Jessica Smith Split Session Strength - Thoughts

Split Session Strength contains the following workouts: (1) upper-body series that is 35 minutes in length, (2) lower-body: build to burn that is 45-minutes in length and (3) bonus core that is 16 minutes workout. See workout sheet for specific exercise . Jessica takes you the through a circuit style session in each workout where you work a group of exercise, you repeat them for second run-through before moving on to another group of exercises and repeating those for a second run through. Most exercises are performed twice and you are doing around 12 to 20 reps per exercise. There are a couple of exercises that Jessica only hits once. In the lower body workout, you need weights, a mat, a chair; gliding disk and a step topper with two risers. Core workout uses a mat. Upper body workout requires a mat, step topper, and weights. My favorite workout in this set is the lower body workout. Upper-Body Series - 3 stars Lower Body Build to Burn - 4 stars Bonus Core...