Showing posts with label L'Oreal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label L'Oreal. Show all posts

18 September 2021

L'Oreal Color Riche Le Vernis à l'Huile 674 Noir Noir

Koliko crnih lakova je potrebno Cajki? Svi. Iako imam svoje omiljene crne kreme, uvek sam bila spremna da kupim još koju, čisto da vidim koliko su dobre. Takođe na stopalima uvek imam crni lak, te je ovo boja koju, za razliku od ostalih, redovno trošim makar na pedikir. Tako sam pre neku godinu kada su povlačili L'Oreal lakove iz naše ponude uzela sa stalka za rasprodaje L'Oreal Color Riche Le Vernis à l'Huile 674 Noir Noir, nadajući se da će biti dobra zamena za Essie Licorice (tada već povučen iz naših drogerija). Kako se pokazao?
How many black polishes does Cajka need? All of them. Even though I have my favourite black cremes, I am always ready to buy a new one, just to see how good it is. I also always wear black polish on my toes, so this is the one colour which, unlike others, I use regularly, at least for pedicures. So several years ago when they were withdrawing L'Oreal polishes I got L'Oreal Color Riche Le Vernis à l'Huile 674 Noir Noir from one of the clearance bins, hoping it would be a good substitute for Essie Licorice which has already been withdraw from our drugstores. So how did it fare?

28 July 2016

L'Oreal Grenat Irreverent

Granat mi je jedan od omiljenih minerala, a razne nijanse granat-crvene rado nosim na noktima. Stoga je bilo prirodno da uzmem bordo L'Oreal nazvan upravo po granatu. L'Oreal Color Riche Le Vernis à l'Huile bočica veličinom i oblikom podseća na Essie bočicu, a i četkica je poput Essie - široka, pljosnata i zaobljena. Drška četkice je zanimljiva jer ima horizontalne useke koji sprečavaju curenje viška proizvoda. Ovi lakovi su obogaćeni i uljima ruže, lotosa, argana i semena kamelije, ali šta će ona u laku meni (još uvek) nije poznato. Pakovanje je od 13,5 ml. Cena u DM-u je 499 dinara, a u Liliju je još uvek na sniženju i može se kupiti za 373 dinara.

Garnet is one of my favourite minerals and I gladly wear shades of garnet-red on my nails. Therefore it was natural for me to buy a maroon L'Oreal polish named after garnet. Color Riche Le Vernis à l'Huile polishes come in bottles that resemble Essie bottles and have flat, wide, rounded brush, just like Essie. What is interesting is the stem of the brush - it has bevelled horizontal indentations that prevent excess polish from dripping. These polishes are enriched with rose, lotus flower, camelia seed and argan oils, but I (still) do not know what are they doing in polish.

08 July 2016

Born Pretty BP-L005

Sve ređe stižem da pečatiram, a sve češće imam želju za pečatiranjem. Nekako sam uspela između redovnih obaveza da uradim nekoliko pečatnih manikira - dovoljno za prikaz ove lepe pločice. I malo više. :D Trenutno su sve BPS pločice za pečatiranje na popustu pa možete za male pare da se opskrbite novim materijalom za pečatiranje.

I have less and less time for nail stamping, but want to stamp more often than usual. I have finally managed to do several stamping manis between my daily duties - enough to showcase this nice image plate. And then some. :D All BPS image plates are currently on sales so you should take this opportunity to get all the stamping supplies you need.

28 June 2016

L'Oreal Violet de Nuit

U drogerije su stigli novi L'Oreal lakovi. Više nema onih preskupih (po ml) minijaturnih Color Riche lakića, sada su u ponudi veći Color Riche Le Vernis à l'Huile lakovi. Njihova bočica veličinom i oblikom podseća na Essie bočicu, a i četkica je poput Essie - široka, pljosnata i zaobljena. Drška četkice je zanimljiva jer ima horizontalne useke koji sprečavaju curenje viška proizvoda. Ovi lakovi su obogaćeni i uljima ruže, lotosa, argana i semena kamelije, ali šta će ona u laku meni nije poznato. Pakovanje je od 13,5 ml, cena 373 dinara u Liliju, odn 499 dinara u DM-u. Ne znam da li je ova cena u Liliju promotivna i, ako jeste, do kada promocija traje.

New L'Oreal polishes have hit the stores. No more tiny overpriced Color Riche polishes, Color Riche Le Vernis à l'Huile polishes are now in town. They are packaged in bottles that resemble Essie bottles and have flat, wide, rounded brush, just like Essie. What is interesting is the stem of the brush - it has bevelled horizontal indentations that prevent excess polish from dripping. These polishes are enriched with rose, lotus flower, camelia seed and argan oils, but I do not know what are they doing in polish.

08 May 2016

Matching Manicures - Glitter

Kasnim, kasnim sa današnjim člankom. Iskreno, mislia sam da ću ovonedeljnu temu preskočiti jer su mi dve zamisli propale, ali snađoh se nekako da ipak ne propustim nedeljni manikir.

I'm late, I'm late with today's mani. To be honest, I thought that I'll have to skip this theme because two of my ideas failed, but I managed to do something in order not to skip matching manicure.

19 December 2015

MoYou Nails 405

Evo i druge od novih, kvadratnih MoYou Nails pločica. Jedan motiv ste već imali prilike da vidite, u Movember manikiru, a sada možete videti i tri nova pečatiranja.

Here comes the second of the new MoYou Nails square plates. You have already seen one of these designs in my Movember manicure and now you can see three new stampicures.

14 November 2015

MoYou Nails 132

Ne znam za vas, ali ja željno iščekujem nove MoYou Nails pločice. Dok se ne pojave u prodaji taman ću imati priliku da završim predstavljanje starijih, okruglih pločica. Začudo za ovaj članak nisam spremila neku sa slikama za frenč. Ne, ova pločica slavi godišnje doba suprotno ovom u kome se nalazimo mi na severnoj hemisferi.

Image Plate 132

I don't know about you, but I am eagerly awaiting new MoYou Nails stamping plates. Until they are available I will take the chance to finish showing you the older, round image plates. Surprisingly enough, I haven't picked one with French tips for this post. No, this image plate celebrates season that is the opposite of the one us on the northern hemisphere are going through right now.

31 October 2015

MoYou Nails 80

Mesec sam počela predstavljanjem jedne MoYou Nails pločice sa motivima za francuski manikir, a sada ga na sličan način i završavam.

I have started this month with review of one of MoYou Nails image plate with French tips and now I am ending it in a similar manner.

03 October 2015

MoYou Nails N34

Kratki nokti nisu prepreka za zanimljivo pečatiranje, čak ni kada pečatiram motive za francuski manikir.

MoYou Nails Image Plate 34

Short nails aren't an impediment for interesting stamping, not even when it comes to stamping French tips.

26 September 2015

MoYou Nails 73

Juče sam morala da uzmem dan odmora, ali zato danas možete da pročitate nešto o MoYou Nails 73 pločici za pečatiranje.

Image plate 73

Yesterday I had to take a day off, but today you can read a bit about MoYou Nails 73 stamping plate.

30 April 2015

L'Oreal LaquiResist 838 i Jet-Set 410

Verovatno se ne sećate hrpe lakova koju mi je prošle godine prosledila drugarica keramičarka. Rad sa glinom očigledno nije kompatibilan sa lakiranjem noktiju, ali odricanje od lakiranja vredi jer iz takvog kreativnog izraza proizilaze lepi i korisni predmeti koje možete videti i kupiti u Gallery 1250°. Većinu ovih lakova sam prosledila dalje, sebi sam ostavila četiri, a dva od njih vam predstavljam danas.

You probably don't remember the pile of nail polish a potter friend of mine had sent me. Working with clay is clearly not compatible with paining nails, but giving up nail polish is worth it when you see beautiful and useful fruits of such work and if you are in Belgrade you too can see and buy them at Gallery 1250°. I have passed most of her polishes on, but I have kept four for myself and today I am showing you two of them.

18 April 2015

MoYou Nails 219

Pre par nedelja sam spomenula kako su mi sve zanimljiviji životinjski motivi i predstavila sam pločicu koja ima dve životinjske šare. Sada je na redu MoYou Nails pločica koja ima samo takve motive.

One of the most popular designs is the zebra design, and you can find it on the MoYou Plate 219, as a full-nail print.

I mentioned how I find animal print more and more appealing several weeks ago when I reviewed an image plate that has two such designs. Now I am showing you a MoYou Nails stamping plate that has only animal patterns.

03 April 2015

MoYou Nails N20

Ne znam za vas, ali meni se sve više dopadaju životinjske šare na noktima. Zato danas predstavljam MoYou Nails pločicu koja ima čak dva takva motiva.

MoYou image plate 20

I don't know about you, but I am liking animal pring on nails more and more. Which is why I am showing you a MoYou Nails image plate that has two such designs.

27 February 2015

MoYou Nails 124

Predstavljanje MoYou Nails pločica za pečatiranje nastavljam jednom od prošlogodišnjih letnjih pločica - onom pod brojem 124.

Plate 124

I continue showing MoYou Nails stamping plates with one from last summer's collection - image plate number 124.

25 November 2014

L'Oreal Color Riche Purple Disturbia

S vremena na vreme do mene posredstvom drugarica dođu lakovi koje sama ne bih odabrala, ali mi je drago što tako mogu da probam neke boje ili brendove kojima inače nisam sklona. Među njima je L'Oreal Color Riche linija lakova. L'Oreal Color Riche lakovi imaju 5 ml i koštaju oko 500 dinara, što ih svrstava u cenovni rang sa Sephora i Nails inc. lakovima.

From time to time my friends provide me with polishes I wouldn't choose myself, but that is a great way for me to try colours and brands I am not inclined to. Among them is L'Oreal Color Riche line of polishes. They have 5 ml and retail for about 5 €, which puts them in the same price range with Sephora and Nails inc. polishes.

21 November 2014

MoYou Nails 117

Dugo nisam predstavila neku pločicu za pečatiranje sa motivima za francuski manikir, uglavnom zato što sam nokte uporno skraćivala na dužinu nezgodnu za pečatiranje takvih slika, no našla sam način da prevaziđem tu "prepreku" i sa zadovoljstvom vam predstavljam jednu od 27 pločica koje je MoYou Nails letos dodao svojoj ponudi - MoYou Nails 117.

Plate 117

It's been awhile since I last reviewed an image plate with French manicure motifs, mostly because I keep my nails too short for such designs, but now I've found a way around that hurdle and it is with great pleasure that I show you one of 27 stamping plate MoYou Nails had added to the range this summer - MoYou Nails 117.

03 October 2014

MoYou Nails 127

Još jedna sjajna pločica za pečatiranje je upravo ova nova MoYou Nails - #127.

Another brilliant stamping plate is this new MoYou Nails one - #127.

26 September 2014

MoYou Nails 128

Nokti su mi porasli pa se mogu vratiti predstavljanju novih MoYou Nails pločica za pečatiranje sa motivima za ceo nokat. Danas je na redu pločica 128.

My nails gave grown so I can get back to reviewing new MoYou Nails image plates with designs for full nail. Today I have stamping plate #128 to show you.

29 June 2014

Matching Manicures - inspirisano serijom

Pošto sam ovih nedelja u frenetičnim pripremama za Japanizam (3-6. jula u Domu omladine) nisam imala vremena da spremim neki kompleksniji i prepoznatljiviji manikir inspirisan serijom, ali potrudila sam se da makar učestvujem u ovonedeljnom usklađenom manikiru. Prošle godine je završena jedna od mojih omiljenih serija - Poaro. Ako se sećate stare špice možda ćete prepoznati motiv na mom domalom prstu. U pitanju je jedna od slika pored kojih Poaro prolazi, kao i motiv iz kog se pojavljuje Poaroov lik. Više o samoj uvodnoj špici možete pročitati ovde - Na svim noktima imam Morgan Taylor Better in Leather. Za nail art sam koristila L'Oreal Jet-Set 115 preko Flormar True Color 027.

I've been in frantic preparations for Japanizam (3-6. July in Belgrade) these past few weeks and I didn't have time to prepare a more complex or more recognisable series-inspired manicure for this weeks Matching Manicures, but I did try to take part in it. Poirot - one of my favourite series came to end last year. If you remember the old opening sequence you may recognise the motif on my ring finger. It is one of the paintings Poirot passes by and also a motif that Poirots face comes out of. You can read more about this opening scene here - I have Morgan Taylor Better in Leather on all nails. I have used L'Oreal Jet-Set 115 over Flormar True Color 027 for nail art.

05 March 2014

Mat nadlakovi

Karaja The Mat Maker - Flormar Matifying Top-Coat - Miss Sporty Check Matte - L'Oreal Top Coat Matte - Aura Matte Top Coat

Vidim da je jedan od čestih upita koji dovodi posetioce na moj blog upravo razlika među nekim mat nadlakovima ili mat nadlakovi uopšte. Pošto je od mog poslednjeg poređenja prošlo dosta vremena, a u međuvremenu sam nabavila još matirajućih lakova sada vam ih predstavljam na okupu, jedne pored drugih. Ovo poređenje nema za cilj da nađe "najbolji" matirajući nadlak jer svaki od ovih koje ću vam predstaviti ima svoje prednosti i mane, a ne treba zaboraviti ni da ne tražimo svi isti efekat, isti stepen matiranosti. Golden Rose Matte Top Coat sam kupila pošto sam već spremila ovaj članak te nije uključen u poređenje, ali ovde ću reći da je tačno između Karaja i Flormar matirajućih.

I have noticed one of more frequent inquiries that brings visitors to my blog is comparison among mattifying top coats and matte top coats in general. Since it's been quite some time since I last did a comparison of this sort and I have bought several other matte top coats in the meantime, I shall present them to you now side by side. The object of this comparison is not to find "the best" mattifying top coat because every one of these has good and bad sides and we shouldn't forget that not all of us are looking for the same level of matte effect. I had bought Golden Rose Matte Top Coat only after I have already finished this comparison so that one isn't included, but I can say that it falls right between Karaja and Flormar top coats.
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