Showing posts with label Wycon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wycon. Show all posts

19 February 2021

Wycon Sugar Effect 808 Blu Glitter

Ne znam zašto nisam ranije objavila ovaj članak, imajući u vidu da sam slike snimila još 2017. godine i da je Wycon u međuvremenu stigao u Srbiju. No to sada nije važno. Važno je da su nažalost za proizvođače teksturci bili samo prolazni trend za sezonu-dve, a meni su među omiljenim lakovima i za njima posežem kada ne znam šta bih namazala.
I don't know why I haven't published this post earlier considering that I have taken these photos in 2017. and that Wycon has since come to Serbia. However, that doesn't matter. What matters is that, sadly, textured polishes were just a fad for manufacturers, and they turned out to be among my favourite polishes and that they are my go-tos whenever I don't know what to wear on my nails.

27 October 2016

Wycon Sugar Effect 832

Prošle nedelje sam provela par dana u Rimu i krajnje neočekivano sam uspela da uđem u nekoliko parfimerija i uzmem koji lak, uključujući ovaj. Wycon (nekada Wjcon) je italijanski brend za koji nikada ranije nisam čula, ali dosta me podsećaju na Kiko. Pošto su u ponudi imali nekoliko veoma zanimljivih teksturnih lakova, odlučila sam da im dam šansu. Pakovanja lakova su od 10 ml, a cena je oko 4€. Koliko sam mogla da vidim, nema ih van Italije.

Last week I spent a couple of days in Rome and I even managed to visit a make-up store or two and get several polishes, including this one. Wycon (formerly Wjcon) is an Italian brand I haven't heard of before, but they remind me of Kiko quite a lot. They have some very interesting textured polishes, so I decided to give them a chance. Polishes come in 10 ml bottles and retail for about €4. They don't seem to be available outside of Italy.
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