
Showing posts with the label Christi Taylor

Christi Taylor Ultimate Cardio Core Workout - Thoughts

Ultimate Cardio Core Workout is a step med (sculpting) ball workout that is 60 minutes in length. I like working out with Christi.  Her step combos are fun and intricate enough so that you are not bored but not so intricate that the combos are difficult to pick up. There are 5 step combos with an dance and athletic feel and they all used the ball.   During the combos, Christi gives you advanced options in which she and the two ladies in front show. There are two ladies in back that continue with the standard option. After the step combos with the ball, Christi has you release the ball and continue with the step combos with impact giving you an additional cardio burn. After the Cardio Burn segment, you go in to the Core Conditioning segment which include isolation work for the core.  There is also upper body work in the form up triceps dips and push ups.  This segment uses both the ball and the step. The DVD gives you the following options: Intro Cardio...

Christi Taylor Pure Spice Workout Cinnamon Edition - Thoughts

Pure Spice Workout Cinnamon Edition by Christi Taylor is a 55 minute dance workout. The DVD cover states that it is "a cue-less dance workout - no verbal distractions, just hot music and hand cues". I will get back to that statement shortly. There is a detail DVD menu that is broken down as follows: - Introduction - Workout - MoveMasters   (38 minute break down of the dance moves) - Spice Girls   (introduces the cast) - Charlie (advertising a book written by Christi's mom) - Love 4 Amanda   (a charity foundation) - Be A Video Star (consulting service) I like this workout.  I love the music.  I didn't like the cue-less cuing. Christi mentioned in her introduction that "the workout uses only visual cues and no verbal cues".  She goes on to say that "today's dance classes nation wide are being taught this way". I have taken a couple of these dance classes and while there is visual cuing, there is also verbal cuing as well.  Ver...

Christi Taylor Mission Possible - Thoughts

Mission Possible is a cardio workout that is little bit over 50 minutes in length. It is similar in setup to Cardio Collectible but shorter. The sections are: warm up step multi-impact (hi-lo) cool down Extras are: Mission Briefing aka Introduction MoveMaster aka breakdown of the combos Bloops & Credits. The Step and Hi Lo sections are both 20 minutes each in length and the combinations are very basic. Compared to most of the Christi Taylor workouts I have done, this one is Step 101 and Hi Lo 101. Super easy to follow. Each section has four combos. Christi teaches in the layered and take it from the top approach. The thing that I did not like is that Christi did not teach the whole combo before taking it from the top. For instance, in combo two. She would teach half of the combo and then go all the way back to combo one before teaching you the second half of combo two. She did this in the third and fourth combos as well. I would have preferred her to teach all of combo two a...

Christi Taylor Cardio Collectibles

Cardio Collectibles is about a 70 minute plus workout. It features a warm up and cool down and two Cardio sections. During the warm up, you have the option to use or not use a step. Christi uses a step, the other two cast members do not. The warm is about 7 minutes long. Next comes the cardio sections. The first section is step and it is about 30 minutes long. During the step combination Christi teaches 4 combos. She layers the combos on top of one another. After teaching combo 1, she moves on to combo 2. Before going on to combo 3, she takes it from the top with combo 1. Christi starts each combo by teaching you the basic moves but adds complexity as she moves along. Unlike her other workouts that I have done, there is not a group sticking with doing modification moves. However, for the most part the combos were easy to pick up. The next cardio section is High-Low. It is also about 30 minutes. This section does not use a step and it also contains 4 combos. It is taught ...

Christi Taylor Solid Gold Cardio Thoughts

Solid Gold Cardio - this is my fourth Christi Taylor workout that I have done and it is definitely my favorite. The music and combos really came together in this workout. Both suited each other. Solid Gold Cardio has 8 mini combos. Combos 1 -4 are taught first, then combos 5-8. A brief perceived exertion test separate the combos. There is a warm up , much of which is used as part of the first combo. The cool down is the same cool down Christi used in Solid Gold Step which appear to be the cast member from both the Solid Gold Step and Solid Gold Cardio workouts. There are a lot of cast members in the cool down. In the Solid Gold Cardio, there are a total of seven cast members. Christi and two others do the advance and more complex moves. The remaining cast members do the modify or more basic moves. A couple of the combos were tough for me to pick up right away. The cardio is either hi or low impact. Christi makes the moves high impact by adding a bounce to the moves, but you ca...

Christi Taylor Solid Gold Step - Thoughts

Solid Gold Step features as whopping 8 mini combinations. Four of the combos are done with the step in the traditional horizontal position and four of the combos are perform with the step in the vertical position. A perceive exertion test separate the two segments. There are seven cast members in this workout and they are divided into two groups - the modifier group and the advance group. Everyone starts out in the modifier group and as Christi layers on, she and two others do the more advance and complex move while the other four members stay with the basic or modified version of the routine The combinations were fun - even doing them in the most basic configuration. However, I was not as big of a fan with some of the music selections. It was hit or miss with me. Either I really like the tune or thought some of the song selection were just plain blah and I didn't feel the energy. Lots and Lots of content on this DVD. Several menus have sub-menus. Some of the extra content: M...

Christi Taylor Totally Hot Cardio - Thoughts

Another 50 minute aerobic workout from Christi Taylor, Totally Hot Cardio features 7 mini combo routines. Christi teaches the first three, then gives you a perceived exertion test. She then teaches the next three. Christi tacks on one more mini combo before moving on to the cool down. Lots of modifications and variations shown in the workout. Christi starts with a basic move in which the whole cast does, as she start to add-on, two of the cast members continue to do the basic moves throughout and the other two cast members and Christi do the more complex moves. There were some challenging parts but I didn't think her combinations were terribly difficult to execute. The DVD has lots of contents . Some of which are: Bonus Warm up into Workout Move Master (breaks down the step) Behind the Scenes Bonus Abs Bonus Cardio The music has vocals. A lot of the tunes I didn't care for. I didn't think the music selection fit the high/low of the workout. It was hard for me to get ...

Christi Taylor Totally Cool Step - Thoughts

My first Christi Taylor workout - Totally Cool Step is about 50 minutes in length. It features 6 mini combo routines. Combos 1 through 3 are taught first. Christi gives you a perceived exertion test and then teaches combos 4 through 6. Along with Christi, there are 6 other cast members. Two of the cast members are performing the advance moves with Christi and the other four are always doing the modification moves. Christi teaches in the layer approach, often starting with the basic move before she makes it more complicated. You have the option to stay with the basic move or do the more advance move. I didn't find the advance moves too terribly complicated. Mostly it is a lot of turning and direction changes that make the moves complex. The music is decent. It is mostly older music - A lot of recognize tunes with vocals and a good beat. The set is one of the older CIA Video sets. The DVD contains lots of content. Along with the workout, there is also: Bonus Abs Bonus Cardio Bo...