Showing posts with label Maybelline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maybelline. Show all posts

11 September 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired by Supernatural

Posle letnje pauze, vraćaju se i Usklađeni manikiri. Nastavljamo gde smo stali sa temama za Izazov 31 dana, što znači da je na redu manikir inspirisan natprirodnim. Pošto sam i dalje prilično nevešta u crtanju, morala sam da se ograničim na ono što mogu da izaberem sa pločica koje imam i brzo sam našla motive koji mi se sviđaju. Iako sam zamišlju zadovoljna, izvedbom baš i nisam, a u nastavku možete pročitati zašto.

Matching Manicures are returning after summer break. We're picking up from where we'd stopped with 31 Day Challenge themes, which means that this week it is turn to be inspired by supernatural. Since I am still bad at drawing, I had to limit myself to motifs I could find on my stamping plates and I was actually quick to find suitable images. However, even though I am happy with my particular idea, I am not as pleased with how it turned out. You can read why after page break.

09 July 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired by Fashion

Kako sam osoba koja ne prati modu, trendove i sl. ova tema mi je posebno teško pala. No, s druge strane, tema je takva da nismo ograničeni samo na savremene modne tendencije već se možemo inspirisati i modom prohujalih doba ili drugih naroda, civilizacija. Stoga sam se odlučila da inspiraciju potražim u dalekom Japanu, a tome je sasvim sigurno doprinela činjenica da je prošle nedelje održan Japanizam i da se preko puta mog štanda nalazio štand Tsubaki kimono.

Being someone who is not into fashion, trends and such, I found this theme to be a chore, which is why I am only publishing this article at the last moment. However, on the other hand, the theme is such that we are not limited to current fashion trends, but we can take our inspiration from fashion of times gone by, of different peoples or civilisations. That is why I looked for my inspiration far away, in Japan, and the fact that Japanizam had just ended and that Tsubaki kimono booth was right across mine had figured greatly in this decision.

14 February 2016

Matching Manicures - Valentine's Day

Danas se u jednom delu sveta "slavi" jedan od velikih konzumerističkih praznika, jedan od mnogih datuma za koje ne marim. Kako je manikir za dan zaljubljenih svake godine bio tražen kao tema za Matching Manicures onda neću biti kvariša, ali ću učestvovati na svoj način.

Today a part of the world is celebrating one of great consumerist holidays, one of many dates I don't care about. Since Valentine's Day mani theme is requested every year for Matching Manicures I will not be a spoilsport, but I'll take part in my own way.

30 October 2015

Maybelline Dr. Rescue CC Nails Base Coat

Poslednjih nedelja sam se načitala pohvala na račun nove Maybelline baze za nokte pa nisam odolela i morala sam da je i sama uzmem i isprobam, pre svega zato što sam naišla na komentar da izbeljuje nokte. Ova baza dolazi u bočici od 7 ml i još nekoliko dana je, zajedno sa svim drugim Maybelline proizvodima, na sniženju u DMu i košta 259 dinara. Inače joj je cena oko 350 dinara.

These past several weeks I've been reading praises to new Maybelline base coat so I couldn't resist and I had to go and try it myself, especially after reading that it whitens nail plate. This base comes in 7 ml bottle and retails for about €3.

18 October 2015

Matching Manicures - lišće

Današni nedeljni zadatak radimo u uspomenu na sve lišće koje je opalo u borbi za smenu godišnjih doba. Jesenje vreme nam je osim ogolelog drveća donelo i sezonsku smenu boja. Sada je sve sivo. :P Da razbijem to sivilo koje me baca u depresiju, odlučila sam se za jesenji, ali veseo narandžasti manikir.

We're doing this week's theme in honour of all the leaves that have fallen in the battle of change of seasons. Besides bare trees, the autumn has brought with it the seasonal change of colours. Now everything is grey. :P To combat this bleakness that makes me depressed, I decided to do an autumnal, but cheery orange mani.

30 September 2015

Maybelline Dr. Rescue SOS Balm Nail + Cuticle

Jelena je prošlog meseca uspela da mi ulovi Maybelline Dr. Rescue stik za negu noktiju i zanoktica i sada sam spremna da sa vama podelim utiske o njemu.

Last month Jelena managed to get me Maybelline Dr. Rescue stick for nail and cuticle care and now I am ready to share my thoughts about it with you.

26 September 2015

MoYou Nails 73

Juče sam morala da uzmem dan odmora, ali zato danas možete da pročitate nešto o MoYou Nails 73 pločici za pečatiranje.

Image plate 73

Yesterday I had to take a day off, but today you can read a bit about MoYou Nails 73 stamping plate.

07 July 2015

Maybelline Crystallize Nearly Black

Japanizam je prošao, a ovo je bio prvi put u poslednjih par godina da na nekom Sakurabaninom događaju nemam prigodan tematski manikir. Zbog svakodnevnih promena odeće i nemogućnosti da svakog dana menjam i lak odabrala sam onaj koji će mi se uklopiti sa većinom odevnih kombinacija, a ovom prilikom je to bio Maybelline Crystallize Nearly Black. Ovo je drugi od dva laka iz te kolekcije koja sam uspela da nađem prošle godine na putovanju i veoma mi je žao što do nas ova linija uopšte nije stigla.

Japanizam ended and this was the first time in several years that I didn't have an appropriately manicured nails. Due to regular wardrobe change and inability to change polish daily I opted for a polish that would match most of my outfits and this time it was Maybelline Crystallize Nearly Black. This is the second of the two polishes from that collection that I got on my trip last year and I am so sad this collection never reached our stores.

14 June 2015

Born Pretty BP-28

Danas ne učestvujem u tematskom manikiru jer je tema "neon". Imam samo jedan neonac, koji sam već predstavljala na blogu (Color Club Explosive) i, iskreno, nemam nameru da ga ponovo koristim. Zato se okrećem pločici koju sam koristila za prethodni usklađeni manikir - Born Pretty BP-28.

I am not matching my manicure with other girls today because this week's theme is "neon". I only have one neon polish (Color Club Explosive) and I've already shown it on blog and, to be honest, I do not intend to use it again. That is why I am turning to the stamping plate I've used for the previous Matching Manicure - Born Pretty BP-28.

10 June 2015

Jade Express Finish So Green i Magic Blue

Kada sam prošle godine od drugarice dobila gomilu starih lakova među njima je bio i par Jade lakova. Jade je ime pod kojim se Maybelline proizvodi prodaju u Nemačkoj, ali ne znam zašto se tamo zovu tako, a ne Maybelline. Verujem da su ova dva laka bila aktuelna krajem devedesetih, mada možda i grešim. Ova dva sam zadržala jer su mi boje bile zanimljive - jedan me je podsetio na jedan od omiljenih lakova, a nikada nisam videla lak sličan drugom.

When I received a pile of nail polish from a friend last year, there was a couple of Jade polishes among them. Jade is name Maybelline products are sold in Germany,, but I don't know why that is the case and why they aren't known as Maybelline there. I believe that these two polishes were sold in the second half of the 90's, but I may be wrong. I have kept these two because one of them reminds me of one of my favourite polishes and the other one is like nothing I've seen before.

10 March 2015

Maybelline Colorshow Red Excess

Prošle godine sam još uvek bila veoma zaljubljena u teksturisane lakove i na putovanju sam uspela da nabavim dva od tri Maybelline Colorshow Crystallize laka za kojima sam tada silno patila. I dalje volim teksturce, ali nisam više tako grozničava kada vidim neki koji poput ovog ne može da se nabavi kod nas.

Last year I was still head over heels in love with textured polishes and on my trip to London I managed to get two of three Maybelline Colorshow Crystallize lemmings. I still love textured polishes, I'm just not as frantic when I see one that can't be bought here.

23 November 2014

Matching Manicures - suvo mramoriranje

Posle vodenog mramoriranja na red je došla tehnika suvog mramoriranja noktiju. Ova verzija zahteva manje veštine i čišćenja od vodene. Postoji više različitih načina za dobijanje ovog efekta na noktima. Svi podrazumevaju da se radi sa neosušenim lakom, a ja sam pokušala da ga postignem iglom, tj. najtanjom tačkalicom iz ovog seta.

After water marbling we are now trying the technique of dry or needle marbling. This waterless version is easier and less messy than water marble. There are several different ways of doing it. All of them require using wet polish and I have chosen to achieve my effect using needle, ie. the finest dotter from this set.

09 November 2014

Matching Manicures - Mix & Match

Tema ovonedeljnog usklađenog manikira nam daje veću kreativnu slobodu nego što je slučaj sa nekom drugim temama. Pošto poslednjih nedelja pratim Nail'd It, takmičarsku emisiju posvećenu nail artu, a tamo skoro isključivo rade mix & match, imala sam dosta ideja. Po običaju sam htela da mi manikir bude jednostavan. Od lakova sam koristila samo Sephora It's Time To Rock! i Maybelline Dark Chocolate. Od dekoracija sam koristila crne nitne, ovalnu nitnu, nalepnice za ruffian iz Catrice NEONaturals seta (hvala ShineEye :*) i vinilnu traku.

This week's matching manicures' theme is giving us more creative freedom than some other themes. Since I've been watching Nail'd It, nail art contest show where they mostly do mix & match designs I did have a lot of ideas. As usual, I wanted to keep the mani simple. I have only used two polishes - Sephora It's Time To Rock! and Maybelline Dark Chocolate. I have used black studs, metallic oval stud, ruffian stencil stickers from Catrice NEONaturals set (thank you ShineEye :*) and vinyl striping tape.

19 October 2014

N.Nail tačkalice

Od svih načina za ukrašavanje noktiju smatram da je tačkanje najjednostavniji i uz to pruža najveći spektar mogućnosti. Zato verujem da je dobro uložiti u dobar set tačkalica koji će vam omogućiti da izvedete više različitih šara ili kombinacija dezena. Poslednjih nedelja sam sa uživanjem isprobavala ovaj petodelni set N.Nail tačkalica, a rezultate možete videti u nastavku članka.

Out of all nail art techniques I find dotting to be the simplest and the most versatile one. That is why I firmly believe that it is good to invest in a good set of dotting tools that will let you do a diverse selection of patterns. I have had the pleasure to try this five piece N.Nail dotting tools set and you can see the results after the page break.

03 October 2014

MoYou Nails 127

Još jedna sjajna pločica za pečatiranje je upravo ova nova MoYou Nails - #127.

Another brilliant stamping plate is this new MoYou Nails one - #127.

29 August 2014

MoYou Nails 123

Ovog leta je MoYou Nails izbacio 27 sasvim novih pločica, kao i šest novih boja lakova za pečatiranje. Meni će biti zadovoljstvo da vam predstavim neke od novih pločica, počevši od današnje.

This summer MoYou Nails has placed 27 new image plates on the market, as well as six new stamping polish shades. It will be my pleasure to show you several of these new plates, starting from today.

19 March 2014

p2 Sand Style 110 Classy

U novembru sam imala sreću da je divna blogokoleginica Luchessa bila raspoložena za razmenu i poslala mi je neke divne lakove koji se kod nas ne mogu naći u zamenu za neke divne lakove koji se ne mogu naći u Nemačkoj. Pošto sam već imala oduševljavajuće iskustvo sa p2 Sand Style lakovima (sećate li se Confidential?) znala sam da ću je zamoliti za nekoliko ovih lakova iz jesenje kolekcije. Classy mi je bio na vrhu liste želja i naravno da je bio prvi koji sam isprobala. p2 je DMov brend inicijalno posvećen nezi i ulepšavanju noktiju, mada sada imaju i šminku. Može se nabaviti samo u Nemačkoj i Austriji.

Last November I was fortunate enough to have dear fellow blogger Luchessa accept my swap proposal and send me some lovely polishes we can't get here in exchange for some lovely polishes unavailable in Germany. After my thrilling experience with p2 Sand Style polishes (remember Confidential?) I knew I'd ask her for some shades from autumn collection. Classy was on the top of my wish list and it was naturally the first one I have tried. p2 is one of DMs brands that was initially dedicated to nail care and nail beauty, but now has make up too. It is available in Germany and Austria.

08 February 2014

Maybelline Colorama Neons 188 Electric Pink

Pred Novu godinu sam dobila L'Oreal paketić i u njemu se između ostalog našao ovaj lak. Volim da dobijam lakove na poklon od ljudi koji me ne poznaju jer su velike šanse da ću dobiti nešto što sama ne bih kupila. Na taj način sam otkrila da volim neke boje koje drugačije sama ne bih odabrala. Zato mi je bilo veoma slatko i zabavno kada sam videla da je lak koji mi je zapao hot pink neonac. Nikada sama ne bih odabrala ovakav lak, ali nema razloga da ga ne probam kada je već tu. Maybelline Colorama lakovi imaju 7 ml, koštaju 219 dinara, a tokom februara su na sniženju od 20% u DMu.

This year I got a New Year's gift from L'Oreal and it held this polish among other things. I love to get nail polishes from people who don't know me because chances are great I'll get something I wouldn't buy myself. I have discovered I like some colour I normally wouldn't give a thought that way. That's why I found it cute and funny when I discovered a hot pink neon polish in my package. I'd never pick such polish myself, but there's no reason not to try it now. Maybelline Colorama polishes come in 7 ml bottles.

07 February 2014

MoYou Nails 23

Essence stampy polish preko Don Juan OC231

Znate li šta je sreća u nesreći kada vam hronično pucaju nokti? To što možete da isprobavate motive za pečatiranje koji su mali za vašu uobičajenu dužinu noktiju. MoYou Nails N23 je pločica sa četiri motiva za ceo nokat koji nisu onako veliki kao na drugim MoYou Nails pločicama koje sam do sada prikazala i sa jednim manjim motivom. Dimenzije slika za pun nokat su 16x12 mm, što je ista veličina kao i Konad punih motiva. Izbor slika je takav da se manje-više mogu uspešno nadograđivati i za duže/šire nokte.

crni kineski lak za pečatiranje preko  Aura Professional 51 Forever Mine

Do you know what is a silver lining to chronic nail breaking? The fact that you can try out stamping images that are too small for your regular nail length. MoYou Nails N23 is a stamping plate with four full nail motifs that are smaller than on the other image plates I reviewed and with one smaller image. Full nail images are 16x12 mm, which is the same size as Konad full nail images. The choice of images is such that you can successfully build them up for longer/wider nails.

04 January 2014

Žuti ombre

Jeste li se uželeli sunca? Nemam nešto posebno da kažem o ovom manikiru. Radila sam ga kao drugi manikir za ombre petak. Koristila sam redom od palca ka malom prstu: Essence Urban Messages 5 Wall of Fame, Golden Rose Rich Color 48, S.he Stylezone 300, Essence Colour & go 118 Little Miss Sunrise, Maybelline mini Colorama 105 Urban Orange. Prva slika je snimljena u hladu, druga na direktnom suncu.

I don't have much to say about this mani. I did it as a second mani for ombre Friday. The polishes I used are from thumb to pinkie: Essence Urban Messages 5 Wall of Fame, Golden Rose Rich Color 48, S.he Stylezone 300, Essence Colour & go 118 Little Miss Sunrise, Maybelline mini Colorama 105 Urban Orange. First photo was taken in shade, the other in direct sunshine.

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