Showing posts with label Dance Legend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dance Legend. Show all posts

22 September 2021

Dance Legend Big Bang

Još jedan lak koji dugo čeka da ga isprobam je Dance Legend Big Bang. Uzela sam ga za rođendan 2015. godine sa Hypnotic Polish sajta, koji više nažalost ne dostavlja za Srbiju. Cela Galaxy kolekcija se još uvek proizvodi i može se nabaviti preko zvaničnog Dance Legend sajta.
Another polish that has been waiting for a long time to be worn is Dance Legend Big Bang. I got it for birthday in 2015. from Hypnotic Polish. The entire Galaxy collection is still manufacuted and can be ordered from the official Dance Legend website.

28 June 2021

Dance Legend Top Prismatic

Pre nekoliko godina, kada je Dance Legend ponudio nadlak koji od bilo kog laka može napraviti holo lak, silno sam čeznula za njim. Potom kada sam napokon uspela da ga nabavim, nisam ga koristila. Donekle zato što sam u međuvremenu nabavila dovoljno holo lakova (da li to postoji?), donekle zato što sam bila malo razočarana efektom ovog nadlaka.
Several years ago, when Dance Legend made a top coat that would turn any nail polish into a holo, I wanted to have it really bad. Then, after I finally got my hands on one, I didn't use it. In part because I acquired enough holo polishes (is there such a thing?), and in part because I was somewhat disappointed with the effect of this topper.

23 June 2021

Skittle Manis

Prošlog petka smo za temu imali skittle manikir. Ovo je nešto što volim da radim i imala sam odličnu ideju te sam odmah izvukla svoje China Glaze holo lakove i krenula da ih mažem. Onda sam se setila da sam istu sjajnu ideju imala i pre nekoliko godina te sam izvukla druge lakove i mogu reći da sam ovom drugom verzijom daleko zadovoljnija. Sigurna sam da i sami možete videti zašto.
Last week's thematic mani theme was skittle mani. This is something I like to do and I had a great idea so I took my China Glaze holo polishes out and started painting my nails. Then I remembered I had that same idea years ago so I picked other polishes and I had to say I am far happier with this other version. I am sure you can see why.

20 June 2021

Dance Legend Roz

Davnijeh dana smo draga Suzana i ja razmenjivale poklone za rođendane i praznike i Roz je bio jedan od lakova koje sam dobila od nje. Trebalo je da prođe samo četiri godine da ga probam, iako mi je bio na listi želja pre nego što sam ga dobila. Dance Legend lakovi se mogu nabaviti kod raznih online trgovaca, kao i sa zvaničnog sajta.
In the olden days, my dear Suzana and I used to exchange gifts for birthdays and holidays and Roz was one of the polishes I got from her. It only took me four years to try it out, even though it was on my wish list at the time I got it. Donce Legend polishes can be ordered from many etailers, as well as from the official website.

12 September 2017

ILNP Nostalgia (H)

Skoro je jesen, a ja još uvek nisam pokazala lak koji sam nosila krajem proleća, na Japanizmu. Nostalgia je jedan od mnogih lakova koje sam prošle godine nabavila preko blogorasprodaje. ILNP lakove inače možete nabaviti preko Hypnotic Polish i NailLand. Bočica je od 12 ml i košta €12,3 na Hypnotic Polish, a na NailLand-u trenutno ovog laka nema u ponudi.

It is nearly autumn and I still haven't written about a polish that I wore for this year's Japanizam. ILNP Nostalgia is one of many polishes I got through a blog sale. You can get ILNP polishes through many etailers, and I can recommend Hypnotic Polish and NailLand. It comes in 12 ml bottle and retails for €12.3 on Hypnotic Polish, and is currently unavailable on NailLand.

21 June 2017

Dance Legend Mars

Kada je pre nekoliko godina Dance Legend napravio Chameleon kolekciju lakova, napravili su i tri laka proizvedena u malom broju, od kojih se jedan nije nikada ni našao u prodaji već se samo mogao dobiti kao poklon uz kupovinu u Rusiji. Ta tri laka su Mars, Phobos i Deimos, a Mars sam ludom srećom uspela da nabavim pada sam pre par godina naručila neke lakove sa Hypnotic Polish. Ovi su lakovi odavno rasprodati i ne mogu se više naći, sem kada povremeno osvanu na ebay-u.

When Dance Legend made a Chameleon collection several years ago, they also made three limited edition polishes, one of which was never even sold, but only given as a gift with purchase in Russia. Those three polishes are Mars, Phobos and Deimos, and I was fortunate enough to get Mars a couple of years ago when I placed an order with Hypnotic Polish. These polishes have long been sold out and can't be found any more, except when they show up on ebay.

20 March 2017

EnjoyOurs Nail Vinyls

U nail art svetu su lepljivi šabloni veoma popularni u poslednjih par godina i proizvođači se stalno utrkuju ko će izbaciti originalnije motive. I na EnjoyOurs sajtu se mogu nabaviti proizvodi ovog tipa te sam ja iskoristila priliku da neke isprobam.


Nail vinyls have been very popular for the last couple of years and manufacturers keep competing who will offer more original designs. EnjoyOurs has a selection of these products and I took a chance to try some of them.

08 March 2017

Matching Manicures - Inspired by Fashion

Prošle nedelje sam preskočila usklađeni manikir, a i sa ovonedeljnim kasnim jer u poslednje vreme ne stižem da mažem nokte. Ipak sam pokušala da ovom prilikom pomirim i aktuelnu i preskočenu temu i nadam se da će vam se rezultat svideti.

I skipped last week's matching manicure, and I am late with this week's theme because I haven't had time lately to paint my nails. However, I did try to combine current and skipped themes in today's mani and I hope you'll like the end result.

09 February 2017

Born Pretty Shine in the Dark

Born Pretty Store je izgleda zaista odlučio da pravi dobre linearne holo lakove. Ovaj koji danas predstavljam je bio ljubav na prvo mazanje. Puna cena mu je 20$, što je za preskupo za 10 ml laka, ali trenutno se nalazi na sniženju i može se kupiti upola cene.

Born Pretty Store seems to have truly decided to make good linear holo polishes. The one I am showing you today was love at first stroke. It costs $20, which is too much for 10 ml of polish, but it is currently discounted and you can get it at half the price.

12 January 2017

Literary Lacquers Camazotz

Letos sam se opskrbila Literary Lacquers lakovima jer mi je bilo nemoguće da odolim sjajnoj ponudi i činjenici da je svaki lak inspirisan književnim delom. Literary Lacquers lakovi su ručno pravljeni, a mogu se nabaviti u autorkinoj Etsy radnji, koja se ponovo otvara u februaru. Pakovanje je od 15 ml, a cene variraju od laka do laka.

This summer I got myself several Literary Lacquers because it was an irresistible offer and polishes are inspired by literature. Literary Lacquers are made by hand and can be purchased from creator's Etsy store, which is on hiatus until February. Polishes come in 15 ml bottles adn prices vary from polish to polish.

17 November 2016

ILNP Masquerade (H)

Među onih nekoliko ILNP lakova koje sam letos nabavila našao se i par duohroma u mojoj omiljenoj kombinaciji boja -zeleno-ljubičasto. Od svih njih jedino za ovaj smatram da mi zaista nije bio potreban jer suviše slične lakove već imam. Pakovanje je od 12 ml i košta €12,3 i na Hypnotic Polish i na NailLand.

There was a couple of duochrome polishe in my favourite colour shift (purple to green) among those ILNP polishes that I got this summer, This is the only one I think that I could give a miss, because it is too similar to other polishes I already have. It comes in 12 ml bottle and retails for €12.3 both on Hypnotic Polish and NailLand.

20 October 2016

ILNP Abundance (H)

Letos sam opet uspela da nabavim neke ILNP (i ne samo ILNP) lepote i da ih precrtam sa liste želja. Abundance mi se na toj listi povremeno pojavljivao, pa sam ga sklanjala pa vraćala pa... Smatrala sam da imam dovoljno sličnih lakova i da mi, iako je sasvim po mom ukusu, ne treba još jedan. No čim se ukazala prva prilika da ga uzmem, zgrabila sam je i sada je ova divota moja. Samo moja. Pakovanje je od 12 ml i košta €12,3 i na Hypnotic Polish i na NailLand.

This summer I managed to snag some ILNP (and not just ILNP) beauties and cross them off my wish list. Abundance is a polish that was on and off that list quite a few times because I considered that I already have enough similar polishes and that, even though this one was right up my alley, I don't need another one. However, the first time I had the chance to get my hands on it, I took it and now this gorgeousness is mine. All mine. It comes in 12 ml bottle and retails for €12.3 both on Hypnotic Polish and NailLand.

28 August 2016

Born Pretty BP-X01 Stamping Plate

Born Pretty Store na moju radost samo izbacuje nove proizvode za pečatiranje, zadržavajući visok kvalitet na koji sam se navikla. Jedan od skorašnjih dodataka njihovoj ponudi su kvadratne pločice, od kojih vam jednu predstavljam danas.

To my great joy, Born Pretty Store keeps making new stamping supplies without compromising high quality I am accustomed to. One of the more recent additions to their range is line of square image plates, one of which I am showing you today.

19 July 2016

Born Pretty Chameleon 32

Koliko purpurno-zelenih multihrom lakova mi je potrebno? Izgleda svi. :D Ovaj je iz dodatka Born Pretty Chameleon kolekciji lakova, u kojoj se nalaze zapravo već viđene boje, ali obogaćene šljokicama. Born Pretty Chameleon lakovi su zbunjujuće spakovani u bočice sa natpisom Holo Polish, a pakovanje je od 6 ml. Cena im je previsoka i za količinu i za kvalitet ($15,88), ali često su na sniženju te se ovaj trenutno može kupiti za "samo" $6,99.

How many purple-green multichrome polishes do I need? Apparently all of them. :D This one is from the addition to the Born Pretty Chameleon collection, which contains already seen colours, but enriched with glitter. Born Pretty Chameleon polishes come in 6 ml bottles with confusing Holo Polish label. I find the price of $15.88 too high for this amount and quality, but they are often at some sort of discount and at the moment this one retails for "just" $6.99.

08 July 2016

Born Pretty BP-L005

Sve ređe stižem da pečatiram, a sve češće imam želju za pečatiranjem. Nekako sam uspela između redovnih obaveza da uradim nekoliko pečatnih manikira - dovoljno za prikaz ove lepe pločice. I malo više. :D Trenutno su sve BPS pločice za pečatiranje na popustu pa možete za male pare da se opskrbite novim materijalom za pečatiranje.

I have less and less time for nail stamping, but want to stamp more often than usual. I have finally managed to do several stamping manis between my daily duties - enough to showcase this nice image plate. And then some. :D All BPS image plates are currently on sales so you should take this opportunity to get all the stamping supplies you need.

27 May 2016

MoYou Nails 400

Pošto MoYou Nails "kupi dve pločice, dobijaš još dve" ponuda i dalje traje (do kraja meseca), red je da vam pokažem još jednu njihovu pločicu i to jednu od meni najdražih među četvrtastima.

Since MoYou Nails "buy two, get two" offer on stamping plates is still active (until the end of the month), I think it is only fair to show you another one of their image plates and this is one of my favourites from their square plate line.

21 May 2016

MoYou Nails 403

U poslednje vreme MoYou Nails stalno ima neke akcije, specijalne ponude, a ja sam malo posustala sa predstavljanjem njihovih proizvoda. Pa dok je još u toku akcija da se za dve kupljene pločice dobijaju još dve, hajde da predstavim jednu od njihovih pločica.

MoYou nails has been having various special offers lately and I kinda neglected showcasing their stamping plates. So let's show you one while they are having "buy two, get two" special offer.

17 May 2016

Dance Legend Protuberance

Dance Legend kolekcija koja je najviše privukla moju pažnju je Galaxy. Iz ove kolekcije sam kupila četiri od šest lakova, a dva sam preskočila samo zato što ne marim za plavo-ljubičasti duo- i multihrome. Zamalo da ni ovaj ne uzmem, ali radoznalost i sklonost ka čudim bojama su odneli prevagu nad zdravim razumom. Galaxy kolekcija je spakovana u bočice od 6,5 ml (mada sam svojevremeno sa Llarowe sajta naručila i jedan od 15 ml), a lakovi koštaju 7,95 € na Hypnotic Polish, odnosno 8,5 € na Nail Land.

Galaxy is Dance Legend collection which caught my maximum attention. I have bought four of six polishes, and the two I skipped only because I am not a fan of blue-purple shifts. I nearly failed to get this polish as well, but curiosity and my affinity to odd colours got the best of me. Galaxy collection comes in 6.5 ml bottles (although I had bought one in 15 ml bottle from Llarowe some time ago), and each polish retails for 7.95 € at Hypnotic Polish, and 8.5 € at Nail Land.

14 May 2016

Moyra Nail Art Stamping Plate 07 Labyrinth

Ne mogu da se otrgnem utisku da pečatiranje noktiju polako uzima zamah u Srbiji. Em mi se čini da se žene i devojke sve više interesuju, em se i uvoznici više okreću etabliranim proizvođačima. Moram priznati da do pre par meseci nisam znala da mađarski brend Moyra ima pločice za pečatiranje, a čim sam se zainteresovala ispostavilo se da ih je naš uvoznik, Nail Line, imao i na stanju. Ukoliko ste u Subotici možete po njih otići lično, a za nas ostale preostaje naručivanje sa sajta Cena pločica je 795 dinara, a poštarina je oko 250 dinara.

I can't escape the notion that there is more and more interest for nail stamping in Serbia. Not only are girls and women more interested in this form of nail art, but importers are turning to more established brands as well. I have to admit that up until several months ago I had no idea that Hungarian brand Moyra offered image plates as well, but as soon as I expressed interest in them, it turned out that our importer, Nail Line, has them in stock. If you are in Hungary, you can order them from the official website, and if you are elsewhere, ships internationally. Moyra stamping plates retail for 5.90 €.

03 April 2016

Matching Manicures - Stripes

Posle tačkica na red su došle pruge. Ja sam naravno nevešta sa crtačima i teško mi je da izvučem ravnu liniju i uz pomoć lenjira, a zbog renoviranja koje i dalje traje nisam mogla da dođem do tračica, izabrala sam tehniku u kojoj se dobro snalazim - pečatiranje.

Stripes come after dots. I am not comfortable with stripers because I can't draw a straight line even against a ruler and because of ongoing renovations I couldn't reach my striping tapes, I opted for a technique I am doing well at - stamping.
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