Showing posts with label Golden Rose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Golden Rose. Show all posts

18 August 2021

Golden Rose Holographic 07

Od svih holo lakova koje imam, najređe nosim srebrne/sive. Zašto sam onda uzela dva siva Golden Rose holo laka koji deluju kao djupovi za neke koje već imam u kolekciji? Zato što sam veverica, a ponekada i zmaj. Veverica kupuje da bi imala, ne nužno da bi koristila, a zmaja privlače svetlucave stvari. Dodajmo na to činjenicu da su GR lakovi veoma pristupačni i eto savršenog recepta za impulsivnu kupovinu. Na svu sreću (ili nesreću), nijedan od ova dva laka ne može više da se nađe, ali druge boje su još uvek dostupne.
Out of all holo polishes I have, I wear silver/grey ones the least. Why then did I buy two such Golden Rose polishes that look like dupes for some of the ones I alrady have in my collection? Acquisition disorder. I am a squirrel and sometimes a dragon. Squirrel buys things to own them, not necesarrily to use them, and dragon is drawn to shiny things. Add to that the fact that Golden Rose polishes are quite inexpensive and you have a perfect recipe for an impulsive purchase. Fortunately (or not), neither of the two polishes is available anymore, but in Serbia you can still find some of the other colours.

15 March 2021

Baze za popunjavanje brazdi iliti Ridge Filler

Nedavno smno na Ani pričali o brazdama na noktima i kako se boriti sa njima. Pošto za najčešći vid brazdi leka nema, savet je da treba koristiti posebne baze za popunjavanje brazdi. Nažalost, izgleda da potražnja za njima u Srbiji nije dovoljna da nam ih uvoznici ponude kada ih već firma koju uvoze nudi (ahem, Essie i Catrice) ili da domaći proizvođači smatraju da treba da ih naprave (Aura, Galaxy, nadam se da se prepoznajete). No našlo se nekoliko izuzetaka o kojima bih danas želela da porazgovaramo.

We had a discussion recently at Ana forum about nail ridges and how to deal with them. Since there is no "cure" for the most common form of ridges, general advice is to use ridge filling base base coats. Unfortunately, it looks like there is no demand for them in Serbia so importers and distributors are not interested in getting them when the company they are dealing with has them in their range of products (Essie and Catrice come to mind), or our local manufacturers don't find interest in making one (that would be Aura and Galaxy). However, I could find several exceptions that I would like to write about today.

26 February 2021


Sećate se onih školskih sastava Proleće u mom gradu ili Proleće u mom parku? Danas nosimo ekvivalent toga na noktima. Pošto ne delim lakove po sezonama, morala sam da proleće na noktima dočaram na neki drugi način. Kako nisam talentovana za crtanje, mislila sam da će mi pečatiranje bolje ići, ali sam zaboravila da je me teško čak i da bojim unutar linije, što sam planirala da radim. No šta je tu je, ovo je moj prolećni manikir.
In Serbia, a staple theme for essays in primary school used to be Springtime in my city or Springtime in my park. Today we are translating that theme to our nails. Since I don't separate my polishes by season, I had to depict springtime on my nails in a different way. Not having a tallent for painting, I thought stamping should be a way to go, but I forgot I can't even colour inside the lines, which is what I was planning to do. It is what it is, and what it is is my spring mani.

18 March 2017

Matching Manicures - Pink

Zbog slabog odziva na poslednjih nekoliko tema, pravićemo pauzu u izradi usklađenih manikira. Ovo je poslednja tema pre te pauze, a oslanja se na boju koju skoro i da nemam u kolekciji - roze.

We'll be taking a break from Matching manicures due to low turnout. This is the last mani before the break and it is based on one of the colours that I barely have in my collection - pink.

22 January 2017

Matching Manicures - Skittlette

Po ko zna koji put radimo Skittlette, ali na svu sreću ovo je tema koju mogu da radim iznova i iznova i iznova, a da mi ne dosadi.

We've been doing Skittlette manis time and time again, but fortunately this is the theme I can do over and over again without getting bored with it.

08 January 2017

Matching Manicures - Blobbicure

Blobbicure po drugi put među Matching Manicures temama. Da, ponovo radimo ovaj simpatični manikir, nadam se sa više uspeha nego prošli put.

For the second time as a Matching Manicures theme - I give you blobbicure. Yes, we're doing this cute mani again, hopefully with more success than the last time.

24 December 2016

Born Pretty BP-L050

Geometrijski motivi i optičke varke su popularni motivi na pločicama za pečatiranje i Born Pretty Store ne zaostaje za drugim proizvođačima kada su ovakve slike u pitanju.

Geometric images and optical illusions are fairly popular designs on stamping plates and Born Pretty Store does not lag behind other manufacturers when it comes to these motifs.

12 December 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired by Pinterest

Još jedan manikir čija se tema ponavlja je na redu ove nedelje. Inspiraciju tražimo na Pinterestu, a plašim se da sam ja malo preterala i skoro u potpunosti iskopirala manikir koji mi je privukao pažnju.

We have another repeat for a theme this week. We're looking for inspiration on Pinterest, and I am afraid I overdid it and nearly completely copied the mani that had caught my eye.

03 December 2016

Born Pretty BP-L049

Od momenta kada se pojavila, BP-L049 pločica mi je privukla pažnju i morala sam da je posedujem. Već sam spomenula da studiram turski jezik pa mi je pločica sa bliskoistočnim motivima bila prirodan izbor. Nadam se da će se i vama svideti.

From the moment it first showed up, BP-L049 image plate had caught my eye and I just had to own it. I have already mentioned that I study Turkish language and literature, so a stamping plate with middle eastern designs was a natural choice for me.

13 November 2016

Matching Manicures - Delicate Print

Danas po drugi put ove godine za temu imamo nežni print (prethodni možete videti ovde). Ovog puta nisam išla na očekivane motive čipke već sam se okrenula orijentalnim motivima, što i nije neočekivano s obzirom na to da nisam odustala (još uvek) od studija turskog jezika (i književnosti i kulture).

Today is the second time this year that we are doing fine print for our Matching Manicures (you can have a look at the previous one here. This time I did not go for the obvious lace prints, but opted for Oriental motifs, which is not unexpected considering that I have not (yet) given up on my Turkish language (literature and culture as well) studies.

01 October 2016

MoYou London Holy Shapes 03

Proletos me je Alexandar Cosmetics prijatno iznenadio novim brendom u svojoj ponudi - MoYou London je konačno dobio uvoznika za Srbiju. Iako su pločice prilično skupe, spremila sam se da na sajmu skoro sve novce dam upravo za njih, ali avaj, nisu poneli celu ponudu i uspela sam da nađem samo jednu pločicu sa svog podužeg spiska. U međiuvremenu mi se čini da je stigla dopuna i da su sada u dostupne i neke pločice kojih nije bilo proletos, na sajmu će biti izložene sve pločice trenutno u ponudi, a organizovaće i demonstraciju za one koji još uvek nisu upoznati sa ovim brendom koji je postao globalni fenomen. Redovna cena pločica je 990 dinara.

This spring we got local importer for MoYou London image plates. At the last cosmetics expo I was prepared to spend a lot of money on these plates, but they had only one of many I had on my wish list. However, this time they will bring the whole lot and I can't wait to get more of these.

22 September 2016

Look by Bipa Glitter Lilac

Ne znam kako se desilo da od četiri odlična Look by Bipa teksturca koja mi je Suzana zimus poslala, čak tri nisam pokazala. Tu grešku ispravljam odmah sada odmah. Look by Bipa je robna marka Bipa drogerija, kojih znam da ima u Austriji, Hrvatskoj i Nizozemskoj, verovatno i drugde. Ovi peskasti lakovi dolaze u pakovanju od 7 ml, a cena im je oko € 2.

I don't know how it happened that I haven't shown you three out of four great Look by Bipa textured polishes that Suzana sent me for last winter's holidays. I am going to correct that mistake right now. Look by Bipa is Bipa store house brand. I know they have shops in Austria, Croatia and the Netherlands, probably elsewhere as well. These gritty polishes come in 7 ml bottles and retail for about € 2.

10 July 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired by a Pattern

I za ovu temu se držim Dalekog istoka. Inspiraciju ove nedelje tražimo u manje ili više poznatim dezenima, šarama, uzorcima. Lomila sam se između (neo)baroknih motiva i tradicionalne plavo-bele keramike, ali keramika je prevagnula.

I am keeping to Far East for this week's theme as well. We are looking for our inspiration in patterns and I was torn between (neo)baroque designs and motifs from traditional blue-white china. China had won.

08 July 2016

Born Pretty BP-L005

Sve ređe stižem da pečatiram, a sve češće imam želju za pečatiranjem. Nekako sam uspela između redovnih obaveza da uradim nekoliko pečatnih manikira - dovoljno za prikaz ove lepe pločice. I malo više. :D Trenutno su sve BPS pločice za pečatiranje na popustu pa možete za male pare da se opskrbite novim materijalom za pečatiranje.

I have less and less time for nail stamping, but want to stamp more often than usual. I have finally managed to do several stamping manis between my daily duties - enough to showcase this nice image plate. And then some. :D All BPS image plates are currently on sales so you should take this opportunity to get all the stamping supplies you need.

27 May 2016

MoYou Nails 400

Pošto MoYou Nails "kupi dve pločice, dobijaš još dve" ponuda i dalje traje (do kraja meseca), red je da vam pokažem još jednu njihovu pločicu i to jednu od meni najdražih među četvrtastima.

Since MoYou Nails "buy two, get two" offer on stamping plates is still active (until the end of the month), I think it is only fair to show you another one of their image plates and this is one of my favourites from their square plate line.

01 May 2016

Matching Manicures - Geometric

Juče ste u prikazu MoYou Nails providnog pečata mogli da vidite deo današnjeg manikira. Tema su nam geometrijski oblici i zamalo da odem najpredvidljivijim putem za mene (ahem, Mondrijan, Kandinski, Metropolis) no u poslednjem trenutku sam se predomislila i izvukla nešto malo drugačije, mada ne van moje zone prijatnosti.

You could see a portion of today's mani yesterday in MoYou Nails clear stamper review. This week's theme is geometric design, and I nearly went the most obvious way for me (ahem, Mondrian, Kandinsky, Metropolis), but at the last moment I changed my mind and took a bit different turn, albeit I did not push myself outside of my zone of comfort.

27 April 2016

Golden Rose Ice Chic 49

Poslednjih godina slabo kupujem Golden Rose lakove jer, iako konstantno izbacuju nove kolekcije, imam utisak da samo prepakuju iste boje u drastično različite bočice (začudo, nikada im ne pada na pamet da lakovima daju čestita imena). No, među Ice Chic lakovima ima nekoliko boja koje mi se sviđaju, a jedna me je toliko privukla da sam je zapravo i uzela. Ice Chic lakovi su spakovani u četvrtaste bočice zapremine 10,5 ml, a cena im je oko 120 dinara.

I haven't been buying Golden Rose polishes because, even though they keep placing new collections on the market, I am under the impression that they are only repackaging old colours in drastically different bottles (all the while failing to give them proper names). However, I did find several colours I like among Ice Chic polishes and I even got one of them. Ice Chic polishes come in 10.5 ml cube bottles and retail for about €1.

28 March 2016

Aura Lost in Space

Poslednji od tri nova Aurina laka koja prate karmine iz New in Town kolekcije je možda privukao najmanje pažnje, za razliku od karmina iste boje. Meni to nije neočekivano s obzirom na to da je lak New in Town prava zvezda i apsolutni favorit cele kolekcije i da sve drugo pada u zasenak pored njega. Hajde da vidimo da li je Lost in Space možda nepravedno zapostavljen. Aura Amazingly Resistant lakovi, uključujući i New in Town kolekciju, možete naći u Lilly i u DM drogerijama, kao i po manjim parfimerijama. Cena lakova je 309 dinara za 11 ml.

The last of the three new Aura Amazingly Resistant nail polishes from New in Town collection seems to be the least interesting, unlike the lipstick of the same colour. I don't find that surprising considering that New in Town is the true star and absolute favourite from the collection and that it outshines everything else. Let's see if Lost in Space deserves more attention.

05 March 2016

MoYou London Fashionista 11

Osim lakova za nokte, NailLand drži i opremu za pečatiranje nekih od najpopularnijih brendova. MoYou London i Mundo de Uñas su dva takva brenda. MoYou London pločice koštaju 6,50 €, a Mundo de Uñas lakovi za pečatiranje su 2,20 € (5 ml) i 4,90 € (14 ml). NailLand šalje robu širom sveta - za Evropu šalju GLS-om (General Logistics Systems) i mađarskom poštom (Hungarian Post), a za ostatak sveta samo preko mađarske pošte. Za Srbiju šalju preko mađarske pošte (sa praćenjem) i poštarina je 10 € za narudžbine do 5 proizvoda, odn. 15 € za narudžbine preko 5 proizvoda, a besplatna je za pošiljke preko 75 € odn. 100 €. Ako se nađete u Budimpešti, možete posetiti i njihovu radnju u centru WestEnd u Váci ulici. Takođe svake nedelje organizuju takmičenja na svom Instagram nalogu u kojima možete osvojiti kupone za popust na njihovom sajtu.

Besides nail polishes, NailLand carries stamping supplies by some of the most popular brands. MoYou London and Mundo de Uñas are two of those brands. MoYou London plates are 6.50 €, and Mundo de Uñas stamping polishes cost 2.20 € (5 ml) and 4.90 € (14 ml). NailLand ships worldwide - for Europe via GLS (General Logistics Systems) and Hungarian Post, and for the rest of the world only via Hungarian Post. Shipping via Hungarian Post is with tracking and costs € 10 for orders up to five items and € 15 for orders larger than five items. They also offer free shipping for orders over €75 (up to five items) and € 100 (over five items). If you are in Budapest, you can visit their shop at WestEnd City Center at Váci street. They also organize weekly contests on their Instagram and you can win discount for shopping on their website.

28 February 2016

Matching Manicures - Metallic

Današnja tema je jedna od najlakših za mene jer imam zaista mnogo metalik lakova, ali sam trenutno malo zbunjena po pitanju svojih metalik sklonosti. Naime, otkrila sam čari mesinga i htela sam da uradim nešto inspirisano nakitom koji sam nedavno kupila, ali nisam mogla da tu zamisao sprovedem u delo jer imam samo jedan lak takve boje i skoro ništa što se sa njim uklapa. Zato sam se vratila svojim hladnim metalnim tonovima za jednostavan manikir.

Today's theme is one of the easiest ones for me because I have so many metallic polishes, but I am currently a bit confused regarding my metallic affinities. I have discovered charms of brass and I wanted to do something inspired by jewellery I have recently bought, but I couldn't do it because I only have one polish that matches the coloour and barely anything else that would complement it. Therefore, I returned to my cool-toned metals for a simple mani.
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