Davnijeh dana sam lakove sa kojima nisam znala šta da radim nudila za razmenu na Krpicama, a u zamenu sam uzimala lakove koje verovatno ne bih nikada sama kupila, čisto da ih isprobam. Tako sam došla do para Flormar Matte lakova. Pošto su mat i bez šimera, nisam ih nosila dok me jedna lakoholičarka nije podsetila da bih mogla da ubijem dve muve jednim udarcem - da isprobam lak koji još nisam nosila i toper koji nisam nosila.
A long time ago I used to swap polishes that I didn't know what to do with, and I would take polishes that I normally wouldn't buy on my own, just to give them a try. That is how I came to own two Flormar Matte polishes. Since they are just plain matte, I didn't wear them until a polishaholic reminded me that I could kill two birds with one stone - try an untried polish with a topper I haven't worn.
Showing posts with label Morgan Taylor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morgan Taylor. Show all posts
30 April 2021
19 March 2021
Distressed Nails
Pre tačno šest meseci sam imala čast i zadovoljstvo da budem kuma srednjoškolskoj drugarici, partneru u kafanisanju i društvenim igrama i koleginici zahvaljujući kojoj sam našla svoj prvi stalan posao. Zbog pandemije je proslava bila veoma mala, ali zato veoma prisna. Izašla sam malo iz svog uobičajenog crnila i nosila sam medenu šarenu bluzu te su i nokti morali da se slažu sa njom.
Exactly six months ago I had the honour and pleasure to be maid of honour to a highschool friend, drinking and boardgaming buddy and a person thanks to whom I found my first permanent job. Because of the pandemic, the guest list was extremely short, which made the entire day more intimate and truly lovely. I stepped out of my usual black clothes and I wore a cute colourful blouse, so my nails had to match.
26 February 2021
Sećate se onih školskih sastava Proleće u mom gradu ili Proleće u mom parku? Danas nosimo ekvivalent toga na noktima. Pošto ne delim lakove po sezonama, morala sam da proleće na noktima dočaram na neki drugi način. Kako nisam talentovana za crtanje, mislila sam da će mi pečatiranje bolje ići, ali sam zaboravila da je me teško čak i da bojim unutar linije, što sam planirala da radim. No šta je tu je, ovo je moj prolećni manikir.
In Serbia, a staple theme for essays in primary school used to be Springtime in my city or Springtime in my park. Today we are translating that theme to our nails. Since I don't separate my polishes by season, I had to depict springtime on my nails in a different way. Not having a tallent for painting, I thought stamping should be a way to go, but I forgot I can't even colour inside the lines, which is what I was planning to do. It is what it is, and what it is is my spring mani.
21 February 2017
Matching Manicures - Matte
Mat lakovi i manikiri su nešto što mnogo volim, a tako često smetnem s uma. Na svu sreću, tu je usklađeni manikir da me podseti da se nokti mogu matirati i da je ponekada veoma poželjno to učiniti.
Matte polishes and manis in general are something I like a lot, but so often forget. Fortunately, Matching Manicure is here to remind me that I can mattify my nalis and that sometimes it is preferable to do so.
16 January 2017
Matching Manicures - Red
Po treći put za temu usklađenog manikira imamo crvenu boju. Iako mi je crvena jedna od najdražih boja i prikladnih lakova mi ne manjka, s obzirom na to da smo već dva puta radile crvene manikire malo je teže smisliti atraktivan manikir kakav nije već prikazan. Nadam se da će vam se svideti.
This is the third time we have colour red as theme for our matching manis. Even though red is one of my favourite colours and I don't lack appropriate polishes, I found it a bit difficult to come up with an attractive mani that we haven't done before considering that we've already done this theme twice before. I hope you'll like my take on it.
18 December 2016
Matching Manicures - Winter Wonderland
Današnja tema za nedeljni manikir je prava sezonska i predstavlja zimsku čaroliju. Prva pomisao mi je bila miran planinski krajolik, pokriven snegom, ali pošto je to van mojih sposobnosti ipak sam završila sa daleko jednostavnijim i diskretnijim manikirom. Nadam se da će vam se svideti.
This weeks matching manicures theme is a true seasonal theme. My first thoughts when I saw that we're doing winter wonderland were of a peaceful snowed in mountain scenery, but since that is beyond my abilities, I ended up with far more simple and delicate mani. I hope you'll like it.
12 December 2016
Matching Manicures - Inspired by Pinterest
Još jedan manikir čija se tema ponavlja je na redu ove nedelje. Inspiraciju tražimo na Pinterestu, a plašim se da sam ja malo preterala i skoro u potpunosti iskopirala manikir koji mi je privukao pažnju.
We have another repeat for a theme this week. We're looking for inspiration on Pinterest, and I am afraid I overdid it and nearly completely copied the mani that had caught my eye.
03 December 2016
Born Pretty BP-L049
Od momenta kada se pojavila, BP-L049 pločica mi je privukla pažnju i morala sam da je posedujem. Već sam spomenula da studiram turski jezik pa mi je pločica sa bliskoistočnim motivima bila prirodan izbor. Nadam se da će se i vama svideti.
http://www.bornprettystore.com/born-pretty-126cm-rectangle-stamping-template-vines-design-manicure-nail-image-plate-l049-p-36307.html |
From the moment it first showed up, BP-L049 image plate had caught my eye and I just had to own it. I have already mentioned that I study Turkish language and literature, so a stamping plate with middle eastern designs was a natural choice for me.
12 November 2016
Born Pretty BP-L040
U poslednje vreme sve više viđam pločice sa geometrijskim motivima, ali uglavnom se drže poznatih motiva optičkih varki. Ova pločica, s druge strane, iako se donekle drži tog puta, ipak pravi iskorak sa njega, čime mi je privukla pažnju.
http://www.nurbesten.de/born-pretty-126cm-rechteck-nagelkunststempelschablonen-dreieck-diamant-entwurfs-bild-platte-l040-p-34589.html |
Lately I've been seeing more and more image plates with geometric designs, but they mostly keep to well know optical illusion motifs. This stamping plate, on the other hand, even though it is along the same lines to an extent, steps out of it, which is why it had caught my eye.
23 October 2016
Matching Manicures - Teal
Nova nedelja, nova tema. Ovog puta nosimo petrolej lakove. Ugrabila sam koji minut da iskombinujem dva i uradim ovaj jednostavan i brz, a nadam se zanimljiv manikir.
New Sunday, new theme. This time we are wearing teal polishes. I took this opportunity to combine two of them in this fast and easy, and hopefully interesting mani.
24 July 2016
Matching Manicures - Inspired by Flag
Današnju inspiraciju nam pružaju zastave. Pošto sam od onih koji ne razumeju zašto bi iko želeo da nosi zastavu neke zemlje osim svoje, a ni za svoju nešto ne marim, odlučila sam se za fiktivnu zastavu. Zapravo, prvo su mi na pamet padale zastave nekih veoma stvarnih organizacija ili pokreta koje podržavam, ali sam na kraju ipak prelomila i uradila zastavu Galaktičke imperije iz sveta Ratova zvezda.
Today we are looking for inspiration among flags. Since I am one of those people who don't understand why anyone would wear any country's flag except their own, and I don't care that much for my own country's flag, I opted for a fictitious flag. Actually, I initially had some very real organisations' and causes' that I support flags in mind, but instead I chose to do Galactic Empire flag, from Star Wars universe.
17 July 2016
Matching Manicures - Inspired by Artwork
Svaki put kada radimo tematski manikir težimo tome da napravimo malo umetničko delo. Danas nam umetnička dela pružaju inspiraciju. Pošto bi mi bilo teško do nemoguće da izvedem nešto u stilu omiljenih mi starih majstora, okrenula sam se jedom od podjednako dragih, ali nešto savremenijih slikara - Vasiliju Kandinskom.
Every time we do a matching manicure we strive to create a piece of true artwork, but today it is existing artwork that we turn to for inspiration. Since it would be hard to impossible for me to do something in line of my favourite old masters, I have turned to one of my equally favourite, but a bit more modern painters - Wassily Kandinsky.
Matching Manicures,
Morgan Taylor,
nail art,
14 July 2016
CND Vinylux Bicycle Yellow
Videli ste u mesečnom pregledu da sam uzela pet novih Vinylux lakova, a čak dva od njih su žuta. Vinylux su prvi hibridni lakovi u svetu, a i kod nas, i njihov sistem se sastoji iz stotinak boja lakova i brzosušećeg nadlaka. Kod nas su dostupni u Unitechu, i u prodavnicama i preko sajta, a cena im je 1117 dinara za 15 ml proizvoda.
You could see in the monthly overview that I have gotten five new Vinylux polishes, and two of those are yellow. Vinylux is the original hybrid nail polish and the system consists of over a hundred colours and top coat.
10 July 2016
Matching Manicures - Inspired by a Pattern
I za ovu temu se držim Dalekog istoka. Inspiraciju ove nedelje tražimo u manje ili više poznatim dezenima, šarama, uzorcima. Lomila sam se između (neo)baroknih motiva i tradicionalne plavo-bele keramike, ali keramika je prevagnula.
I am keeping to Far East for this week's theme as well. We are looking for our inspiration in patterns and I was torn between (neo)baroque designs and motifs from traditional blue-white china. China had won.
12 June 2016
Matching Manicures - Inspired By a Song
Jedva nekako uspeh da se snađem da objavim današnji manikir. Izgleda da je i mom računaru vruće pa je odlučio da počne da se pregreva i da topi adaptere i punjače i pošto sutra ide na servis, ne znam kada ću biti u prilici da objavim naredni članak. Zbog toga vam se unapred izvinjavam.
I have barely managed to publish today's mani. It seems that my computer is too hot so he decided to overheat and melt all the chargers and adapters and, since it will be leaving for repairs tomorrow, I have no idea when I will be able to publidh the next article. For this, I apologize in advance.
08 June 2016
OPI Russian Navy Suede
Tema današnjeg članka je lak koji mi najduže stoji neisproban. Sa skoro tri godine u mojoj kolekciji, bez nošenja i bez predstavljanja, OPI Russian Navy Suede slobodno mogu nazvati najzapostavljenijim lakom. Suede kolekcija već neko vreme nije dostupna, ali povremeno na Krpicama i sličnim sajtovima osvane neki primerak.
The theme of today's post is a polish that has been among my untrieds for the longest time. With nearly three years in my collection without being worn or shown, I can freely name OPI Russian Navy Suede my most neglected polish. Suede polishes have long been discontinued, but sometimes polishes from it can be found on Ebay and similar websites.
03 June 2016
OPI Russian Navy
Nedavno sam se videla sa drugaricama lakoholičarkama i povela se priča o metalik plavim lakovima te sam bila inspirisana da izvučem pravi klasik i prvi OPI koji sam ikada nosila - Russian Navy. Ova nijansa je deo stalne postavke te se može i dalje naći u apotekama (ne znam da li je stalno dostupan u Sefori), a u Prima apotekama svakog 15. u mesecu imate 15% popusta na kozmetiku, uključujući i OPI lakove.
I have recently met with my fellow polishaholics and we were discussing metallic blue polishes so I was inspired to take out a true classic and the first OPI polish I have ever worn - Russian Navy. This shade is now part of core collection and is ready available and you have to have it if you don't already own it.
08 May 2016
Matching Manicures - Glitter
Kasnim, kasnim sa današnjim člankom. Iskreno, mislia sam da ću ovonedeljnu temu preskočiti jer su mi dve zamisli propale, ali snađoh se nekako da ipak ne propustim nedeljni manikir.
I'm late, I'm late with today's mani. To be honest, I thought that I'll have to skip this theme because two of my ideas failed, but I managed to do something in order not to skip matching manicure.
26 March 2016
MoYou Nails 412
Za slučaj da niste saznali preko društvenih mreža, proleće nam je stiglo. :D Vreme ovih dana je bilo više jesenje, ali sam ipak u veoma dobrom raspoloženju i baš su mi se pečatirali neki veseli prolećni motivi. Prošlonedeljni tematski zadatak mi je došao kao poručen za testiranje upravo ove MoYu Nails pločice.
http://moyounails.com/shop/image-plate-412/ |
In case you haven't been informed via various social networks, Spring has begun. :D We've been having more of an autumnal weather these days, but nevertheless I've been in quite a good mood and wanted to stamp some Spring-themed designs. Last week's matching manicures theme was the perfect occasion for me to try out this MoYou Nails stamping plate.
Born Pretty,
Makeup Revolution,
Morgan Taylor,
MoYou Nails,
Ya Qin An,
20 March 2016
Matching Manicures - Proleće
Kalendarski danas na našoj hemisferi počinje proleće i to nam je povod i tema za ovonedeljni usklađeni manikir. Sa lepšim vremenom meni dolazi i bolje raspoloženje pa sam bila spremna za nešto malo komplikovanije od onoga što inače radim za tematske manikire. Nadam se da će vam se svideti.
Astronomically, today is the day Spring begins in our hemisphere and that is the cause and theme for this week's matching manicure. My mood improves with better weather so I was willing to do a bit more complicated than what I usually do for these manis. I hope you'll like it.
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