Showing posts with label Ya Qin An. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ya Qin An. Show all posts

14 May 2017

Harunouta L020

Kašmirska šara mi je među omiljenim dezenima, što zbog jasno prepoznatljivog oblika samog po sebi, što zbog raznolikosti detalja u sklopu te šare. Jedna od boljih pločica za pečatiranje upravo ovog motiva je Harunouta L020, koja na Nur Besten sajtu trenutno košta 2,99 € umesto 5,39 €.


Paisley is among my favourite patterns, partly because clearly recognisable motif itself, partly because of the variety found among individual designs. One of better paisley stamping plates is Harunouta L020, which currently retails for €2.99 instead of €5.39 at Nur Besten website.

15 April 2017

Born Pretty BP-L010

Mada generalno nisam ljubitelj etno motiva na noktima, ovi na Born Pretty BP-L010 pločici su toliko topli da sam morala da ih iskoristim za ovo lepo vreme.

While I am normally not a fan of ethic patterns on nails, these from Born Pretty BP-L010 stamping plate are so warm that I had to use them for this nice weather.

14 January 2017

Born Pretty BP-L054

Kada pomislim na pločice sa geometrijskim dezenima, nešto poput ove pločice mi nije baš prva pomisao. To je dobro jer znači da nisu u pitanju baš česti motivi.

When I think of stamping plates with geometric designs, something like this image plate does not exactly spring to mind, which is good because it means that there are not many like it out there.

24 December 2016

Born Pretty BP-L050

Geometrijski motivi i optičke varke su popularni motivi na pločicama za pečatiranje i Born Pretty Store ne zaostaje za drugim proizvođačima kada su ovakve slike u pitanju.

Geometric images and optical illusions are fairly popular designs on stamping plates and Born Pretty Store does not lag behind other manufacturers when it comes to these motifs.

10 December 2016

Born Pretty BPX-l012 Exoticism

Već neko vreme sam bila u potrazi za pločicom sa dobrim izborom slika plamena, a ova pločica mi je došla kao naručena. Ne samo što ima plamenove, nego ima i nekoliko feniksa, što znači da sam mogla da na bolji način uradim manikir inspirisan natprirodnim koji smo radili pre nekoliko meseci, a kojim nisam bila zadovoljna.

I've been looking for a stamping plate with good selection of flame images for some time now, and this plate was just what I had in mind. Not only does it have flames, but it also has some phoenix designs, which means that I could remake Inspired by Supernatural Matching Manicure we had done several months ago, that I was not pleased with.

Obično za predstavljanje pločica uradim četiri manikira sa po jednom slikom, ali ovom prilikom sam iskoristila četiri motiva za jedan manikir. Nadam se da vam se rezultat sviđa.

I usually do four manis using one image for each when I do stamping plate reviews, but this time I used four designs for a single mani. I do hope you like the end result.

24 September 2016

Harunouta Stamping Plate L008

Trenutno poslednja Harunouta / Spring Song pločica koju imam je pločica za koju verujem da je među popularnijima. Na prvi pogled ženstvena i delikatna, može se podjednako koristiti i za nežne nevestinske manikire, ali i za opake rokerske nokte.

The last Harunouta / Spring Song image plate I have to show is the one I believe is among the more popular ones. At a glance feminine and delicate, it can be used for gentle bridal manis as well as for edgy rocker nails.

16 July 2016

Ya Qin An Stamping Polish - Red & Gold

Pošto mi je prethodno iskustvo sa Ya Qin An pečatnim lakovima bilo izvrsno, nije mi bilo teško da se odlučim da uzmem još par ovih lakova na testiranje. Uz očekivan kvalitet, dodatan motiv da se odlučim baš za njih mi je bila i količina koja se dobije - Ya Qin An lakovi su spakovani u bočice koje sadrže čak 18 ml. Puna cena im je $8,43, ali su trenutno na sniženju i koštaju $4,59 i vrede svake pare.

Since my previous experience with Ya Qin An stamping polishes was excellent, I easily opted for two more of those to test and review. Along with expected quality, I had an additional motive to choose them - their size. Ya Qin An stamping polishes come in large 18 ml bottles. They retail for $8.43, but currently they are on sale and cost $4.59 and are worth every penny.

10 July 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired by a Pattern

I za ovu temu se držim Dalekog istoka. Inspiraciju ove nedelje tražimo u manje ili više poznatim dezenima, šarama, uzorcima. Lomila sam se između (neo)baroknih motiva i tradicionalne plavo-bele keramike, ali keramika je prevagnula.

I am keeping to Far East for this week's theme as well. We are looking for our inspiration in patterns and I was torn between (neo)baroque designs and motifs from traditional blue-white china. China had won.

09 July 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired by Fashion

Kako sam osoba koja ne prati modu, trendove i sl. ova tema mi je posebno teško pala. No, s druge strane, tema je takva da nismo ograničeni samo na savremene modne tendencije već se možemo inspirisati i modom prohujalih doba ili drugih naroda, civilizacija. Stoga sam se odlučila da inspiraciju potražim u dalekom Japanu, a tome je sasvim sigurno doprinela činjenica da je prošle nedelje održan Japanizam i da se preko puta mog štanda nalazio štand Tsubaki kimono.

Being someone who is not into fashion, trends and such, I found this theme to be a chore, which is why I am only publishing this article at the last moment. However, on the other hand, the theme is such that we are not limited to current fashion trends, but we can take our inspiration from fashion of times gone by, of different peoples or civilisations. That is why I looked for my inspiration far away, in Japan, and the fact that Japanizam had just ended and that Tsubaki kimono booth was right across mine had figured greatly in this decision.

08 July 2016

Born Pretty BP-L005

Sve ređe stižem da pečatiram, a sve češće imam želju za pečatiranjem. Nekako sam uspela između redovnih obaveza da uradim nekoliko pečatnih manikira - dovoljno za prikaz ove lepe pločice. I malo više. :D Trenutno su sve BPS pločice za pečatiranje na popustu pa možete za male pare da se opskrbite novim materijalom za pečatiranje.

I have less and less time for nail stamping, but want to stamp more often than usual. I have finally managed to do several stamping manis between my daily duties - enough to showcase this nice image plate. And then some. :D All BPS image plates are currently on sales so you should take this opportunity to get all the stamping supplies you need.

10 April 2016

Matching Manicures - Animal Print

Današnja tema su životinjski motivi i ja sam imala blistavu ideju da umesto klasične šare životinjskog krzna ili kože uradim celu zverku i to mitsku. No najblistavije ideje su često takve samo dok su na nivou ideje i plašim se da je ovom prilikom realizacija daleko od zamisli.

This week's theme is animal print and I had a great idea not to just put animal fur or skin pattern on my nails, but to do entire animal and a mythical one at that. However, the brightest ideas are often such only as thoughts and I am sorry to say that this was one such case.

26 March 2016

MoYou Nails 412

Za slučaj da niste saznali preko društvenih mreža, proleće nam je stiglo. :D Vreme ovih dana je bilo više jesenje, ali sam ipak u veoma dobrom raspoloženju i baš su mi se pečatirali neki veseli prolećni motivi. Prošlonedeljni tematski zadatak mi je došao kao poručen za testiranje upravo ove MoYu Nails pločice.

In case you haven't been informed via various social networks, Spring has begun. :D We've been having more of an autumnal weather these days, but nevertheless I've been in quite a good mood and wanted to stamp some Spring-themed designs. Last week's matching manicures theme was the perfect occasion for me to try out this MoYou Nails stamping plate.

20 March 2016

Matching Manicures - Proleće

Kalendarski danas na našoj hemisferi počinje proleće i to nam je povod i tema za ovonedeljni usklađeni manikir. Sa lepšim vremenom meni dolazi i bolje raspoloženje pa sam bila spremna za nešto malo komplikovanije od onoga što inače radim za tematske manikire. Nadam se da će vam se svideti.

Astronomically, today is the day Spring begins in our hemisphere and that is the cause and theme for this week's matching manicure. My mood improves with better weather so I was willing to do a bit more complicated than what I usually do for these manis. I hope you'll like it.

22 January 2016

Ya Qin An Stamping Polish - Orange & Green

Ya Qin An Stamping Polish (#21282)

Uz par Born Pretty lakova za pečatiranje, uzela sam na testiranje i par Ya Qin An lakova za pečatiranje. Ovi lakovi su spakovani u bočice koje sadrže čak 18 ml. Puna cena im je $8.66, ali su trenutno na sniženju i koštaju $5.99.

Along with a couple of Born Pretty stamping polishes, I have taken also a couple of Ya Qin An stamping polishes. These polishes come in large 18 ml bottles. They retail for $8.66, but currently they are on sale and cost $5.99.

25 July 2015

Ya Qin An dual stamper

Born Pretty Store je nedavno u svoju ponudu dodao dosta raznog pribora za pečatiranje - dosta novih pečata i razne jastučiće za pečate. Nešto ovih proizvoda sam dobila za recenziju, nešto sam sama naručila, a sve ću vam blagovremeno predstaviti i uporediti ovde na blogu. Počinjem od velikog Ya Qin An dvostranog pečata.

Born Pretty Store had recently offered a range of nail stamping supplies - quite a few new stampers and stamper pads. I have recived some of these items, some of them I've ordered myself and all of those will get their reviews and comparisons in due time here on blog. I will start with the large Ya Qin An double-sided stamper.
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