Showing posts with label NailsIT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NailsIT. Show all posts

18 August 2021

Golden Rose Holographic 07

Od svih holo lakova koje imam, najređe nosim srebrne/sive. Zašto sam onda uzela dva siva Golden Rose holo laka koji deluju kao djupovi za neke koje već imam u kolekciji? Zato što sam veverica, a ponekada i zmaj. Veverica kupuje da bi imala, ne nužno da bi koristila, a zmaja privlače svetlucave stvari. Dodajmo na to činjenicu da su GR lakovi veoma pristupačni i eto savršenog recepta za impulsivnu kupovinu. Na svu sreću (ili nesreću), nijedan od ova dva laka ne može više da se nađe, ali druge boje su još uvek dostupne.
Out of all holo polishes I have, I wear silver/grey ones the least. Why then did I buy two such Golden Rose polishes that look like dupes for some of the ones I alrady have in my collection? Acquisition disorder. I am a squirrel and sometimes a dragon. Squirrel buys things to own them, not necesarrily to use them, and dragon is drawn to shiny things. Add to that the fact that Golden Rose polishes are quite inexpensive and you have a perfect recipe for an impulsive purchase. Fortunately (or not), neither of the two polishes is available anymore, but in Serbia you can still find some of the other colours.

26 October 2014

Matching Manicures - crveno

Kada sam za žuti usklađeni manikir izvukla NailsIT Daisy podsetila sam se i drugih zapostavljenih NailsIT lakova. Među njima je Angelique, koju sam tada odmah morala da namažem. Nosila sam je na sajam kozmetike, a sada je ponovo nosim za ovaj usklađeni manikir. Sada mi je žao što za plavi usklađeni manikir nisam nosila NailsIT Remembrance :D
Dva sloja NailsIT NailsIT Angelique preko Zoya Diana.

When I have pulled out NailsIT Daisy for yellow matching manicure I have reminded myself of other forgotten NailsIT polishes. Among them is Angelique, which I had to put on immediately. I have worn it for cosmetics fair then and now I'm wearing it again. I am a bit sorry I haven't painted my nails NailsIT Remembrance for blue matching manicures :D
This is two coats of NailsIT Angelique over Zoya Diana.

12 October 2014

Matching Manicures - žuto

Danas smo se užutele. Pošto mi se mramoriranje prošle nedelje svidelo odlučila sam da pokušam da ga izvedem sa žutaćima, ali ovog puta manje uspešno. Zato sam odlučila da umesto nail arta pokažem lak koji dugo nisam nosila - NailsIT Daisy. Ovo su dva sloja preko jednog sloja OPI I Just Can't Cope-acabana.

We're turning yellow today. Since I liked last week's water marbling I decided to give it another go, but this time with less success. So insteda of doing nail art I decided to show you a polish I haven't worn in a long time - NailsIT Daisy. This is two coats over a coat of OPI I Just Can't Cope-acabana.

08 June 2013


Tema jučerašnjeg petka je bila ombre manikir. Vidim da iz nekog razloga mnogi mešaju ombre i gradijent. Jeanette Swatchaholic je divno objasnila tu razliku u ovom postu. Ja sam koristila redom od palca ka malom prstu: Color Club Revvvolution, China Glaze Galactic Gray, NailsIT Barnabas, China Glaze Cosmic Dust i Nfu.Oh 61.

The theme of yesterday's themed Friday was ombre mani. I have noticed many confuse ombre and gradient manicures. Jeanette Swatchaholic explained the difference wonderfully in this post. The polishes I used are from thumb to pinkie: Color Club Revvvolution, China Glaze Galactic Gray, NailsIT Barnabas, China Glaze Cosmic Dust and Nfu.Oh 61.

12 March 2013

NailsIT Remembrance

Od pet NailsIT lakova koje sam imala zadovoljstvo da dobijem, Remembrance je najduže čekao da ga isprobam. Već sam spomenula da se sa plavom bojom ne slažem najbolje, a ovaj me je lak veoma privukao kada sam ga videla na prvim sličicama. Pripada Memorial day kolekciji i izgleda da se više ne može nabaviti. Šteta, jer NailsIT lakovi, svih pet koje imam, pokazali su se kao veoma dobri.

Out of five NailsIT polishes I had the pleasure to get, Remembrance waited the longest to be tried. I have already mentioned blue doesn't agree with me, but this polish attracted me when I first saw its photo. It was part of the Memorial day release and it seems to be unavailable, which is shame because all five NailsIT polishes I have turned out to be quite good.

15 November 2012

NailsIT Angelique

preko Golden Rose With Protein 262
over Golden Rose With Protein 262

Angelique je četvrti od pet NailsIT lakova koje sam dobila. Izabrala sam ga zato što je na slici delovao kao crven žele pun crnih i belih šljokica. Na meni na žalost on izgleda skoro neonski crveno i ne mogu ga nositi samog.

Angelique is the fourth of five NailsIT polishes I got. I picked it because it looked like red jelly with black and white glitter. Unfortunately, on me it looks almost neon red and I cant wear it on its own.

09 November 2012

Holo gradijent

Za gradijent petak sam želela da napravim nešto posebno, sa šljokicama u prahu, ali pucanje noktiju me je u tome omelo, tako da sam se bacila na holo lakove. Osnovna boja je Nfu.Oh 61, međuton NailsIT Barnabas, a najtamniji lak je Color Club Revvvolution. Nfu.Oh 61 ću predstaviti u zasebnoj poruci ovih dana.

I wanted to do something special for Gradient Friday, something with glequins and loose glitter, but nail breakage hindered my plan. I picked holo pilishes instead. The base colour is Nfu.Oh 61, medium one is NailsIT Barnabas, and the darkest one is Color Club Revvvolution. I'll do a special post on Nfu.Oh 61 one of these days.

23 October 2012

Pečatiranje za Noć veštica

Evo malo ukrašavanja noktiju i isprobavanja pečata, grebalice i pločice za pečatiranje sa sajta

I did some nail decorating and tried a stamping plate, stamper and scraper sent to me for review from

21 October 2012

NailsIT Barnabas preko Essence Mystic Wish

Barnabas iz NailsIT Dark Shadows kolekcije mi je odmah privukao pažnju. Ovo je srednje-siv linearni prizmatični lak koji na direktnom svetlu pokazuje veoma izraženu dugu. Dopada mi se što pokazuje jak kontrast između srebrnasto-sive osnove na istaknutim delovima i skoro crnih rubova koji podsećaju na Revvvolution, samo tamniji. U bočici se vide i bele romboidne šljokice, ali ja nisam uspela nijednu da prenesem na nokte. Sve koje sam videla su bile zalepljene za ivice bočice i nisam uspela da ih mućkanjem umešam nazad u lak. Ono što nije baš primetno u bočici, a vidi se na noktu su sitne crvene šljokice. Ove se šljokice vide na indirektnom svetlu, kada se ne vidi duga na noktima i kada je jasan kontrast između crvenih čestica i gvozdeno-sive osnove.

NailIT's Barnabas from Dark Shadows collection attracted my attention immediately. This is a medium grey linear prismatic polish that shows very clear rainbow i direct light. I like the contrast between silvery-grey on the prominent parts of the nail and blackened edges that resemble Revvvolution, only darker. White lozenge-shaped glitter is visible in the bottle, but I couldn't transfer a single one on my nails. They are all stuck to the sides of the bottle and I couldn't mix them back into the polish. What isn't visible in the bottle, but can be seen on the nail is tiny red glitter. They are visible in indirect light when the rainbow doesn't show and when there is a clear contrast between the red particles and iron-grey base.

06 October 2012

NailsIT Elizabeth

Elizabeth je lak iz NailsIT kolekcije Dark Shadows. Ovo je dražestan crni žele pun zlatnih, plavih i magenta i crnih šljokica različitih oblika i veličina. Šljokice su počele da se sležu na dnu bočice, ali dobro mućkanje ih je umešalo nazad u lak. Prvi sloj je bio veoma prozračan, jedva da je nešto boje ostalo na noktu, ali tri sloja su dala skoro punu boju. Sušio se veoma brzo tako da mazanje tri sloja nije predstavljalo problem. Plašila sam se da se zlatne šljokice neće dobro uklopiti sa nakitom koji nosim, ali ispostavilo se da su one veoma diskretne. Crne šljokice su krajnje neupadljive, a plave i magenta daju izgled kakav sam želela da postignem za poslednji tematski petak. Šljokice su osetne pod rukom, ali dva sloja nadlaka su izravnala površinu.

Elizabeth is a polish from NailsIT's Dark Shadows collection. This is a gorgeous black jelly filled with goldm blue, magenta and black glitter in different shapes and sizes. The glitter did start to settle, but a good shaking mixed it back in the polish. The first coat was very sheer, barely any colour transferred to the nail, but in three coats I could build up the colour to almost full opacity. It dried fast so application of three coats wasn't a problem. I was afraid that the gold glitter would clash with the jewellery I wear, but they turned out to be very discreet. The black glitter is barely visible, and blue and magenta glitter create a look I was going for for the last themed Friday. The glitter is palpable, but two coats of top coat evened the surface out.

18 September 2012

NailsIT Daisy

Napokon su lakovi koje sam dobila na NailsIT blogu stigli do mene. Dobila sam pet njenih lakova po mom izboru i Nfu.Oh 61. Ovo su prvi lakovi nezavisne proizvodnje koje imam i veliko mi je zadovoljstvo da ih predstavim. NailsIT lakovi su dostupni samo u SAD i, pretpostavljam, zemljama koje imaju PayPal.

The polishes I won at NailsIT giveaway finally reached me. I got five of her polishes of my choice and Nfu.Oh 61. These are the first indie polishes I have and it is my great pleasure to present them. NailsIT polishes are available in USA and, I guess, countries that have PayPal.
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