Poslednjih meseci sam neredovno vodila računa o svojim noktima, ali u proteklih nekoliko nedelja, par meseci, počela sam sa stalnom nedeljnom rutinom. Morala sam da je uvedem kada sam shvatila da "skratiću nokte sutra" za jedno veče može da me dovede iz "sviđa mi se kako mi nokti izgledaju" u "mrzim svoje nokte" raspoloženje. Činjenice da su mi nokti nezgodnog oblika i da se krive posle određene dužine su samo pomogle da učvrstim ovu odluku. Jesenas sam pisala o sređivanju noktiju kod kuće, ali tu sam pokrila razne načine za kućni manikir i želja mi je bila da vi same otkrijete šta će vama odgovarati. Ovo je ono što meni trenutno odgovara i što jednom nedeljno radim da bih nokte koliko je to moguće držala u redu.
My nail care has been irregular during last months, but I have implemented a weekly routine these past several weeks, couple of months. I had to start it once I realized that "I'll shorten my nails tomorrow"can turn my attitude towards my nails from "I like the look of my nails" to "I hate my nails" in a single night. The fact that my nails flare and that they bend after they grow over a certain length have only helped me in making this decision. Last fall I did an article about at home manicure, but that was a general guide meant to help you find what suits you best. This is what works for me and what I sit to do once a week in order to keep my nails tidy as much as possible.