Showing posts with label Catrice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catrice. Show all posts

31 July 2021

OPI DS Original

Pre par godina me je za rođendan Jeca iznenadila lakom koji nikada nisam očekivala da ću posedovati - OPI DS Original iz 2008. godine. Mada su u međuvremenu izašli mnogo kvalitetniji holo lakovi, ovaj vredi spomenuti jer bih rekla da je bio ispred svog vremena. I ispred onoga što OPI danas radi.
A couple of years ago, Jeca surprised me with a polish I never expected to own - OPI DS Original, from 2008. While much better holo polishes have been made since, this one deserves a mention because it was ahead of its time. And ahead of what OPI is doing today.

14 March 2021

Born Pretty BP-111

Ne znam zašto ovaj članak nisam objavila kada sam već uradila manikire i spremila slike, ali grešku ispravljam sada. Nažalost, neće vam pomoći da se odlučite da kupite ovu pločicu, jer je više nema na BPS sajtu, ali makar možete da gledate sličice iz ovog perioda pečatiranja koji mogu opisati samo kao dosadan.

I have no idea why I haven't published this article when I did all the manis and edited photos, but I am correcting that mistake no. Unfortunately, it will not help you as a recommendation for purchase of this plate since it has been discontinued, but at least you can feast your eyes on my staming from the boring period.

12 February 2021

Catrice IcoNails 36 Ready to Grape Off!

Nov petak, nova tema za manikir i nov razlog da napišem koju na blogu. Danas mažemo poslednji lak koji nam je ušao u kolekciju. Poslednji put sam lak kupila u martu 2018. godine, ali sam dobila nekoliko na poklon u međuvremenu od prijatelja i kolega te je tako i ovaj lakić našao put do mene. Firma za koju radim već nekoliko godina organizuje Secret Santa i mene je zimus izvukao kolega sa kojim nisam blisko sarađivala tako da se konsultovao sa koleginicom koja mu je lepo rekla da ja volim nenormalne karmine. Kolega je mislio da ga zeza (muško je pa nije registrovao da sam zaista na posao dolazila sa plavim, zelenim i sivim karminima, ali želim da mislim da oni zapravo na meni izgledaju normalno te da možda zato niko ne zapaža ništa neobično) te mi je uzeo savršeno normalan crveni karmin (skoro djup za jedan od mojih omiljenih ruževa koji se više ne proizvodi) i podjednako normalan vampičan lak. Pun pogodak po obe stavke, ali moram da dodam da, ako tokom čitanja teksta budete imali utisak da ga je pisao Valdorf ili Stetler, to je samo zato što je Catrice uspeo da udari na nekoliko stvari koje me iritiraju. I zato što postajem sve starija.
Another Friday, another theme for a mani and another reason to put a word or two out on the blog. Today we are wearing the latest additions to our nail polish collections. Now, I last bought a polish in march 2018. but I did get some as gifts from friends and colleagues. Okay, just one colleague. The company I work for has been organizing Secret Santa for several years now and my Secret Santa was a coworker I haven't worked with particularly closely so he consulted another coworker who, quite rightly, told him I love crazy lipsticks. My Secret Santa thought she was pulling his leg (he's a guy so naturally he wouldn't notice that I was coming to work with green, blue or grey lips, although I like to think they look normal on me so that is why he didn't think it strange) so he got me a perfectly normal red lipstick (almost an exact dupe for one of my favourite discontinued lippies) and equally normal vampy polish. He hit bulls eye on both accounts, but I need to stress that, if you feel like this post was written by Waldorf or Statler, that is only because Catrice managed to trigger a couple of my peeves. And because I am getting older.

20 September 2017

Catrice Noir Vert & Noir Bleu

Taman kada nam je u DM prošle godine stigao Catrice, u ponudu su uveli liniju Noir Noir lakova - 6 veoma tamnih, zacrnjenih lakova čije boje se kreću od crvene i ljubičaste preko sive do plave i zelene. Meni su ovi stigli od Suzi i da ih nisam dobila od nje, sasvim sigurno ne bih sama uzela nijedan jer me sa police nisu mamili. Sada se ovi lakovi povlače iz proizvodnje pa je moguće naći ih po sniženoj ceni u činijama kod kase u DMu.

Just as Catrice hit our DM stores last year, they had added Noir Noir line of polishes to their range. Noir Noir line consists of 6 very dark, blackened polishes that range from red and purple to grey to blue and green. I have gotten these two from Suzi and if it weren't for her, I would not have tried them at all, because they didn't call to me from the shelf. Now this line has been discontinued so you can probably get them for just a fraction of price in DM stores and other retailers that might carry them.

10 January 2017

Catrice Hyde In The Park

Catrice nam je sada dostupan u odabranim DM prodavnicama, a nadam se da nas sezonske kolekcije neće zaobilaziti jer u njima mogu da se nađu zbilja zanimljivi proizvodi, a dovoljno smo do sada propustili. Takav je bio slučaj sa Check & Tweed kolekcijom za jesen 2014. godine iz koje je ovaj lak. Naravno, više se ne može nabaviti sem ako, poput mene, ne naletite na njega na nekom sajtu poput Krpica.

Catrice is now available in Serbia and I hope that limited editions will be arriving regularly because they tend to contain truly interesting products and we have already missed so much. That was the case with Check & Tweed collection from autumn 2014. that this polish comes from. Off course, it is unavailable now unless, like me, you run into it on Ebay or similar website.

24 December 2016

Born Pretty BP-L050

Geometrijski motivi i optičke varke su popularni motivi na pločicama za pečatiranje i Born Pretty Store ne zaostaje za drugim proizvođačima kada su ovakve slike u pitanju.

Geometric images and optical illusions are fairly popular designs on stamping plates and Born Pretty Store does not lag behind other manufacturers when it comes to these motifs.

03 December 2016

Born Pretty BP-L049

Od momenta kada se pojavila, BP-L049 pločica mi je privukla pažnju i morala sam da je posedujem. Već sam spomenula da studiram turski jezik pa mi je pločica sa bliskoistočnim motivima bila prirodan izbor. Nadam se da će se i vama svideti.

From the moment it first showed up, BP-L049 image plate had caught my eye and I just had to own it. I have already mentioned that I study Turkish language and literature, so a stamping plate with middle eastern designs was a natural choice for me.

12 November 2016

Born Pretty BP-L040

U poslednje vreme sve više viđam pločice sa geometrijskim motivima, ali uglavnom se drže poznatih motiva optičkih varki. Ova pločica, s druge strane, iako se donekle drži tog puta, ipak pravi iskorak sa njega, čime mi je privukla pažnju.

Lately I've been seeing more and more image plates with geometric designs, but they mostly keep to well know optical illusion motifs. This stamping plate, on the other hand, even though it is along the same lines to an extent, steps out of it, which is why it had caught my eye.

24 September 2016

Harunouta Stamping Plate L008

Trenutno poslednja Harunouta / Spring Song pločica koju imam je pločica za koju verujem da je među popularnijima. Na prvi pogled ženstvena i delikatna, može se podjednako koristiti i za nežne nevestinske manikire, ali i za opake rokerske nokte.

The last Harunouta / Spring Song image plate I have to show is the one I believe is among the more popular ones. At a glance feminine and delicate, it can be used for gentle bridal manis as well as for edgy rocker nails.

05 July 2016

Catrice You R On My Mint

Sve više i više sam razočarana uvozničkim odlukama kada je u pitanju izbor nijansi lakova dostupnih na našem tržištu. Još jedan brend koji inače ima pristojnu paletu lakova za nokte, a koji je u našim drogerijama sveden na nijanse crvene, roze i boje kože je Catrice. Ne znam da li kod nas ima ukupno pet lakova koji nisu iz tog spektra, ali zato se ti malobrojni lakovi ističu među drugima. Tako mi je u korpi jednog lepog dana završio lak koji se imenom i bojom pri veštačkom svetlu pretvara da je mint. Catrice lakovi imaju 10 ml, mogu se nabaviti samo u DMu i koštaju 309 dinara.

I am more and more disappointed by importers decisions when it comes to choice of nail polish shades available in our drugstores. Another brand that has a decent palette and which has been reduced to shades of nude, pink and red is Catrice. I don't know if there are five polishes not from that spectrum, but those few do stand out among other polishes. That is how one fine day a polish that pretends to be mint ended up in my shopping basket. Catrice polishes come in 10 ml bottles and retail for about €2.5.

26 June 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired by a Book

Posle prošlonedeljene pauze, danas se vraćam usklađenom manikiru. Danas za temu imamo nešto meni veoma blisko - knjige. Ukoliko me pratite na Instagramu (@cajkinekandze), znate da uživam u čitanju, posebno jezovitih priča. Stoga nisam imala ni trenutak dvojbe šta će mi biti inspiracija - Montegju Roudz Džejms i Džozef Šeridan Le Fanu, tj. stara Wordsworth Editions izdanja zbirki njihovih pripovedaka.

After last week's break from Matching Manicures, I am back again. Today we have something really close to my heart as a theme - books. If you follow me on Instagram (@cajkinekandze), you already know that I enjoy reading books, especially chilling stories. That is why I did not have a moment of struggle what will be my direct inspiration - Montague Rhodes James and Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, i. e. old Wordsworth Editions collections of their stories.

27 May 2016

MoYou Nails 400

Pošto MoYou Nails "kupi dve pločice, dobijaš još dve" ponuda i dalje traje (do kraja meseca), red je da vam pokažem još jednu njihovu pločicu i to jednu od meni najdražih među četvrtastima.

Since MoYou Nails "buy two, get two" offer on stamping plates is still active (until the end of the month), I think it is only fair to show you another one of their image plates and this is one of my favourites from their square plate line.

13 February 2016

MoYou Nails 402

Još jedna pločica koju sam koristila u jednom od skorašnjih usklađenih manikira je MoYou Nails 402. Kakve se sve lepote kriju na njoj i kako sam ih ja upotrebila možete videti u nastavku članka.

Another image plate that I have recently used for a Matching Manicure is MoYou Nails 402. You can learn what wonders it holds and how I used them after page break.

07 February 2016

Matching Manicures - ljubičasto

Danas usklađujemo manikire u raznim tonovima ljubičaste. Iako imam dosta ljubičastih lakova bilo mi je veoma teško da smislim šta da radim za današnju temu, što zbog same teme, što zbog mog trenutnog (ne)raspoloženja, što zbog nagomilanih obaveza. No nešto sam uspela da izvedem i nadam se da će vam se svideti.

Today we are matching our manis using different shades of purple and violet. Even though I have a lot of purple polishes it was difficult for me to think up a mani - partly because the theme as such, partly because of my mood and partly because of my other engagements. However, I did manage to put something together and I hope you'll like it.

14 December 2015

China Glaze Cabin Fever

Poslednjih nekoliko dana se kroz oblake promalja i neko svetlo te sam iskoristila priliku da malo nosim jedan od aktuelnih duohromatskih lakova. Ovo je China Glaze Cabin Fever, koji ne samo što je iz jesenje kolekcije (The Great Outdoors), nego je i u pravim jesenjim bojama. Možete ga nabaviti u Alexandar Cosmetics u pakovanju od 14 ml po ceni od 498 dinara, ili u mini bočici od 3,6 ml za 213 dinara.

These past few days we've had some light shining through clouds so I took the opportunity to wear one of current duochrome polishes. This is China Glaze Cabin Fever, which is not only part of an autumn collection (The Great Outdoors), but is in true autumnal shades.

18 November 2015

Catrice Mint Me Up

Lak koji vam danas predstavljam je do mene prošle godine došao zahvaljujući Jeleni, kojoj nije odgovarao. Pošto me je tada još uvek držala mint i generalna zelena groznica, rado sam mu pružila novi dom i, kako to često sa mnom biva, potpuno ga zanemarila. Pošto već u tom momentu ovaj lak više nije bio u prodaji nije mi se ni žurilo da ga predstavim, ali mislim da je krajnje vreme da i on dobije svoje mesto na mom blogu.

This polish I am showing you today reached me via Jelena, whom it didn't suit. Since at the time I was still in throes of mint and general green fever, I was happy to give it new home and, as often happens to me, I completely neglected it. I was in no rush to show it because at that point it had already been discontinued, but I think that it is high time to dedicate a blogpost to it.

14 November 2015

MoYou Nails 132

Ne znam za vas, ali ja željno iščekujem nove MoYou Nails pločice. Dok se ne pojave u prodaji taman ću imati priliku da završim predstavljanje starijih, okruglih pločica. Začudo za ovaj članak nisam spremila neku sa slikama za frenč. Ne, ova pločica slavi godišnje doba suprotno ovom u kome se nalazimo mi na severnoj hemisferi.

Image Plate 132

I don't know about you, but I am eagerly awaiting new MoYou Nails stamping plates. Until they are available I will take the chance to finish showing you the older, round image plates. Surprisingly enough, I haven't picked one with French tips for this post. No, this image plate celebrates season that is the opposite of the one us on the northern hemisphere are going through right now.

18 October 2015

Matching Manicures - lišće

Današni nedeljni zadatak radimo u uspomenu na sve lišće koje je opalo u borbi za smenu godišnjih doba. Jesenje vreme nam je osim ogolelog drveća donelo i sezonsku smenu boja. Sada je sve sivo. :P Da razbijem to sivilo koje me baca u depresiju, odlučila sam se za jesenji, ali veseo narandžasti manikir.

We're doing this week's theme in honour of all the leaves that have fallen in the battle of change of seasons. Besides bare trees, the autumn has brought with it the seasonal change of colours. Now everything is grey. :P To combat this bleakness that makes me depressed, I decided to do an autumnal, but cheery orange mani.

28 September 2015

Catrice Plum Me Up Scotty

Marta 2014. godine, Catrice je ponudio dvadesetčetvorodelnu ograničenu kolekciju pod imenom Luxury Lacquers, koja je bila podeljena u četiri celine - Million Brilliance, Sand’sation, Chameleon (koju sam celu predstavila na blogu) i Holomania. Holomania se, začudo, zaista sastojala od holo lakova i to linearnih (Cosnova ima užasan običaj da duo- i multihromatske lakove naziva hologramskim). Imala sam sreću da jedan od njih dobijem u nagradnoj igri na Parokeets blogu, a nedavno sam se konačno nakanila i da ga namažem.

In March 2014. Catrice placed on market a twenty-four-piece limited edition Luxury Lacquers collection, that was split into four parts - Million Brilliance, Sand’sation, Chameleon (I have done posts on entire line) and Holomania. Surprisingly, Holomania does consist of holo polishes and linear ones at that (Cosnova is infamous for naming duo- and multichromatic polishes holographic). I was fortunate to win one of these at one of Parokeets' giveaways, and recently I finally gave it a whirl.

19 September 2015

Born Pretty BP-L007

Prošle nedelje sam pokazala jedan damastni manikir, a sada predstavljam Born Pretty Store pločicu koja sadrži dosta takvih starinskih, tekstilnih i heraldičkih motiva.

Last week I showed you a damask mani and now I am presenting you a Born Pretty Store stamping plate that has many such vintage, heraldic and textile patterns.
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