Showing posts with label fail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fail. Show all posts

10 April 2016

Matching Manicures - Animal Print

Današnja tema su životinjski motivi i ja sam imala blistavu ideju da umesto klasične šare životinjskog krzna ili kože uradim celu zverku i to mitsku. No najblistavije ideje su često takve samo dok su na nivou ideje i plašim se da je ovom prilikom realizacija daleko od zamisli.

This week's theme is animal print and I had a great idea not to just put animal fur or skin pattern on my nails, but to do entire animal and a mythical one at that. However, the brightest ideas are often such only as thoughts and I am sorry to say that this was one such case.

30 March 2014

Matching Manicures - video igra

Današnji usklađeni manikiri su inspirisani vide igrama. Pošto je moje iskustvo sa igrama veoma skromno, a ono što igram ili sam igrala je suviše kompleksno da bih mogla da prenesem na nokte odlučila sam se za jednu od prvih igara koje sam igrala - Space Invaders. Jednostavnost dizajna mi nije pomogla jer je ovaj manikir jedan veliki neuspeh, no ipak sam želela da vam ga pokažem i da vas zamolim za savet. Kako se vi borite protiv "končića" koji se stvore od laka? Lakovi koje sam koristila su Don Juan One Coat OC229 i Don Juan LK101.

Today's Matching Manicures are inspired by video games. Since my gaming experience is very modest and most of the games I play or have played are too complex for me to turn into a manicure I settled on one of the first games I have ever played - Space Invaders. Simplicity of this design didn't help me because this whole mani turned out to be a big fail, but I wanted to share it with you and as you for advice. How do you deal with nail polish "threads"? Polishes used for this mani are Don Juan One Coat OC229 and Don Juan LK101.

10 January 2013

Neuspelo pečatiranje

Malo sam se igrala pečatima, posebno velikom tablom i pokušala sam nokte da ispečatiram prilično oštrom geometrijskom šarom. Nije mi baš sasvim pošlo za rukom. Iako se cela šara prenela na pečat, iz nekog razloga nije i na nokat. Koristila sam L'Oreal Jet-Set 115 za bazu i Rimmel I <3 193 Black Cherries za pečatiranje.

I played around with stamping plates, especially the xl one and I tried to transfer a rather stark geometric pattern. It wasn't a complete success. Even though I could pick the entire design up with the stamper, it didn't transfer on the nail that well. I used L'Oreal Jet-Set 115 as base colour and Rimmel I <3 193 Black Cherries for stamping.

31 October 2012

Paučina - fail

Motiv paukove mreže mi je jedan od omiljenih, a ni u stvarnom životu mi paučina ne smeta. Zato sam na prošlom sajmu uzela pakovanje samolepljivih šablona za nokte sa motivom paučine. Ovakvih nalepnica ima u Alexandar cosmetics po ceni od 60 dinara za tablu sa 10 nalepnica, a određenih motiva ima i po kineskim radnjama i ja sam ih tamo plaćala 50 dinara. Ima ih i u inostranim online prodavnicama poput Born pretty store ili KKCenterHk.

Spider web motif is one of my favourites, and I don't mind cobwebs in real life either. That's why I picked a set of sticky nail art stencils with web design at previous cosmetics fair. These templates are in Serbia available at Alexandar cosmetics and Chinese stores and internationally at on-line shops such as Born pretty store or KKCenterHk. If you order from KKCenterHk you can get 10% discount if you use cajka coupon code and I'm sure you can find many coupon codes for Born pretty store.
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