Showing posts with label Manhattan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manhattan. Show all posts

01 October 2016

MoYou London Holy Shapes 03

Proletos me je Alexandar Cosmetics prijatno iznenadio novim brendom u svojoj ponudi - MoYou London je konačno dobio uvoznika za Srbiju. Iako su pločice prilično skupe, spremila sam se da na sajmu skoro sve novce dam upravo za njih, ali avaj, nisu poneli celu ponudu i uspela sam da nađem samo jednu pločicu sa svog podužeg spiska. U međiuvremenu mi se čini da je stigla dopuna i da su sada u dostupne i neke pločice kojih nije bilo proletos, na sajmu će biti izložene sve pločice trenutno u ponudi, a organizovaće i demonstraciju za one koji još uvek nisu upoznati sa ovim brendom koji je postao globalni fenomen. Redovna cena pločica je 990 dinara.

This spring we got local importer for MoYou London image plates. At the last cosmetics expo I was prepared to spend a lot of money on these plates, but they had only one of many I had on my wish list. However, this time they will bring the whole lot and I can't wait to get more of these.

27 May 2016

MoYou Nails 400

Pošto MoYou Nails "kupi dve pločice, dobijaš još dve" ponuda i dalje traje (do kraja meseca), red je da vam pokažem još jednu njihovu pločicu i to jednu od meni najdražih među četvrtastima.

Since MoYou Nails "buy two, get two" offer on stamping plates is still active (until the end of the month), I think it is only fair to show you another one of their image plates and this is one of my favourites from their square plate line.

05 March 2016

MoYou London Fashionista 11

Osim lakova za nokte, NailLand drži i opremu za pečatiranje nekih od najpopularnijih brendova. MoYou London i Mundo de Uñas su dva takva brenda. MoYou London pločice koštaju 6,50 €, a Mundo de Uñas lakovi za pečatiranje su 2,20 € (5 ml) i 4,90 € (14 ml). NailLand šalje robu širom sveta - za Evropu šalju GLS-om (General Logistics Systems) i mađarskom poštom (Hungarian Post), a za ostatak sveta samo preko mađarske pošte. Za Srbiju šalju preko mađarske pošte (sa praćenjem) i poštarina je 10 € za narudžbine do 5 proizvoda, odn. 15 € za narudžbine preko 5 proizvoda, a besplatna je za pošiljke preko 75 € odn. 100 €. Ako se nađete u Budimpešti, možete posetiti i njihovu radnju u centru WestEnd u Váci ulici. Takođe svake nedelje organizuju takmičenja na svom Instagram nalogu u kojima možete osvojiti kupone za popust na njihovom sajtu.

Besides nail polishes, NailLand carries stamping supplies by some of the most popular brands. MoYou London and Mundo de Uñas are two of those brands. MoYou London plates are 6.50 €, and Mundo de Uñas stamping polishes cost 2.20 € (5 ml) and 4.90 € (14 ml). NailLand ships worldwide - for Europe via GLS (General Logistics Systems) and Hungarian Post, and for the rest of the world only via Hungarian Post. Shipping via Hungarian Post is with tracking and costs € 10 for orders up to five items and € 15 for orders larger than five items. They also offer free shipping for orders over €75 (up to five items) and € 100 (over five items). If you are in Budapest, you can visit their shop at WestEnd City Center at Váci street. They also organize weekly contests on their Instagram and you can win discount for shopping on their website.

06 December 2015

Matching Manicures - Pahulje

Pre par nedelja nam je pao prvi sneg, a danas pahulje nosimo na noktima u sklopu usklađenog manikira.

A couple of weeks ago we had the first snow of the season and now we are wearing snowflakes on our nails as part of Matching Manicures.

07 November 2015

Hēhē 003

Pre par nedelja ste mogli da vidite predstavljanje prve od tri Hēhē pločice za pečatiranje, a sada je došao red i na drugu.


A couple of weeks ago you could see review of the first one of three Hēhē image plates and now it is time for the second one.

31 October 2015

MoYou Nails 80

Mesec sam počela predstavljanjem jedne MoYou Nails pločice sa motivima za francuski manikir, a sada ga na sličan način i završavam.

I have started this month with review of one of MoYou Nails image plate with French tips and now I am ending it in a similar manner.

26 September 2015

MoYou Nails 73

Juče sam morala da uzmem dan odmora, ali zato danas možete da pročitate nešto o MoYou Nails 73 pločici za pečatiranje.

Image plate 73

Yesterday I had to take a day off, but today you can read a bit about MoYou Nails 73 stamping plate.

12 September 2015

Born Pretty 09 i BP-09

Pre nego što mi stignu nove Born Pretty Store pločice, volela bih da pokažem one koje mi već mesecima stoje neisprobane ili makar nepredstavljene. Među njima prednjači ovaj par BPS pločica iz prve kolekcije - originalna Born Pretty 09 i njena unapređena verzija BP-09.

Before new Born Pretty Store stamping plates arrive I want to show you those that I've had for months and that I still haven't either used or reviewed. Foremost this pair of image plates from the first BPS collection - the original Born Pretty Store 09 and its improved counterpart BP-09.

11 September 2015

MoYou Nails 232

Posle kratke pauze i razmišljanja kako da radim francuski manikir na ovako kratkim noktima, nastavljam predstavljanje MoYou Nails pločica upravo jednom koja ima motive za frenč.

Image plate 232

After a short break and contemplating how to do French mani on my nubbins, I continue reviewing MoYou Nails image plates with one that has only French tips.

31 July 2015

MoYou Nails 225

Danas je na red za predstavljanje stigla još jedna MoYou Nails pločica sa motivima za francuski manikir.

Today is turn for another MoYou Nails image plates with French tips designs to get a blogpost review.

24 July 2015

MoYou Nails 308

Danas završavam predstavljanje MoYou Nails concept kolekcije i, mada utiske o svakoj pojedinačnoj pločici možete pročitati na njihovim pojedinačnim predstavljanjima, danas podvlačim crtu i sabiram utiske o celoj kolekciji.

MoYou Nails Image Plate 308

Today I am bringing my MoYou Nails Concept collection stamping plates reviews to a close. While you can read my opinions about each image plate in their respective blog posts, today I am also summarizing my thoughts about the collection as a whole.

18 July 2015

Born Pretty BP-L022

Prošle nedelje sam vam pokazala jednu od najstarijih, a danas vam predstavljam jednu od najnovijih Born Pretty Store pločica. Jedan od motiva sa ove pločice ste mogli da vidite i u prošlom usklađenom manikiru, a danas imam još tri nova manikira.

Last week I have shown you one of the oldest Born Pretty Store image plates and this week I have prepared for you one of the newest ones. You have already seen one of these motifs in last week's Matching Manicure and today you can see three new manis.

12 July 2015

Matching Manicures - Metal

Tema ovonedeljnog usklađenog manikira je metal. Ne znamo šta je tačno blogerka koja je predložila temu imala na umu pa smo je prihvatile u najširem mogućem smislu, a ja sam odlučila da kombinujem više metalnih aspekata - zupčanike, metalik lak i metalne nitne.

This week's matching manicure theme is metal. We don't know what the blogger who suggested the theme had in mind exactly so we have accepted it in the broadest sense and I have opted for several metal aspects - gears, metallic polish and metal studs.

26 June 2015

MoYou Nails 304

Možda je malo rano za tematske manikire za Noć veštica, ali znam da među mojim čitateljkama ima onih koje poput mene ne mare za taj praznik, a tipične motive za taj datum nose tokom cele godine. Bilo da ste u malo mračnijem fazonu ili samo želite da nađete neke dobre strašne (ili "strašne") motive za žurku u oktobru, bacite pogled na ovu MoYou Nails pločicu. Predlažem da kao muzičku podlogu pustite Noć na Golom brdu ili Nox Arcana.

MoYou Nails Image Plate 304

It may be a bit early to do some Halloween mani, but I know that there are among my readers those who don't really care about that holiday and wear motifs typical for that date all year round. Whether you prefer dark style or just want to find some good scary (or "scary") designs for a party in October, do give this MoYou Nails stamping plate a look. I suggest you play Night at Bald Mountain or Nox Arcana as musical background.

14 June 2015

Born Pretty BP-28

Danas ne učestvujem u tematskom manikiru jer je tema "neon". Imam samo jedan neonac, koji sam već predstavljala na blogu (Color Club Explosive) i, iskreno, nemam nameru da ga ponovo koristim. Zato se okrećem pločici koju sam koristila za prethodni usklađeni manikir - Born Pretty BP-28.

I am not matching my manicure with other girls today because this week's theme is "neon". I only have one neon polish (Color Club Explosive) and I've already shown it on blog and, to be honest, I do not intend to use it again. That is why I am turning to the stamping plate I've used for the previous Matching Manicure - Born Pretty BP-28.

03 June 2015

Trind Caring Color CC195 Sea Green

Još uvek sam u zoni plavih lakova, ali ovog puta imam veseliju nijansu koja me asocira na topla mora iako nije iz letnje već iz jesenje/zimske kolekcije Trind lakova, iste kojoj pripadaju Emerald Swirl i Sunset Orange. Poput drugih Trind lakova ima 9 ml i košta oko 850 dinara. Spisak prodajnih mesta možete naći ovde Gde kupiti.

I am still in blue nail polish zone, but this time I have a cheery shad that reminds me of warm seas even though it isn't from some summer collection, but comes from a fall collection that gave us Emerald Swirl and Sunset Orange. Like other Trind polishes, it comes in 9 ml bottle and retails for about 8 €.

29 May 2015

MoYou Nails 300

Početkom meseca sam spomenula kako je MoYou Nails izbacio novu kolekciju pločica pod imenom Concept Collection. U kolekciji se nalazi deset tematskih pločica koje se dosta razlikuju od onoga što smo ranije viđali kod MoYou Nails. Naime, na pločicama motivi nisu jasno razdvojeni kao na starima već prekrivaju celu pločicu i donekle se preklapaju. Neki su taman za ceo nokat, neki su samo detalji, neki su toliki da treba da se prostru preko više noktiju... Na svakoj pločici ima svega od ovoga. Kako je moj prvi susret sa ovakvim pločicama prošao možete pročitati u nastavku.

MoYou Nails Image Plate 300

I have mentioned in my monthly overview that MoYou Nails has made a new collection of stamping plates called Concept Collection. It consists of ten individually themed stamping plates that are a lot different from what we've seen so far from MoYou Nails. What I mean is that these plates don't have clearly separated designs, but motifs that cover entire plate and that overlap to an extent. Some of them are large enough to be full nail images, some are small accent images, some are so large they go over several nails... Every image plate in this collection has a bit of everything. You can read about my first experience with this sort of stamping plate after jump break.

23 May 2015

Born Pretty BP-L020

Moja slabost prema čipki na noktima nije nikakva tajna. Zato imam obe verzije Born Pretty pločice 02 i zato sam morala imati i veliku pločicu sa motivima čipke.

My weakness for lace on nails is no secret. That is why I have both versions of Born Pretty 02 stamping plate and it is the reason why I had to have this large stamping plate filled with lace designs.

19 April 2015

Born Pretty 02 i BP-02

Posle poređenja pločica Born Pretty 05 i BP-05 na red za poređenje su stigle stara i nova verzija pločice broj 02. Starija verzija (Born Pretty 02) više se ne može naći, dakle ako budete naručivali dobićete onu sa oznakom BP-02.

After comparison of Born Pretty 05 and BP-05 stamping plates, it is now time to compare old and new image plates #02. Born Pretty 02 is no longer available, which means that if you order this image plate now you will get the one marked BP-02.

11 April 2015

Born Pretty BP-50

Kao što sam prošle nedelje napisala, narednih nekoliko nedelja ću predstavljati Born Pretty pločice koje sam sama naručila sa sajta. Više o naručivanju sa Born Pretty Store možete videti kod Danijele.

As I have already mentioned, in the following weeks I will show you Born Pretty image plates I have ordered myself. Danijela has a video that explains how to order from Born Pretty Store, but the video is only in Serbian.
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