Poput baza i nadlakovi imaju više uloga, ali glavne tri su produžavanje trajnosti manikira, davanje sjaja laku i ubrzavanje sušenja. Poput baza, svi nadlakovi sadrže rastvarače, plastifikatore i celulozne supstance. Odnos ovih sastojaka se manje ili više razlikuje od baza i zato imamo i 2 u 1 baze/nadlakove, ali je i razlog zašto neke nadlakove nikako ne treba pomešati sa bazom. Problem sa sastojcima koji čine nadlak je da je lako postići da nadlak ispunjava dve od tri osnovne uloge, ali teško je da ispunjava sve tri. Ako izuzmemo nadlakove koji lakovima daju poseban efekat (matirajući, svetleći, prizmatični, magnetni, teksturni...) najlakše mi je da nadlakove grubo podelim na brzosušeće i nebrzosušeće.
Like base coats, top coats have several roles, but main three are increasing your manicure wear time, high gloss and quick drying. Like base coats, all top coats contain solvents, plasticizers and cellulose chemicals. The ratio of these ingredients is more or less different from base coats which is why some top coats should never be used as base coats, but also why we have 2 in 1 base/top coats. The issue with all these ingredients is that it is easy to get the ratio that would fill two of three main roles of top coat, but it is very difficult to get it to fill all three. If we don't take special effects top coats (matte, glow in the dark, prismatic, magnetic, texture...) into consideration it is easiest to me to split top coats into two groups - fast-drying and not fast-drying.