Showing posts with label Gosh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gosh. Show all posts

13 February 2016

MoYou Nails 402

Još jedna pločica koju sam koristila u jednom od skorašnjih usklađenih manikira je MoYou Nails 402. Kakve se sve lepote kriju na njoj i kako sam ih ja upotrebila možete videti u nastavku članka.

Another image plate that I have recently used for a Matching Manicure is MoYou Nails 402. You can learn what wonders it holds and how I used them after page break.

10 February 2016

Gosh Early Green

Nedavno je do mene došao jedan Gosh lak za nokte, koji sam isprva mislila da odbijem, ali kako je u pitanju zelen lak, nisam mogla da mu odolim. Gosh kozmetika se ranije mogla nabaviti u TC Stadion, a sada izgleda da može samo da se naruči preko sajta Lakovi imaju 8 ml i koštaju 550 din. Iz nekog razloga im otkad su otvorili sajt u ponudi stoji Holographic Hero, ali ga nikada nisu imali na stanju. Druge boje nisam toliko zagledala jer mislim da su preskupi za drogerijski brend, a i izbor boja je meni nezanimljiv.

Several days ago a Gosh polish fell into my hands and initially I intended not to accept it, but since it was a green plish I couldnt resist it. Gosh is a drugstore brand that first saw in the Netherlands. I am not sure which countries it is available in. Polishes come in 8 ml bottles.

06 February 2016

MoYou Nails 404

Predugo nisam uradila predstavljanje neke pločice za pečatiranje i krajnje je vreme da to promenim. Pošto sam ovu pločicu već koristila za jedan tematski manikir mislim da je red da ona prva dobije zaseban članak.

It's been too long since I last did an image plate review and it's about time I changed that. I chose to show you this stamping plate since I have already used it in a matching manicure and I think it deserves a blogpost of its own.
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