Showing posts with label Moyra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moyra. Show all posts

20 March 2017

EnjoyOurs Nail Vinyls

U nail art svetu su lepljivi šabloni veoma popularni u poslednjih par godina i proizvođači se stalno utrkuju ko će izbaciti originalnije motive. I na EnjoyOurs sajtu se mogu nabaviti proizvodi ovog tipa te sam ja iskoristila priliku da neke isprobam.


Nail vinyls have been very popular for the last couple of years and manufacturers keep competing who will offer more original designs. EnjoyOurs has a selection of these products and I took a chance to try some of them.

28 February 2017

Moyra Holographic 253 Luna

Kada sam pre par nedelja za usklađeni manikir izvukla zelene holose za gradijent, ova Moyra mi se toliko svidela na noktima da sam čim sam skinula taj manikir morala ponovo da namažem sam lak. Posrećilo mi se da je tih dana bilo nešto sunca pa sam mogla čak i da ga pristojno fotografišem. Naručila sam ga iz Nail Line-a. Iz nekog razloga na sajtu uopšte nemaju Moyra Holographic kolekciju, ali imaju je u ponudi i lakovi iz ove linije se mogu naručiti mejlom ili telefonom. Kada sam ih ja naručivala, bočica od 12 ml je koštala 295 dinara, a čini mi se da je sada nešto više.

When I took out green holo polishes for Matching Manicures gradient several weeks ago, I had to paint my nails the base polish as soon as I had taken that mani off. I was in luck as that was when sunny days started so I was even able to take some decent pics. I ordered them online from Serbian distributor Nail Line and they are internationally available through Moyra Shop, although all but two seem to be out of stock at the moment.

12 February 2017

Matching Manicures - Studs

Nova nedelja, nov nedeljni manikir. Ove nedelje nosimo nitne na noktima, a ja sam još uvek pod utiskom prošlonedeljnog gradijenta tako da sam morala i to da uključim.

07 February 2017

Matching Manicures - Gradient

Po ko zna koji put radimo gradijent u sklopu usklađenih manikira, ali ne bunim se. Ovo je tehnika koju veoma volim i rado koristim i kada nam nije tema, a današnja izvedba mislim da mi je omiljena do sada. Nadam se da će se i vama svideti.

We've had gradient as a theme for Matching Manicures for who knows how many times, but I'm not complaining. This is a technique I am quite fond of and I resort to it gladly. The one I did today has to be my current favourite. I hope you'll like it as well.

29 May 2016

Matching Manicures - Water Marble

Ovonedeljna tema je jedna od meni najzeznutijih tehnika - mramoriranje u vodi. Sama izrada mi je zabavna, uključujući i greške, ali čišćenje nije i zato sam ovog puta varala. Čak ni to nisam uradila baš najbolje - nikada od mene neće postati dobar prevarant. :D

This weeks theme is one of the trickiest techniques - water marble. The technique itself is fun, even mistakes, but cleanup is far from it so I decided to cheat this time. And I couldn't even do that properly - I'll never become a good cheat.

14 May 2016

Moyra Nail Art Stamping Plate 07 Labyrinth

Ne mogu da se otrgnem utisku da pečatiranje noktiju polako uzima zamah u Srbiji. Em mi se čini da se žene i devojke sve više interesuju, em se i uvoznici više okreću etabliranim proizvođačima. Moram priznati da do pre par meseci nisam znala da mađarski brend Moyra ima pločice za pečatiranje, a čim sam se zainteresovala ispostavilo se da ih je naš uvoznik, Nail Line, imao i na stanju. Ukoliko ste u Subotici možete po njih otići lično, a za nas ostale preostaje naručivanje sa sajta Cena pločica je 795 dinara, a poštarina je oko 250 dinara.

I can't escape the notion that there is more and more interest for nail stamping in Serbia. Not only are girls and women more interested in this form of nail art, but importers are turning to more established brands as well. I have to admit that up until several months ago I had no idea that Hungarian brand Moyra offered image plates as well, but as soon as I expressed interest in them, it turned out that our importer, Nail Line, has them in stock. If you are in Hungary, you can order them from the official website, and if you are elsewhere, ships internationally. Moyra stamping plates retail for 5.90 €.

24 April 2016

Matching Manicures - Delicate Print

Današnja tema za usklađene manikire je jedna od onih koje se mogu tumačiti na više načina. Moja prva pomisao je bila porcelan, a odmah potom mi je na pamet pala čipka. No ni najfinija čipka se ne može porediti sa čipkom koju stvara priroda te sam na kraju završila sa paučinom na noktima.

Today's matching manicures theme is one of those that can be interpreted in so many ways. My first thought was fine china, but immediately afterwards I thought abut lace. However, not even the finest lace can compare to the lace created in nature so I ended up with cobwebs n my nails.

11 April 2016

Moyra Holographic 252 Infinity

Pošto sam donela odluku da ne čekam posebne situacije da bih nosila neke posebnije lakove, svaki lep dan koristim da nosim holose. Najnovija dva u mojoj kolekciji su od mađarskog proizvođača Moyra, a naručila sam ih iz Nail Line-a. Iako oni u ponudi imaju celu Moyra Holographic kolekciju (šest boja), ove kolekcije nema na sajtu. Ja sam ih naručila preko mejla (odgovaraju u roku od sat vremena), a može se naručiti i telefonom. Cena lakova je 295 dinara, a pakovanje je od 12 ml.

Since I made a decision no to wait for special occasions to wear more special polishes, I use every nice day to wear holo polishes. The newest two in my collection are by Hungarian company Moyra. I ordered them online from Serbian distributor Nail Line and they are internationally available through Moyra Shop, although all but one seem to be out of stock at the moment.

10 April 2016

Matching Manicures - Animal Print

Današnja tema su životinjski motivi i ja sam imala blistavu ideju da umesto klasične šare životinjskog krzna ili kože uradim celu zverku i to mitsku. No najblistavije ideje su često takve samo dok su na nivou ideje i plašim se da je ovom prilikom realizacija daleko od zamisli.

This week's theme is animal print and I had a great idea not to just put animal fur or skin pattern on my nails, but to do entire animal and a mythical one at that. However, the brightest ideas are often such only as thoughts and I am sorry to say that this was one such case.

03 April 2016

Matching Manicures - Stripes

Posle tačkica na red su došle pruge. Ja sam naravno nevešta sa crtačima i teško mi je da izvučem ravnu liniju i uz pomoć lenjira, a zbog renoviranja koje i dalje traje nisam mogla da dođem do tračica, izabrala sam tehniku u kojoj se dobro snalazim - pečatiranje.

Stripes come after dots. I am not comfortable with stripers because I can't draw a straight line even against a ruler and because of ongoing renovations I couldn't reach my striping tapes, I opted for a technique I am doing well at - stamping.

16 January 2016

Favoriti i promašaji 2015. godine

I ove godine su srpske blogerke glasale za svoje omiljene kozmetičke proizvode (možete ih videti ovde), ali kako su nokti tu svedeni na svega jednu kategoriju (omiljeni brend laka za nokte), ja ću ponovo napraviti svoju listu noktoproizvoda koji su mi se 2105. godine pokazali kao dobri, a koji kao nešto što treba preskočiti.

This was the second year that Serbian bloggers have voted for their favourite cosmetic products (you can see them here), but since nails are reduced to a single category (favourite nail polish brand), I shall make a list of my nail favourites and fails from 2015.
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