
Showing posts with the label flow

Cathe Perfect 30: Perfect Flow - Thoughts

Perfect 30 Perfect Flow is one of three DVDs that are a part of Cathe's 2020 Perfect 30 series.  This series does come with a User Guide that you can download from Cathe's website. The workouts on Perfect Flow are: Yoga Strength & Flexibility  Mobility Basics Core Bonus   Yoga Strength & Flexibility has a run time of 31:54. It is fairly slow moving, yet you are not really holding any of the postures for a significant length of time. When I saw the exercise list for this workout (which was only about 10 moves) and saw that sun salutations were first; I thought we were in for a super long segment using this move, but  no, it was not that long.  I enjoyed the balance and hip opener segments.  Mobility Basics is 31:26 in length.  This workout is about range of motion. Cathe would move you in and out of a move repeatedly.  Cathe states that this workout is about helping you identify the imbalances in your muscles and joints. There is a bit of...

Holly Perkins Baladea Flow - Thoughts

Baladea Flow blends tai chi and chi gong. You are finding your own way of moving while following Holly and crew as they more through a series of moves. The first part of the workout is performed standing. The workout starts out fairly stationary as your feet are grounded and you are moving your shoulders, arms and hips. Holly starts building combinations by introducing moves one by one. She then later combines the moves to a flowing combination. The second part of the workout is floor base and it follows a similar pattern as the standing in that Holly has you go through a series of moves that she later combines to create a flowing combination that you move through for several reps for a ground/floor combo. I enjoyed the stretching part of the workout. While the workout is called flow and parts of it contain flowing type moves, I didn’t think it really “flowed” that well. Seem to start and stop quite a bit, there was a lack of transition that created an abrupt feeling about the worko...