Muka me uhvati kada pomislim da je neisprobani deo moje kolekcije lakova veći od većine celih kolekcija lakova normalnih ljudi. Polako, ali sigurno prolazim kroz sve neisprobance i danas je na redu poslednji A England koji još uvek nisam nosila, iako ga imam 5 godina.
I get sick to my stomach when I think that there are more polishes in my untrieds than in most normal people's full collections. However, I am going through them one at a time and today I get to show you the last A England polish that has remained unworn for 5 years.
Showing posts with label A England. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A England. Show all posts
11 September 2021
28 April 2021
A England Tristam Revisited
Plavi lakovi su nam trenutna tema za usklađene manikire na Ani. Plavo nije moja boja, ali volim teget i odmah sam suzila izbor na dva laka - omiljeni mi China Glaze Strap on your Moonboots ili A England Tristam, koji nisam prošlog puta mogla lepo da uhvatim jer nije bilo sunca. Zato danas dobija čestite slike.
Our current theme for manicures is blue polishes. Blue is not my colour, but I do like navy blues and I immediately got my selection down to two polishes - a favourite of mine China Glaze Strap on your Moonboots or A England Tristam, which I couldn't capture well because there was no sun. That is why today it is finally getting some decent photos.
25 May 2018
A England Briarwood
A England nije među mojim omiljenim boutique brendovima, jer mislim da se drže veoma sigurnih boja i suptilnih efekata, sa ponekim časnim izuzetkom. To znači da povremeno pokleknem i uzmem neki od njih, a ponekada mi je veoma teško da odolim samoj temi koju Adina odabere bez obzira na boje u toj kolekciji. Ona inspiraciju vuče iz raznih oblasti umetnosti (književnost, slikarstvo, ples), ali i iz istorije. Burne-Jones Dream, kolekcija iz koje je ovaj lak, inspirisana je serijom slika Legenda o Trnovoj Ružici, a ovaj lak je inspirisan slikom koja prikazuje usnule vojnike prekrivene ružinim trnovitim granama.
A England se može nabaviti preko Hypnotic Polish i preko Nail Land. Cena na oba mesta im je €10.5 za 11 ml laka.
A England is not among my favourite boutique brands because I find their colours and effects too safe and subtle for me, with several honourable exceptions. That means that sometimes even I succumb and get a polish or two, although sometimes I find it difficult to resist the theme, despite colours in that collection. Adina draws inspiration from various lines of art (literature, painting, dance), but history as well. Burne-Jones Dream, collection this polish comes from, is inspired by Edward Burne-Jones' series of paintings The Legend of Briar Rose, with this polish representing the image of sleeping soldiers covered by briar rose thorns.
I got this polish from Hypnotic Polish, but you can also order it from Nail Land and many other etailers.
12 February 2017
01 October 2016
MoYou London Holy Shapes 03
Proletos me je Alexandar Cosmetics prijatno iznenadio novim brendom u svojoj ponudi - MoYou London je konačno dobio uvoznika za Srbiju. Iako su pločice prilično skupe, spremila sam se da na sajmu skoro sve novce dam upravo za njih, ali avaj, nisu poneli celu ponudu i uspela sam da nađem samo jednu pločicu sa svog podužeg spiska. U međiuvremenu mi se čini da je stigla dopuna i da su sada u dostupne i neke pločice kojih nije bilo proletos, na sajmu će biti izložene sve pločice trenutno u ponudi, a organizovaće i demonstraciju za one koji još uvek nisu upoznati sa ovim brendom koji je postao globalni fenomen. Redovna cena pločica je 990 dinara. |
This spring we got local importer for MoYou London image plates. At the last cosmetics expo I was prepared to spend a lot of money on these plates, but they had only one of many I had on my wish list. However, this time they will bring the whole lot and I can't wait to get more of these.
25 September 2016
Matching Manicures - Honour Nails You love
Današnjim manikirom završavamo skup tema iz tridesetjednodnevnog izazova. Od svih manikira koje smo radile tokom izazova treba da odaberemo jedan tuđ i da ga rekreiramo. Nisam sigurna koji stepen sličnosti se očekuje - da li naš treba da bude što približnija kopija ili samo treba da bude inspirisan tuđim, ali sam se iz više razloga odlučila za prvu varijantu.
With today's mani we're bringing to a close round of 31 Day Challenge themes. We have to choose a mani somebody else did during the course of the challenge and recreate it. I am not sure how similar they should be - if we should try to come as close to the original or if we should just look for the inspiration, but for several reasons I opted for the first option.
10 April 2016
Matching Manicures - Animal Print
Današnja tema su životinjski motivi i ja sam imala blistavu ideju da umesto klasične šare životinjskog krzna ili kože uradim celu zverku i to mitsku. No najblistavije ideje su često takve samo dok su na nivou ideje i plašim se da je ovom prilikom realizacija daleko od zamisli.
This week's theme is animal print and I had a great idea not to just put animal fur or skin pattern on my nails, but to do entire animal and a mythical one at that. However, the brightest ideas are often such only as thoughts and I am sorry to say that this was one such case.
15 March 2016
A England Virgin Queen
Adina, žena koja stoji iza A England, poslednjih nekoliko godina kao da se specijalizovala za veoma nežne holose (ahem, kolekcija Ballerina). U kolekciji Elizabeth & Mary se našao jedan takav lak, ali daleko neobičnije boje i naravno da sam ga morala uzeti. A England lakovi imaju istu cenu na Hypnotic Polish i na NailLand-u - 9,40 € za bočicu od 11 ml.
Adina, the lady behind A England, seems to have specialized for very delicate holo polishes (ahem, Ballerina collection). Elizabeth & Mary collection also has one such polish, but much more interesting in terms of tone and I just had to have it. A England polishes retail for the same price at Hypnotic Polish and NailLand - € 9.40 for 11 ml.
13 March 2016
Matching Manicures - Gradient
Ovo je verovatno treći-četvrti put da u sklopu tematskog zadatka radimo gradijent, a ja sam ga rado koristila kao tehniku i za neke druge teme. Nešto mi je naspelo da ovom prilikom pokušam neki od komplikovanih gradijenata kakve radi Kristina Simply Nailogical, no nedostatak prigodnih nalepnica za nokte me je opredelio za jednostavan gradijent.
This is probably the third or fourth time we are doing gradient for Matching Manicures and I was using it gladly for some other themes as well. Ar first I wanted to do one of complex gradients that Christine Simply Nailogical is doing, but since I didn't have suitable nail vinyls I had to settle for a simple gradient.
05 March 2016
MoYou London Fashionista 11
Osim lakova za nokte, NailLand drži i opremu za pečatiranje nekih od najpopularnijih brendova. MoYou London i Mundo de Uñas su dva takva brenda. MoYou London pločice koštaju 6,50 €, a Mundo de Uñas lakovi za pečatiranje su 2,20 € (5 ml) i 4,90 € (14 ml). NailLand šalje robu širom sveta - za Evropu šalju GLS-om (General Logistics Systems) i mađarskom poštom (Hungarian Post), a za ostatak sveta samo preko mađarske pošte. Za Srbiju šalju preko mađarske pošte (sa praćenjem) i poštarina je 10 € za narudžbine do 5 proizvoda, odn. 15 € za narudžbine preko 5 proizvoda, a besplatna je za pošiljke preko 75 € odn. 100 €. Ako se nađete u Budimpešti, možete posetiti i njihovu radnju u centru WestEnd u Váci ulici. Takođe svake nedelje organizuju takmičenja na svom Instagram nalogu u kojima možete osvojiti kupone za popust na njihovom sajtu. |
Besides nail polishes, NailLand carries stamping supplies by some of the most popular brands. MoYou London and Mundo de Uñas are two of those brands. MoYou London plates are 6.50 €, and Mundo de Uñas stamping polishes cost 2.20 € (5 ml) and 4.90 € (14 ml). NailLand ships worldwide - for Europe via GLS (General Logistics Systems) and Hungarian Post, and for the rest of the world only via Hungarian Post. Shipping via Hungarian Post is with tracking and costs € 10 for orders up to five items and € 15 for orders larger than five items. They also offer free shipping for orders over €75 (up to five items) and € 100 (over five items). If you are in Budapest, you can visit their shop at WestEnd City Center at Váci street. They also organize weekly contests on their Instagram and you can win discount for shopping on their website.
A England,
Butter London,
Golden Rose,
Morgan Taylor,
MoYou London,
MoYou Nails,
Mundo de Uñas,
pečatni lak/stamping polish,
08 February 2016
A England Tristam
Pošto sam se prošlog meseca opskrbila A England lakovima mislim da bih mogla polako da počnem i da ih predstavljam, a ne da kao Drale i Đole čekaju i čekaju i čekaju... Krećem od Tristama, laka koji mi je dugo bio na listi želja, ali nikada prioritet. NailLand je odlučio da mi Tristam treba i ni najmanje se ne bunim što je ovaj lepotan sada u mom vlasništvu. A England lakovi imaju 11 ml i u NailLand-u koštaju 9,4 €. NailLand šalje robu širom sveta - za Evropu šalju GLS-om (General Logistics Systems) i mađarskom poštom (Hungarian Post), a za ostatak sveta samo preko mađarske pošte. Za Srbiju šalju preko mađarske pošte (sa praćenjem) i poštarina je 10 € za narudžbine do 5 proizvoda, odn. 15 € za narudžbine preko 5 proizvoda, a besplatna je za pošiljke preko 75 € odn. 100 €. Ja nisam još uvek naručivala sa sajta, ali nekoliko dragih lakoholičarki jeste i zadovoljne su uslugom. I njihovi paketi i ovaj moj su se oko dve nedelje povlačili po glavnom poštanskom centru, ali su prošli bez carinjenja (vrednost mog je svakako bila manja od 50 €). Ako se nađete u Budimpešti, možete posetiti i njihovu radnju u centru WestEnd u Váci ulici. Takođe svake nedelje organizuju takmičenja na svom Instagram nalogu u kojima možete osvojiti kupone za popust na njihovom sajtu.
Since I improved my collection of A England polishes last month, I think that I might start showcasing them instead of letting them wait and wait and wait like I did with Dragon and Saint George. I'm starting with Tristam, polish which has long been on my wish list, but never a priority. NailLand decided that I do need it and I don't complain. A England polishes come in 11 ml bottles and retail for € 9.4 at NailLand. NailLand ships worldwide - for Europe via GLS (General Logistics Systems) and Hungarian Post, and for the rest of the world only via Hungarian Post. Shipping via Hungarian Post is with tracking and costs € 10 for orders up to five items and € 15 for orders larger than five items. They also offer free shipping for orders over €75 (up to five items) and € 100 (over five items). If you are in Budapest, you can visit their shop at WestEnd City Center at Váci street. They also organize weekly contests on their Instagram and you can win discount for shopping on their website.
31 January 2016
Matching Manicures - Plavo
Plava mi nije među omiljenim bojama, ali i pored toga imam dosta plavih lakova i detalja u kolekciji. Odlučila sam da za ovaj tematski manikir upotrebim par ovonedeljnih noviteta, koji će uskoro dobiti i zasebna predstavljanja, a držala sam se svoje omiljene tehnike - pečatiranja.
Blue is not among my favourite colours, but I still have quite a few blue polishes and details in my collection. I opted to use a couple of items that have arrived this week, which will get individual blogoposts soon, and I kept to my favurite technique - stamping.
30 March 2015
A England Dragon
Shvatila sam da mi suviše veoma lepih lakova stoji neisprobano jer ih čuvam za neku posebnu priliku koja nikako da dođe. Zato sam odlučila da kada je vreme lepo nosim svoje holiće umesto da stoje nenošeni. Tako sam posle više od godinu i po dana prvi put prošetala Draleta, a potom ga upotrebila i u dva manikira. A England lakovi imaju 11 ml, 3-free su i nose znak veselog zeke netestiranja na životinjama. Mogu se nabaviti samo preko interneta, a do svoja (za sada) jedina dva sam došla zahvaljujući MarryJ.
I came to realize that I have too many beautiful polishes among my untrieds only because I keep waiting for that special occasion to war them. That is why I decided to wear my holos when the weather is nice instead of keeping them unworn. So afer over a year and a half I have taken out Drale for a mani and ended up using it in two. A England polishes come in 11 ml bottles, they are 3-free and cruelty free. They can only be bought online and I have gotten my two thanks to MarryJ.
22 March 2015
21 March 2015
Born Pretty BP-41
Pločica koju danas predstavljam je jedna od novijih Born Pretty pločica za pečatiranje, a uskoro (26. marta) treba da se pojave na sajtu i novi dodaci kolekciji. |
Today's stamping plate is one of the latest Born Pretty image plates and soon (March 26th) new additions to the collection are expected to arrive on their website.
A England,
Born Pretty,
China Glaze,
MoYou Nails,
29 September 2014
A England Saint George
Iako ovaj dragulj imam već godinu dana tek sada je stigao na red za nošenje. Čekala sam pravu priliku da ga nosim, ali na kraju sam ga namazala samo zato što je bio sunčan dan :D A England lakovi imaju 11 ml, 3-free su i nose znak veselog zeke netestiranja na životinjama. Mogu se nabaviti samo preko interneta, a do svoja (za sada) jedina dva sam došla zahvaljujući MarryJ.
Even though I've had this jewel for a year now it is only now that I managed to try it. I have waited for some special occasion and in the end I only wore it because it was a sunny day :D A England polishes come in 11 ml bottles, they are 3-free and cruelty free. They can only be bought online and I have gotten my two thanks to MarryJ.
28 September 2014
Matching Manicures - Chevron
Tema ovonedeljnog usklađenog manikira je ševron - motiv slova V ili vrha strele. Moj manikir je jednostavan, sa samo po jednim ševronom po noktu. Osnovni lak je A England Saint George, Manhattan Liquid Metals 101z za ševrone i Aura On the Edge za vrhove.
This week's Matching Manicures theme is chevron - V or arrowhead mani. Mine is very simple with only one chevron per nail. My base colour is A England Saint George, I have used Manhattan Liquid Metals 101z for chevrons and Aura On the Edge for the tips.
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