Cathe Perfect 30: Perfect Flow - Thoughts

Perfect 30 Perfect Flow is one of three DVDs that are a part of Cathe's 2020 Perfect 30 series. This series does come with a User Guide that you can download from Cathe's website. The workouts on Perfect Flow are: Yoga Strength & Flexibility Mobility Basics Core Bonus Yoga Strength & Flexibility has a run time of 31:54. It is fairly slow moving, yet you are not really holding any of the postures for a significant length of time. When I saw the exercise list for this workout (which was only about 10 moves) and saw that sun salutations were first; I thought we were in for a super long segment using this move, but no, it was not that long. I enjoyed the balance and hip opener segments. Mobility Basics is 31:26 in length. This workout is about range of motion. Cathe would move you in and out of a move repeatedly. Cathe states that this workout is about helping you identify the imbalances in your muscles and joints. There is a bit of...