Showing posts with label OPI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OPI. Show all posts

31 July 2021

OPI DS Original

Pre par godina me je za rođendan Jeca iznenadila lakom koji nikada nisam očekivala da ću posedovati - OPI DS Original iz 2008. godine. Mada su u međuvremenu izašli mnogo kvalitetniji holo lakovi, ovaj vredi spomenuti jer bih rekla da je bio ispred svog vremena. I ispred onoga što OPI danas radi.
A couple of years ago, Jeca surprised me with a polish I never expected to own - OPI DS Original, from 2008. While much better holo polishes have been made since, this one deserves a mention because it was ahead of its time. And ahead of what OPI is doing today.

19 March 2021

Distressed Nails

Pre tačno šest meseci sam imala čast i zadovoljstvo da budem kuma srednjoškolskoj drugarici, partneru u kafanisanju i društvenim igrama i koleginici zahvaljujući kojoj sam našla svoj prvi stalan posao. Zbog pandemije je proslava bila veoma mala, ali zato veoma prisna. Izašla sam malo iz svog uobičajenog crnila i nosila sam medenu šarenu bluzu te su i nokti morali da se slažu sa njom.

Exactly six months ago I had the honour and pleasure to be maid of honour to a highschool friend, drinking and boardgaming buddy and a person thanks to whom I found my first permanent job. Because of the pandemic, the guest list was extremely short, which made the entire day more intimate and truly lovely. I stepped out of my usual black clothes and I wore a cute colourful blouse, so my nails had to match.

15 March 2021

Baze za popunjavanje brazdi iliti Ridge Filler

Nedavno smno na Ani pričali o brazdama na noktima i kako se boriti sa njima. Pošto za najčešći vid brazdi leka nema, savet je da treba koristiti posebne baze za popunjavanje brazdi. Nažalost, izgleda da potražnja za njima u Srbiji nije dovoljna da nam ih uvoznici ponude kada ih već firma koju uvoze nudi (ahem, Essie i Catrice) ili da domaći proizvođači smatraju da treba da ih naprave (Aura, Galaxy, nadam se da se prepoznajete). No našlo se nekoliko izuzetaka o kojima bih danas želela da porazgovaramo.

We had a discussion recently at Ana forum about nail ridges and how to deal with them. Since there is no "cure" for the most common form of ridges, general advice is to use ridge filling base base coats. Unfortunately, it looks like there is no demand for them in Serbia so importers and distributors are not interested in getting them when the company they are dealing with has them in their range of products (Essie and Catrice come to mind), or our local manufacturers don't find interest in making one (that would be Aura and Galaxy). However, I could find several exceptions that I would like to write about today.

12 March 2021

Minty Dotticure

Uporedo sa povratkom blogu, vratila sam se i Instagramu, mada iz sasvim drugih razloga. Ranije sam imala dosta slobodnog vremena i to sam vreme rado provodila na Instagramu. Onda sam imala sve manje vremena i prolazili bi dani, nedelje pre nego što bih pokrenula aplikaciju. Sticajem okolnosti, poslednjih nekoliko meseci zbog posla često idem na Instagram te tako osim poslovnih stvari vidim i ponešto od onoga što meni dragi ljudi kače. Takođe je sada skoro godinu dana otkako radim od kuće te pauze ne mogu da provodim u razgovoru sa kolegama, ali zato mogu da gledam razne lepe slike. Tako sam naišla na nagradni izazov koji je pokrenuo sajt Whats Up Nails. Trenutna tema za izazov su tačkice.

As I returned to my blog, I returned to Instagram as well, although due to a different cause. I used to have a lot of free time, which I loved to spend on Insta. Then I had less and less time and days and weeks would go by without me even starting the app. However, it happened that I actually need to use Instagram for work quite often, which means that alongside business-related stuff, I also catch a glimpse of what people I follow shared. And it is now almost a year since I've been working from home, whiche means that I am no longer spending my breaks talking to my coworkers, but I can spend them now looking at pretty pictures. That is how I found a nail art challenge by Whats Up Nails, and the current theme is dotticure.

26 February 2021


Sećate se onih školskih sastava Proleće u mom gradu ili Proleće u mom parku? Danas nosimo ekvivalent toga na noktima. Pošto ne delim lakove po sezonama, morala sam da proleće na noktima dočaram na neki drugi način. Kako nisam talentovana za crtanje, mislila sam da će mi pečatiranje bolje ići, ali sam zaboravila da je me teško čak i da bojim unutar linije, što sam planirala da radim. No šta je tu je, ovo je moj prolećni manikir.
In Serbia, a staple theme for essays in primary school used to be Springtime in my city or Springtime in my park. Today we are translating that theme to our nails. Since I don't separate my polishes by season, I had to depict springtime on my nails in a different way. Not having a tallent for painting, I thought stamping should be a way to go, but I forgot I can't even colour inside the lines, which is what I was planning to do. It is what it is, and what it is is my spring mani.

19 February 2021

Wycon Sugar Effect 808 Blu Glitter

Ne znam zašto nisam ranije objavila ovaj članak, imajući u vidu da sam slike snimila još 2017. godine i da je Wycon u međuvremenu stigao u Srbiju. No to sada nije važno. Važno je da su nažalost za proizvođače teksturci bili samo prolazni trend za sezonu-dve, a meni su među omiljenim lakovima i za njima posežem kada ne znam šta bih namazala.
I don't know why I haven't published this post earlier considering that I have taken these photos in 2017. and that Wycon has since come to Serbia. However, that doesn't matter. What matters is that, sadly, textured polishes were just a fad for manufacturers, and they turned out to be among my favourite polishes and that they are my go-tos whenever I don't know what to wear on my nails.

16 May 2017

OPI Midnight in Moscow

Moja averzija prema braon lakovima ne jenjava, ali nađe se ponekad neki koji je tako lep da ga moram imati. U ovom slučaju ulogu je odigrala i činjenica da već imam nekoliko tamih OPI šimera i da se ovaj savršeno uklapa u moju kolekciju. Imajući u vidu moju nesklonost prema braon boji, nije mi se plaćala puna cena za nov primerak te sam uzela polovan za siću. OPI lakove inače možete kupiti u Primax i nekim drugim apotekama, Nail Line-u, Sefori, a od pre nekoliko meseci nekih boja ima i na Lilly sajtu. Polovne primerke, kakav je ovaj moj, možete uzeti na Krpicama i forumima poput Ane.

My aversion to brown polishes is still going strong, but from time to time I run into a brown polish that is so pretty that I just have to have it. In this case, it was also partly due to the fact that I already have quite a selection of dark OPI shimmers that this one fits into perfectly. I did not want to pay full price for new polish (what with my aversion to brown and all), so I got it second hand for peanuts.

15 April 2017

Born Pretty BP-L010

Mada generalno nisam ljubitelj etno motiva na noktima, ovi na Born Pretty BP-L010 pločici su toliko topli da sam morala da ih iskoristim za ovo lepo vreme.

While I am normally not a fan of ethic patterns on nails, these from Born Pretty BP-L010 stamping plate are so warm that I had to use them for this nice weather.

30 March 2017

OPI Lincoln Park After Dark Suede

Još jedan od lakova, tačnije cela kolekcija, koju nisam primetila dok nije bila povučena bila je Suede linija OPI lakova iz 2009. godine. U vreme dok su se još mogli nabaviti uspela sam da nađem Russian Navy, ali do Lincoln Park After Dark je tada već bilo nemoguće doći. No drugarica lakoholičarka je odlučila da proda svoj primerak i ja sam tu priliku odmah iskoristila. Iako kod nas ne može da se nabavi, ima ga još ponegde na Ebayu i Amazonu.

Another polish, entire collection in fact, that I haven't noticed until it was discontinued, was a Suede line of OPI polishes from 2009. I managed to get Russian Navy while there were still some leftovers here, but even the it was impossible to find Lincoln Park After Dark. However, a fellow polishaholic decided to sell hers so I took that opportunity. Even though it has been disontinued, you can still find hem on Ebay and Amazon.

29 January 2017

Matching Manicures - Inspired by Jewellery

Nakit je jedna od stvari koje mnogo volim. Godinama nisam mogla da nabavim nakit kakav mi se sviđa pa sam počela sama da ga pravim (Cajkin kovčežić sa blagom). Danas ipak imamo daleko veću ponudu nakita i prošle godine sam naišla na ženu koja pravi zaista fantastične stvar od stakla, plemenitih minerala i mesinga, pod imenom Art Manufaktura Gea. Brzo sam skupila pravu malu kolekciju i znala sam da će mi ovaj nakit biti inspiracija za današnju temu. Ukoliko se i vama sviđa, možete ga stalno naći na Katapultu u Knez Mihailovoj 5.

Jewellery is on of the things I really like a lot. For years I've been unable to find pieces to my taste so I started making it myself (Cajkin kovčežić sa blagom). These days however we have much wider variety of jewellery and last year I found a woman who is making these amazing pieces from glass, minerals and brass, called Art Manufaktura Gea. I have easily created quite a nice collection and I knew that this jewellery will be my inspiration for today.

22 January 2017

Matching Manicures - Skittlette

Po ko zna koji put radimo Skittlette, ali na svu sreću ovo je tema koju mogu da radim iznova i iznova i iznova, a da mi ne dosadi.

We've been doing Skittlette manis time and time again, but fortunately this is the theme I can do over and over again without getting bored with it.

03 December 2016

Born Pretty BP-L049

Od momenta kada se pojavila, BP-L049 pločica mi je privukla pažnju i morala sam da je posedujem. Već sam spomenula da studiram turski jezik pa mi je pločica sa bliskoistočnim motivima bila prirodan izbor. Nadam se da će se i vama svideti.

From the moment it first showed up, BP-L049 image plate had caught my eye and I just had to own it. I have already mentioned that I study Turkish language and literature, so a stamping plate with middle eastern designs was a natural choice for me.

21 November 2016

OPI Give Me Moor

Pre neki dan sam se videla sa drugaricama lakoholičarkama i povela se priča o skoro crnim lakovima te sam se setila jednog takvog koji mi dugo stoji među neisprobanima. OPI Give Me Moor već neko vreme nije u OPI ponudi i ja sam ga iskopala pre par godina na sjamu kozmetike iz korpice sa lakovima na sniženju. Možda je neka bočica ostala u Primi na rasprodaji ili u Nail Line-u iz Subotice.

Several days ago I met with my fellow polishaholics and among other things we talked about nearly black polishes, so I remembered one untried that I've had for years. OPI Give Me Moor has been discontinued for some time now and I only dug it out a couple of years ago from a discount bin at a cosmetics expo, but a bottle emerges from time to time on Ebay.

12 November 2016

Born Pretty BP-L040

U poslednje vreme sve više viđam pločice sa geometrijskim motivima, ali uglavnom se drže poznatih motiva optičkih varki. Ova pločica, s druge strane, iako se donekle drži tog puta, ipak pravi iskorak sa njega, čime mi je privukla pažnju.

Lately I've been seeing more and more image plates with geometric designs, but they mostly keep to well know optical illusion motifs. This stamping plate, on the other hand, even though it is along the same lines to an extent, steps out of it, which is why it had caught my eye.

25 October 2016

Essie Maximillian Strasse Her

Osim crvenih, roze i nude lakova, koji verovatno čine 90% boja u Essie postavci, Essie veoma često pravi i zasivljene plave i zelene lakove, koji se, kada se smene kolekcije, obično mesecima povlače po policama i činijama sa robom na rasprodaji. Ponekada čak po zaista neverovatnim cenama, na koje ja retko naletim, ali imam dobre drugarice lakoholičarke koje uredno javljaju kada nalete na neku takvu ponudu. Tako je i ovaj lak došao do mene, za "ogromnih" 209 dinara.

Essie is know by red, pink and nude polishes, which probably make 90% of their entire production, but they also make greyed-out green and blue polishes quite often. Those polishes end up in discount bins and usually remain there for months, ending up with a ridiculously low price tag. Now, I seldom run into Essies at that low a price, but fortunately I have very good polishaholic friends who tend to tip me off about them, which is how I came to own this one for less than €2.

09 October 2016

Matching Manicures - omiljeni lak

Današnja tema bi mi pod nekim drugim okolnostima bila veoma nezgodna i prezahtevna, jer ova lakoholičarka nema omiljeni lak. Kako da imam omiljeni kada imam preko pet stotina lakova? No neki lakovi mi jesu miliji od drugih, a ovaj je svakako među najdražima.

Under different circumstances, this week's theme would be difficult and too demanding, because this polishaholic doesn't have a favourite polish. How could I when I own over five hundred polishes? However, some of them are closer to my heart than others, and this one is definitely one of the dearer ones.

05 October 2016

OPI Washington DC Mini Set

Aktuelna OPI kolekcija je Washington DC jesenja kolekcija napravljena u saradnji sa Kerry Washington. Kolekcija sadrži dvanaest standardnih lakova i tri limitirane boje. Iako finiši nisu baš za padanje u nesvest (skoro sve su kreme), izbor boja je zanimljiviji nego obično, što je lepo, a nekoliko boja je baš u mom fazonu, što je još bolje. Osim same kolekcije, u ponudi se nalazi i ovaj set od četiri mini laka. Cela kolekcija će moći da se uzme na sajmu, po sajamskoj ceni.

Current OPI collection is autumnal Washington DC collection, made in cooperation with Kerry Washington. It contains twelve regulat and three limited shades. Even though finishes are nothing to die for, choice of colour is more interesting than usual, which is nice, and several shades are right up my alley, which is even better. Along with regular polishes, they have made this set of four mini polishes.

03 September 2016

Born Pretty BP-X09 Stamping Plate

Danas vam predstavljam još jednu od novih kvadratnih Born Pretty pločica i jedan od odličnih Born Pretty pečatnih lakova.

TOday I am showing you another Born Pretty square image plates and one excellent Born Pretty stamping polishes.

23 August 2016

OPI Jade is the New Black

Među OPI lakovima koji su se zimus našli na velikom sniženju u Primax apotekama, našao se i Jade is The New Black, lak oko kog sam se dugo lomila. On je bio deo Hong Kong kolekcije iz 2010. godine, a kasnije je postao deo stalne ponude. Možda ga i dalje možete naći u nekoj Primax apoteci po ceni od 700 dinara.

Some OPI polishes have been at a big discount last winter, and among them was Jade is the New Black, the polish I have long been deliberating over. It was part of Hong Kong collection for Spring 2010. but later became part of permanent collection.

26 July 2016

OPI This Cost Me A Mint

Znate da je kolekcija nežnih boja dobra kada se nekome poput mene dopadnu čak dve od šest nijansi. To je bio slučaj sa ovogodišnjom OPI Soft Shades kolekcijom. No, pošto su u dve prolećno kolekcije izbacili dva pastelno-žuta laka, nisam mogla da prelomim koji bih uzela te sam uzela samo mintać. OPI lakovi ne koštaju pravo bogatstvo, ali nisu ni jeftini s obzirom na cenu od 990-1200 dinara. Ima ih u Sefori, Primax apotekama, Ivančić i sinovi apotekama i u Nail Line-u. U Primax-u su neke boje na rasprodaji i možete ih uzeti za 700 dinara, a svakog 15. u mesecu možete nesnižene lakove kupiti sa 15% popusta, dok su kod Ivančića u Nušićevoj na sniženju od 20% svakog prvog četvrtka u mesecu.

You can tell that soft colours collection is good when even someone like myself likes two shades out of six. That was the case with this year's OPI Soft Shades collection. However, since they have made two pastel yellows for two spring collections, I could not decide which one I like better so I only got myself a mint polish. Despite the name, it did not cost a mint, but a bit less.
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