Showing posts with label Vollare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vollare. Show all posts

06 September 2015

Matching Manicures - Outline

Ovonedeljnu temu zamalo da preskočim. Ovih dana imam dosta drugih obaveza, a i nešto nisam raspoložena za mazanje noktiju, ali ipak sam izvela nešto što se nadam da će vam se svideti.

I almost missed this week's theme. I've had so many other duties these days and I also haven't been in mood for painting nails. However, I did managed to come up with something that I hope you'll like.

07 December 2014

Matching Manicures - cartoon

Nedavno je na novootvorenoj grupi za noktoljube postavljeno pitanje da li volimo nail art. Ja nisam ljubitelj bilo koje vrste nail arta koja zahteva crtanje jer ne umem da nacrtam krug ni oko novčića. No današnji usklađeni manikir podrazumeva i to da moram uzeti tanku četkicu u ruke i crtati. I ovih nekoliko linija je za mene previše :D

A question do wi like nail art was recently asked in new polishalolics group. I am not a fan of any form of nail art that requires drawing or painting because I can't draw a circle around a penny. Today's matching manicure, however, meant that I'd have to pick up a brush and draw. Even these several lines are too overwhelming for me :D

16 February 2014

Matching Manicures - geometrijski oblici

Ove nedelje su za Matching Manicures temu izglasani geometrijski oblici. Tema se savršeno uklopila sa željom koju već neko vreme imam - da uradim manikir inspirisan Pitom Mondrijanom i Geritom Ritveldom, u čijim sam delima uživala tokom prošlogodišnje posete Nizozemskoj. Ova ideja nije originalna (mnogi blogeri su već radili ovakav manikir), ali mislim da je zanimljiva i jednostavna. Lakovi koje sam koristila su Flormar 400, Essence Little Miss Sunrise, Sephora My Favorite Jeans, Aura Soulmates i Vollare 135a crni crtač.

This week Matching Manicures theme that got majority of votes is geometric shapes. This theme goes perfectly with my wish to do manicure inspired by Piet Mondriaan and Gerrit Rietveld, whose works I enjoyed immensly during my last year's visit to the Netherlands. This idea isn't original, many bloggers have already done such manis, but I think it is interesting and simple. Polishes I used for this manicure are Flormar 400, Essence Little Miss Sunrise, Sephora My Favorite Jeans, Aura Soulmates and Vollare 135a black striper.

19 April 2012

Aura She Bunny 014

Ne baš sjajno prvo iskustvo sa She Bunny lakovima me nije obeshrabrilo i kupila sam još jedan crveni lak (a 021 mi još stoji neisproban). Ovaj lak se lako mazao bez obzira na malu četkicu. Boja je tamnija i zagasitija nego što bi se pretpostavilo gledajući bočicu. Linija nokta se vidi sa dva sloja, ali nije toliko upadljiva da bi treći sloj bio neophodan. Počeo je da se krza već prvog dana, a trećeg je imao više odvaljenih delova.

Aura She Bunny 014 i Vollare crtač

Not great first experience with Aura She Bunny polishes didn't discourage me from buying another one of their polishes (with one still waiting to be used for the first time). The application of this one was easy and comfortable in spite of the small brush. The colour is darker and more muted than it looks in the bottle. There is a visible nail line with two coats, but it doesn't bother me that much that it would require a third layer. It started to chip on the first day and on the third day several chunks of polish were missing from my nails.

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