Pre par godina me je za rođendan Jeca iznenadila lakom koji nikada nisam očekivala da ću posedovati - OPI DS Original iz 2008. godine. Mada su u međuvremenu izašli mnogo kvalitetniji holo lakovi, ovaj vredi spomenuti jer bih rekla da je bio ispred svog vremena. I ispred onoga što OPI danas radi.
A couple of years ago, Jeca surprised me with a polish I never expected to own - OPI DS Original, from 2008. While much better holo polishes have been made since, this one deserves a mention because it was ahead of its time. And ahead of what OPI is doing today.
Showing posts with label Color Club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Color Club. Show all posts
31 July 2021
12 March 2021
Minty Dotticure
Uporedo sa povratkom blogu, vratila sam se i Instagramu, mada iz sasvim drugih razloga. Ranije sam imala dosta slobodnog vremena i to sam vreme rado provodila na Instagramu. Onda sam imala sve manje vremena i prolazili bi dani, nedelje pre nego što bih pokrenula aplikaciju. Sticajem okolnosti, poslednjih nekoliko meseci zbog posla često idem na Instagram te tako osim poslovnih stvari vidim i ponešto od onoga što meni dragi ljudi kače. Takođe je sada skoro godinu dana otkako radim od kuće te pauze ne mogu da provodim u razgovoru sa kolegama, ali zato mogu da gledam razne lepe slike. Tako sam naišla na nagradni izazov koji je pokrenuo sajt Whats Up Nails. Trenutna tema za izazov su tačkice.
As I returned to my blog, I returned to Instagram as well, although due to a different cause. I used to have a lot of free time, which I loved to spend on Insta. Then I had less and less time and days and weeks would go by without me even starting the app. However, it happened that I actually need to use Instagram for work quite often, which means that alongside business-related stuff, I also catch a glimpse of what people I follow shared. And it is now almost a year since I've been working from home, whiche means that I am no longer spending my breaks talking to my coworkers, but I can spend them now looking at pretty pictures. That is how I found a nail art challenge by Whats Up Nails, and the current theme is dotticure.
15 April 2017
Born Pretty BP-L010
Mada generalno nisam ljubitelj etno motiva na noktima, ovi na Born Pretty BP-L010 pločici su toliko topli da sam morala da ih iskoristim za ovo lepo vreme.
#19365 |
While I am normally not a fan of ethic patterns on nails, these from Born Pretty BP-L010 stamping plate are so warm that I had to use them for this nice weather.
Born Pretty,
Color Club,
Ya Qin An,
11 April 2017
Color Club Oh Deer!
Još jedan neočekivani lak koji mi je Suzi skinula sa liste želja je Color Club Oh Deer! iz Cabin Fever kolekcije za jesen 2015. godine. Iako pod normalnim okolnostima nisam lubitelj karamel/oker nijansi, ovaj je lak bio tako upečatljiv da sam morala da ga imam, a uz to mi se odlično slaže sa omiljenom torbom.😁 Nažalost, Color Club nije više dostupan kod nas i može se nabaviti samo preko interneta.
Another unexpected polish that Suzy had taken off my wish list is Color Club Oh Deer! from Cabin Fever collection for autumn 2015. Even Though I am usually not a fan of caramel/ochre shades, this polish is so striking that I had to have it. And it goes so well with my favourite bag.😁 Sadly, Colour Club is no longer available in Serbia, but it can be found online.
09 February 2017
Born Pretty Shine in the Dark
Born Pretty Store je izgleda zaista odlučio da pravi dobre linearne holo lakove. Ovaj koji danas predstavljam je bio ljubav na prvo mazanje. Puna cena mu je 20$, što je za preskupo za 10 ml laka, ali trenutno se nalazi na sniženju i može se kupiti upola cene.
Born Pretty Store seems to have truly decided to make good linear holo polishes. The one I am showing you today was love at first stroke. It costs $20, which is too much for 10 ml of polish, but it is currently discounted and you can get it at half the price.
14 January 2017
Born Pretty BP-L054
Kada pomislim na pločice sa geometrijskim dezenima, nešto poput ove pločice mi nije baš prva pomisao. To je dobro jer znači da nisu u pitanju baš česti motivi. |
When I think of stamping plates with geometric designs, something like this image plate does not exactly spring to mind, which is good because it means that there are not many like it out there.
05 June 2016
Matching Manicures - Inspired by Color
Danas za odgovor na nedeljnu temu inspiraciju tražimo u određenoj boji. Ili u mom slučaju u odsustvu boje. :D Od početka sam znala da ću za ovu temu raditi crni manikir. Izdvojila sam tri omiljena crna laka i verujem da sam ih iskombinovala na ukusan i zadovoljavajući način.
For this weeks theme we are looking for inspiration in colours. Or, in my case, in absence of colour. :D I knew from the start that for this theme I was going to do a black mani. I have selected three of my favourite black polishes and I trust that I have combined them in a tasteful and pleasing way.
29 May 2016
Matching Manicures - Water Marble
Ovonedeljna tema je jedna od meni najzeznutijih tehnika - mramoriranje u vodi. Sama izrada mi je zabavna, uključujući i greške, ali čišćenje nije i zato sam ovog puta varala. Čak ni to nisam uradila baš najbolje - nikada od mene neće postati dobar prevarant. :D
This weeks theme is one of the trickiest techniques - water marble. The technique itself is fun, even mistakes, but cleanup is far from it so I decided to cheat this time. And I couldn't even do that properly - I'll never become a good cheat.
14 May 2016
Moyra Nail Art Stamping Plate 07 Labyrinth
Ne mogu da se otrgnem utisku da pečatiranje noktiju polako uzima zamah u Srbiji. Em mi se čini da se žene i devojke sve više interesuju, em se i uvoznici više okreću etabliranim proizvođačima. Moram priznati da do pre par meseci nisam znala da mađarski brend Moyra ima pločice za pečatiranje, a čim sam se zainteresovala ispostavilo se da ih je naš uvoznik, Nail Line, imao i na stanju. Ukoliko ste u Subotici možete po njih otići lično, a za nas ostale preostaje naručivanje sa sajta Cena pločica je 795 dinara, a poštarina je oko 250 dinara. |
I can't escape the notion that there is more and more interest for nail stamping in Serbia. Not only are girls and women more interested in this form of nail art, but importers are turning to more established brands as well. I have to admit that up until several months ago I had no idea that Hungarian brand Moyra offered image plates as well, but as soon as I expressed interest in them, it turned out that our importer, Nail Line, has them in stock. If you are in Hungary, you can order them from the official website, and if you are elsewhere, ships internationally. Moyra stamping plates retail for 5.90 €.
Born Pretty,
Color Club,
Dance Legend,
MoYou Nails,
24 April 2016
Matching Manicures - Delicate Print
Današnja tema za usklađene manikire je jedna od onih koje se mogu tumačiti na više načina. Moja prva pomisao je bila porcelan, a odmah potom mi je na pamet pala čipka. No ni najfinija čipka se ne može porediti sa čipkom koju stvara priroda te sam na kraju završila sa paučinom na noktima.
Today's matching manicures theme is one of those that can be interpreted in so many ways. My first thought was fine china, but immediately afterwards I thought abut lace. However, not even the finest lace can compare to the lace created in nature so I ended up with cobwebs n my nails.
15 February 2016
Color Club The Uptown (reformulated)
Color Club je 2013. godine napravio nekoliko zaista dobrih lakova, a među njima se, u kolekciji Girl About Town, našao The Uptown. Marry ga je blagovremeno nabavila, a ja sam se nećkala jer mu je veoma sličan Layla The Butterfly Effect. Naravno, kada sam odlučila da ga ipak želim, Color Club je uradio ono što mrzim kada proizvođači urade - potpuno je promenio lak, ali mu je ostavio ime. Ne znam kojoj svrsi to služi sem da razočara korisnike.
In 2013. Color Club placed several really great nail polishes and among them, in Girl About Town collection, was The Uptown. Marry had bought it in time, and I initially wanted to gave it a miss because it was similar to Layla The Butterfly Effect. Naturally, when I decided that I do want it, Color Club did that which I hate when manufacturers do - they changed the polish entirely and left the name. I have no idea to what end unless the goal is to annoy consumers.
13 February 2016
MoYou Nails 402
Još jedna pločica koju sam koristila u jednom od skorašnjih usklađenih manikira je MoYou Nails 402. Kakve se sve lepote kriju na njoj i kako sam ih ja upotrebila možete videti u nastavku članka. |
Another image plate that I have recently used for a Matching Manicure is MoYou Nails 402. You can learn what wonders it holds and how I used them after page break.
07 February 2016
Matching Manicures - ljubičasto
Danas usklađujemo manikire u raznim tonovima ljubičaste. Iako imam dosta ljubičastih lakova bilo mi je veoma teško da smislim šta da radim za današnju temu, što zbog same teme, što zbog mog trenutnog (ne)raspoloženja, što zbog nagomilanih obaveza. No nešto sam uspela da izvedem i nadam se da će vam se svideti.
Today we are matching our manis using different shades of purple and violet. Even though I have a lot of purple polishes it was difficult for me to think up a mani - partly because the theme as such, partly because of my mood and partly because of my other engagements. However, I did manage to put something together and I hope you'll like it.
04 January 2016
Dance Legend Spacecraft
Naravno da prilikom poslednje kupovine indie i drugih lakova kojih nema kod nas nisam odolela crnom hlo laku i morala sam da ga uzmem. Ovog puta je to Dance Legend iz New Prism kolekcije koji mi je dugo bio na listi želja - Spacecraft. New Prism lakovi su spakovani u bočice od 15 ml i na Hypnotic Polish koštaju 12,5 €.
Naturally, when I last had the opportunity to order some indie or polishes otherwise unavailable in Serbia, I couldn't resist a black holo polish and I had to get it. This time it was a Dance Legend from New Prism collection that has been on my wish list for a while now - Spacecraft. New Prism polishes come in 15 ml bottles and retail for € 12.5 on Hypnotic Polish.
13 August 2015
Matching Manicures - leptiri
Retko ovde delim crtice iz privatnog života i to činim samo kada one imaju veze sa manikirom koji predstavljam. Prošle nedelje je moj privatni život pretrpeo snažan udarac - prerano i krajnje iznenadno sam izgubila veoma dragu osobu. Imam gotove članke koje sam zakazala da se objavljuju kako bih održala neki stepen normalnosti u svakodnevici, ali mazanje noktiju mi je poslednja stvar na umu i to će biti slučaj sigurno još neko vreme. Danas se osećam tek toliko bolje da odgovorim na temu usklađenog manikira, ali to činim samo zato što su tema leptiri, a moja M. je uvek bila poput leptira - nežna, prelepa i stalno u pokretu.
I rarely share things from my private life here and I do it only if they are in some way connected to the mani I am showing you. Last week I suffered a terrible blow - I've lost a very dear person, unexpectedly and far too soon. I have some posts scheduled to keep some level of normality in my daily life, but painting my nails is the last thing on my mind and it will certainly stay that way for some time. I do feel well enough to do this weeks' matching manicure, but I'm only doing it because the theme is butterflies and my M. was like a butterfly - delicate, beautiful and always on the move.
31 July 2015
MoYou Nails 225
Danas je na red za predstavljanje stigla još jedna MoYou Nails pločica sa motivima za francuski manikir. |
Today is turn for another MoYou Nails image plates with French tips designs to get a blogpost review.
China Glaze,
Color Club,
Don Juan,
frenč/French manicure,
MoYou Nails,
06 June 2015
MoYou Nails 301
Znate da nisam baš ženstvena devojka i zato sam isprva za predstavljanje ove tematske pločice iz MoYou Nails Concept kolekcije htela da uradim svega dva manikira. Tema pločice je prilično ženstvena, pomalo klinačka, što zaista nije moj fazon i plašila sam se da neću imati inspiraciju za više od par manikira. No sama me je pločica povukla i nadam se da će vam se svideti šta sam uradila. |
You know I am not a girly girl and that is why at first I had planned to do only two manis to showcase this MoYou Nails Concept Collection stamping plate. The theme of this image plate is very feminine, a bit childlike, which really isn't my thing and I was afraid I won't be inspired to do more than a couple of manicures. However, this plate turned out to be quite inspiring and I hope you'll like what I came up with.
09 May 2015
MoYou Nails 71
Pločica koju vam danas predstavljam je od onih sa malim, pojedinačnim slikama, koje mi generalno nisu među omiljenima. No ova konkretna pločica je veoma zanimljiva i to ne samo zbog samih motiva koji se na njoj nalaze već zato što tri motiva imaju svoje pandane za pun nokat na MoYou Nails 86. Sviđa mi se što MoYou Nails ponekada pravi ovakvu vezu između pločica jer to može, ako imate obe pločice, dati zanimljive kombinacije u manikirima. Ipak sam umesto neke od takvih kombinacija odlučila da vam ovom prilikom pokažem preostale četiri slike. |
The image plate I am showing you today is one of those with small individual images, the sort I generally don't like. But this particular plate is quite interesting and not only because of the choice of images, but because three of them have full nail counterparts on MoYou Nails 86. I like how MoYou Nails sometimes connects plates like this because, if you have both plates, you can create some particularly interesting manis. I have decided not to show you those this time and instead to showcase other four designs.
02 May 2015
MoYou Nails 98
Obećavam, ovo je poslednja pločica sa životinjskim šarama. Za sada. :D |
I promise, this is the last animal print image plate. For now. :D
22 March 2015
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