Ako ste mislili da sam odustala od Born Pretty pločica za pečatiranje, prešli ste se. Samo sam ih malo zapostavila. Istini za volju, ni oni neko vreme nisu izbacili nešto novo što bi mi zagolicalo maštu, a one pločice koje mi stoje neisprobane i nepredstavljene me nisu baš inspirisale. No kada su mi stigli lakovi za pečatiranje koje sam u januaru predstavila, taman sam ih uparila sa dve BPS pločice koje do tada nisam koristila. Jedna od njih je BP-77.
http://www.bornprettystore.com/negative-space-pattern-nail-stamp-template-image-plate-born-pretty-bp77-p-21808.html |
If you thought that I had given up on Born Pretty image plates, you were wrong. I just neglected them a bit. To be fair, they haven't placed a new plate that would tickle my fancy in a while, and those stamping plates that I haven't shown yet aren't inspiring me to use them. But when new stamping polishes that I reviewed in January had arrived I combined them with two of those unused BPS plates. One of them is BP-77.