a while, and those stamping plates that I haven't shown yet aren't inspiring me to use them. But when new stamping polishes that I reviewed in January had arrived I combined them with two of those unused BPS plates. One of them is BP-77.
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