Showing posts with label p2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label p2. Show all posts

19 February 2021

Wycon Sugar Effect 808 Blu Glitter

Ne znam zašto nisam ranije objavila ovaj članak, imajući u vidu da sam slike snimila još 2017. godine i da je Wycon u međuvremenu stigao u Srbiju. No to sada nije važno. Važno je da su nažalost za proizvođače teksturci bili samo prolazni trend za sezonu-dve, a meni su među omiljenim lakovima i za njima posežem kada ne znam šta bih namazala.
I don't know why I haven't published this post earlier considering that I have taken these photos in 2017. and that Wycon has since come to Serbia. However, that doesn't matter. What matters is that, sadly, textured polishes were just a fad for manufacturers, and they turned out to be among my favourite polishes and that they are my go-tos whenever I don't know what to wear on my nails.

23 June 2016

p2 Sand Style 090 Opulent

Vratila sam se sa prinudnog odmora od blogovanja (i generalno od računara) i za danas sam spremila članak o jednom od lakova koji mi poduže stoje neisprobani. p2 lakovi su nam nažalost nedostupni i zato ovih nekoliko koje imam trošim tako nerado. No ako ih ne isprobam, onda zaista ničemu ne služe i zato ću se potruditi da u narednom periodu kombinujem prikazivanje svežih, aktuelnih lakova sa onima koji to više nisu.

I am back from my forced leave from blogging (and computer in general) and I have prepared for today another post about a polish that has been untried for quite awhile. p2 polishes are sadly unavailable outside of Germany, which is why I am hesitant to use them. However, if they are just sitting untried, they are of no use to me, so I shall try in future to combine posts about fresh, current polishes with those about polishes that no longer are that.

19 March 2016

Born Pretty BP-11

Ova mi je pločica stajala mesecima, ako ne i punu godinu, čekajući na predstavljanje. Koncentrični geometrijski motivi su mi bili komplikovani za precizno pozicioniranje i tek mi je prozirni pečat omogućio da pločicu dostojno upotrebim.

I've had this image plate for months if not for over a year and it has been waiting for a post about it ever since. I found concentric geometric shapes difficult to place precisely where I wanted and only clear stamper enabled me to use this stamping plate properly.

14 February 2016

Matching Manicures - Valentine's Day

Danas se u jednom delu sveta "slavi" jedan od velikih konzumerističkih praznika, jedan od mnogih datuma za koje ne marim. Kako je manikir za dan zaljubljenih svake godine bio tražen kao tema za Matching Manicures onda neću biti kvariša, ali ću učestvovati na svoj način.

Today a part of the world is celebrating one of great consumerist holidays, one of many dates I don't care about. Since Valentine's Day mani theme is requested every year for Matching Manicures I will not be a spoilsport, but I'll take part in my own way.

30 December 2015

OPI Color Paints

Letos nam je uz jesenju OPI kolekciju stigla i kolekcija lakova za nail art. Pod imenom Color Paints krije se osam prozračnih lakova u boji i srebrna podloga, od kojih se svaki pojedinačno može kupiti u bočici od 15 ml po standardnoj ceni OPI laka. Takođe postoji i mini set, u kome se nalazi pet boja i srebrni lak (6 x 3,5 ml) po ceni od 2340 dinara. U Prima apoteci na Terazijama sam videla i da se neki od ovih mini lakova mogu naći i van seta, po ceni od oko 250 dinara.

This summer alongside autumnal OPI collection we also got a collection of blendable polishes for nail art. Color Paints collection consists of eight sheer polishes and silver base. They can be bought individually or as a set of silver polish and five colours in mini bottles.

20 November 2015

In Flames

Izgleda da sam u poslednje vreme daleko raspoloženija da radim nešto više od pukog mazanja noktiju. Za protekli Sajam knjiga sam bila zamoljena da se pojavim sa rogovima koje nosim na profilnoj slici, a onda sam pomislila da bih mogla napraviti i manikir kakav bi pristajao jednom vragu poput mene.

It seems that lately I've been in mood to do more than simplest manis. For this year's Books Expo I was asked to show up wearing horns I have in my profile image and I though I might also do a mani that would suit a devil such as myself.

14 November 2015

MoYou Nails 132

Ne znam za vas, ali ja željno iščekujem nove MoYou Nails pločice. Dok se ne pojave u prodaji taman ću imati priliku da završim predstavljanje starijih, okruglih pločica. Začudo za ovaj članak nisam spremila neku sa slikama za frenč. Ne, ova pločica slavi godišnje doba suprotno ovom u kome se nalazimo mi na severnoj hemisferi.

Image Plate 132

I don't know about you, but I am eagerly awaiting new MoYou Nails stamping plates. Until they are available I will take the chance to finish showing you the older, round image plates. Surprisingly enough, I haven't picked one with French tips for this post. No, this image plate celebrates season that is the opposite of the one us on the northern hemisphere are going through right now.

23 September 2015

p2 Sand Style 080 Lovely

Pre par nedelja je Žana pisala o Rimmel Space Dust Moon Walking i podsetila me je na sličan lak koji mi je Luchessa poslala pre skoro dve godine - p2 Sand Style 080 Lovely.

A couple of weeks ago Žana did a post about Rimmel Space Dust Moon Walking and reminded me of a similar polish Luchessa had sent me nearly two years ago - p2 Sand Style 080 Lovely.

07 July 2015

Maybelline Crystallize Nearly Black

Japanizam je prošao, a ovo je bio prvi put u poslednjih par godina da na nekom Sakurabaninom događaju nemam prigodan tematski manikir. Zbog svakodnevnih promena odeće i nemogućnosti da svakog dana menjam i lak odabrala sam onaj koji će mi se uklopiti sa većinom odevnih kombinacija, a ovom prilikom je to bio Maybelline Crystallize Nearly Black. Ovo je drugi od dva laka iz te kolekcije koja sam uspela da nađem prošle godine na putovanju i veoma mi je žao što do nas ova linija uopšte nije stigla.

Japanizam ended and this was the first time in several years that I didn't have an appropriately manicured nails. Due to regular wardrobe change and inability to change polish daily I opted for a polish that would match most of my outfits and this time it was Maybelline Crystallize Nearly Black. This is the second of the two polishes from that collection that I got on my trip last year and I am so sad this collection never reached our stores.

10 December 2014

p2 Lost in Glitter 020 Get Gorgeous!

Bliže se praznici, vreme je za malo šljokica i sjaja. Današnji lak mi je još prošle godine poslala Luchessa, ali je i dalje dostupan tamo gde može da se nađe p2 kozmetika. Lost in Glitter kolekcija se trenutno sastoji od devet lakova za nokte sa šljokicama. Osnovna postavka se mogla nositi samostalno, a ne znam da li su i nove nijanse takve.

Holidays are nearing, it is time to sport some glitter and shine. I have received the polish I am showing you today last year from Luchessa, but it is still available in countries that have p2 brand. Lost in glitter consists of nine glittery polishes. The initial eight in this line were all full coverage polishes, but I don't know if the new shades are like that as well.

24 August 2014

p2 Volume Gloss 180 Miss Velvet

Još jedan lak koji mi je Luchessa poslala prošle godine je ovaj p2 lakić. Već sam imala jedan (Sweet Darling) iz iste linije, što je uspeh kada se uzme u obzir koliko linija lakova p2 ima. Volume Gloss lakovi imaju 12 ml, skoro kockastu bočicu i verovatno najsavršeniju četkicu koju sam do sada imala prilike da probam. Na žalost, dostupni su samo u Nemačkoj i Austriji.

Another polish I received as part of my swap with Luchessa is this p2 nail polish. I have already had some experience with one of Volume Gloss polishes (Sweet Darling), which I think is a feat in itself as p2 has so many different nail polish lines. Volume Gloss polishes come in 12 ml almost cubic bottle and have the single greatest brush I have tried to date. Unfortunately they are only available in Germany and Austria.

23 August 2014

Kreme za ruke

Najavila sam u mesečnom pregledu da ću uraditi grupni članak o kremama za ruke. Predstaviću ukratko pet krema koje sam koristila ove godine. Sa izuzetkom jedne (p2), sve su dostupne kod nas, a sa izuzetkom druge (Essence) sve su stalno dostupne. Ovo su sve glicerinske kreme, što meni generalno ne odgovara pa imajte to u vidu kada čitate moje utiske. Svih pet krema je spakovano u tube od po 100 ml.

I have mentioned in my monthly review that I'll be doing a post about hand creams. I will present five creams I have been using this year. With one exception (p2) all of these are available in Serbia and with other exception (Essence) they are all core products. All of them are glycerine-based, which doesn't suit me well, so please bear that in mind when you read my impressions. All these creams come in 100 ml tubes.

13 August 2014

p2 Last Forever 110 Dating Time

P2 je jedan od onih brendova koji imaju gomilu linija lakova za nokte, no kako je ovo brend koji nije dostupan u Srbiji nisam imala da se upoznam sa svim linijama u ponudi niti da saznam po čemu se razlikuju jedna od druge. Drugar koji mi je doneo ove lakove je izabrao po jedan iz svake tada dostupne linije lakova te je ovaj iz Last Forever linije. Ovi lakovi su veganski i imaju 11 ml.

P2 is one of those brands that have many different lines of polishes, but since they aren't available in Serbia I am not acquainted with their entire range nor with the differences between all the nail polish lines. The friend who brought these to me had picked one from each then available line and this one is from Last Forever line. These polishes are vegan and come in 11 ml bottles.

03 August 2014

MoYou Nails 22

Još jedna dobra pločica za pečatiranje koju imam da vam predstavim je MoYou Nails N22. Njome se vraćam svojim omiljenim motivima za pun nokat.

Another fine stamping plate I got to show you is MoYou Nails N22. With it I have returned to my favourite full nail images.

18 July 2014

Razna sredstva za negu

S vremena na vreme se među svim sredstvima za negu ruku, noktiju i zanoktica koja imam nađu proizvodi koji su takvi da o njima ne mogu da napišem čestit članak. Nisu to loši proizvodi već neupečatljivi. Sada mi se već skupila gomilica takvih stvari i mislim da ih mogu sve ubaciti u jedan članak, a vi procenite da li bi vama odgovarali.

From time to time among all the hand, nail and cuticle care products I will find some that I don't have much to write about. Those aren't bad product, they are just unremarkable. Now I have collected several such products and I think they could be put in one post and you decide for yourself if some of them would suit you.

19 April 2014

p2 Glamorous Finish 030 Let's Dance

Let's Dance je još jedan od p2 lakova koje mi je drugar doneo iz Nemačke. I ovaj je lak bio po njegovom izboru. Glamorous Finish je linija koju je činilo pet topera. Ovo su veganski proizvodi koji imaju 11 ml, a koštaju manje od 2 €. Mislim da kolekcija nije više dostupna.

Let's Dance is another p2 polish a friend of mine brought me from Germany. Like others, this polish was his choice. Glamorous Finish was a line that consisted of five top coats. These are vegan products that come in 11 ml bottles and retail for less than 2 €. I don't think this collection is available any more.

05 April 2014

p2 Volume Gloss 030 Sweet Darling

Sweet Darling je jedan od pet p2 lakova koje sam dobila od ortaka koji je bio voljan da mi sa svog puta u Nemačku donese nešto za kolekciju. Sve lakove je birao sam i uglavnom je pogađao. Ovaj lak mi je bio iznenađenje jer baš ne ide uz mene, ali mi je svakako bilo zanimljivo da probam nešto novo i drugačije.

Sweet Darling is one of five p2 polishes a friend who was willing to bring me something for my collection from his trip to Germany had brought me. He had picked the polishes himself and they were mostly hits. This one was a surprise because it doesn't really go with me, but it is always interesting to try something new and different.

19 March 2014

p2 Sand Style 110 Classy

U novembru sam imala sreću da je divna blogokoleginica Luchessa bila raspoložena za razmenu i poslala mi je neke divne lakove koji se kod nas ne mogu naći u zamenu za neke divne lakove koji se ne mogu naći u Nemačkoj. Pošto sam već imala oduševljavajuće iskustvo sa p2 Sand Style lakovima (sećate li se Confidential?) znala sam da ću je zamoliti za nekoliko ovih lakova iz jesenje kolekcije. Classy mi je bio na vrhu liste želja i naravno da je bio prvi koji sam isprobala. p2 je DMov brend inicijalno posvećen nezi i ulepšavanju noktiju, mada sada imaju i šminku. Može se nabaviti samo u Nemačkoj i Austriji.

Last November I was fortunate enough to have dear fellow blogger Luchessa accept my swap proposal and send me some lovely polishes we can't get here in exchange for some lovely polishes unavailable in Germany. After my thrilling experience with p2 Sand Style polishes (remember Confidential?) I knew I'd ask her for some shades from autumn collection. Classy was on the top of my wish list and it was naturally the first one I have tried. p2 is one of DMs brands that was initially dedicated to nail care and nail beauty, but now has make up too. It is available in Germany and Austria.
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