Kako sam osoba koja ne prati modu, trendove i sl. ova tema mi je posebno teško pala. No, s druge strane, tema je takva da nismo ograničeni samo na savremene modne tendencije već se možemo inspirisati i modom prohujalih doba ili drugih naroda, civilizacija. Stoga sam se odlučila da inspiraciju potražim u dalekom Japanu, a tome je sasvim sigurno doprinela činjenica da je prošle nedelje održan Japanizam i da se preko puta mog štanda nalazio štand Tsubaki kimono.
Being someone who is not into fashion, trends and such, I found this theme to be a chore, which is why I am only publishing this article at the last moment. However, on the other hand, the theme is such that we are not limited to current fashion trends, but we can take our inspiration from fashion of times gone by, of different peoples or civilisations. That is why I looked for my inspiration far away, in Japan, and the fact that Japanizam had just ended and that Tsubaki kimono booth was right across mine had figured greatly in this decision.