Cardio Karate Cardio Intense - Review

This workout features Amy Bento Ross as the lead. There are two background exercisers, Jill and Uchenna. I will say that most of the time I really enjoy Amy but in these workouts, she has been annoying the heck out of me.
She stops in the middle of an exercise to give "tips" that seem very haphazard. She is constantly talking, I think yelling, at Jill and Uchenna. At one point in the workout, I was like "Amy, please leave Uchenna and Jill alone. They know the workout. You are the one that needs to focus on the workout".
In the first Pod, while going through the combos on the right side, she left out a whole set of moves. That completely through me off because I was expecting to go into that. She did remember when she went to the other side. During the core section, Amy was trying to demonstrate a move using Uchenna, that it didn't appear that they rehearse. So that was a bit of a mess. Basically I felt her delivery mostly jarring.
The Workout
When able to tune out Amy, loved it. I thought the moves super cool. And I like that there wasn't a lot of going down to the floor with plank and squat thrust in this workout. There were some in the warm up and the core section had floor work but that was it.
After Pod 4, Amy combines all the pods and runs through all four back to back, two times through I think.
I am giving this workout 4 stars based on the fact that I love all the moves in the Pods.
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