Karaja The Mat Maker - Flormar Matifying Top-Coat - Miss Sporty Check Matte - L'Oreal Top Coat Matte - Aura Matte Top Coat |
Vidim da je jedan od čestih upita koji dovodi posetioce na moj blog upravo razlika među nekim mat nadlakovima ili mat nadlakovi uopšte. Pošto je od mog poslednjeg poređenja prošlo dosta vremena, a u međuvremenu sam nabavila još matirajućih lakova sada vam ih predstavljam na okupu, jedne pored drugih. Ovo poređenje nema za cilj da nađe "najbolji" matirajući nadlak jer svaki od ovih koje ću vam predstaviti ima svoje prednosti i mane, a ne treba zaboraviti ni da ne tražimo svi isti efekat, isti stepen matiranosti. Golden Rose Matte Top Coat sam kupila pošto sam već spremila ovaj članak te nije uključen u poređenje, ali ovde ću reći da je tačno između Karaja i Flormar matirajućih.
I have noticed one of more frequent inquiries that brings visitors to my blog is comparison among mattifying top coats and matte top coats in general. Since it's been quite some time since I last did a comparison of this sort and I have bought several other matte top coats in the meantime, I shall present them to you now side by side. The object of this comparison is not to find "the best" mattifying top coat because every one of these has good and bad sides and we shouldn't forget that not all of us are looking for the same level of matte effect. I had bought Golden Rose Matte Top Coat only after I have already finished this comparison so that one isn't included, but I can say that it falls right between Karaja and Flormar top coats.