
Showing posts with the label HiiT

Cathe Perfect 30: Perfect HiiT - Thoughts

Perfect 30 Perfect HiiT is one of the DVDs that is part of Cathe's 2020 series.  The Perfect 30 series contains six 30-minutes workouts and several short bonus workouts.  There is also a User Guide that you download from Cathe's Website.   Perfect HiiT comes with the following workouts: High Impact HiiT Low Impact HiiT Pyramid HiiT Bonus Extended Stretch Bonus High Impact HiiT clocks in at 30:49.  Each exercise gets repeated at least twice. Some are more.  For me, this workout had too many squat thurst/burpees.  Over half the exercises featured this move. Also I missed the timer/countdown clock. I recently did Cathe's first Hiit Workout that was part of STS Shock series and I like the timer feature and wish she had added it here. Low Impact HiiT clocks in at 30:51.  While High HiiT featured lots of squat thrust/burpees, Low Impact HiiT featured lots of squatting type moves.  To keep the moves low impact, Cathe utilized lifting actions instead ...

Jessica Smith Walk On: 5 Day Fat Burn - Review

5 Day Fat Bur n DVD is one of three DVDs that are a part of Jessica Smith's Walk On Walk The Weight Off 30 Day Plan - 3 DVD Box set. The 5 Day Fat Burn DVD comes with three workouts . HiiT Walk Toning Walk Bonus workout:  The Healthy Back Workout   HiiT Walk is a 30 minute interval workout that alternates steady state tempo with a faster higher energy tempo. The intervals follow a similar pattern that is in Jessica's other workouts.  You will do steady state for 3 minutes and then for 2 minutes you will do a high intensity interval.  A bell sounds to let you know you are about to start the interval. Interval moves are: 1. squat pulse + power knee strikes, 2. rear toe tap punches + toe tap jacks, 3.  shuffle step punch +  double step jack arms, 4.  jump rope + forward/back jog or march, + fast feet shuffle. In the intervals you are doing a jog or fast march to transition from one move the next. The workout concludes with a 5 minute co...

Holly Perkins Baladea Boost - Thoughts

Baladea Boost is a high intensity interval training workout.  The workout is characterized by 40 second boost intervals, recovery transition moves, and  core moves, The workout starts off with a long warm up or multi-part warm up that  ended up being about 10 minutes long. The transition and recovery moves consist of step tap, energy march, low kicks and step knees. Between the boost and cross core moves are the transition recovery move. The boost/cross core move breaks down as follows: Boost 1 – Run in place with arm presses Boost 2 – Jumping Jacks Boost 3 – High Knee Runs Boost 4 – Jumping Spit Jumps Cross Core 1 – Plank Jacks Boost 5 – Alternating Push Kicks Cross Core 2 – Bridge Leg Switch Boost 6 – High Jump Cross Core 3 – Plank Tap overs Boost 7 – Squat Jump 180 Turn Cross Core 4 – Side Lying Plank dips lifts Boost 8 – Skater Jumps Cross Core 5 – Plank Knee Elbow Taps Boost 9 – Three Pulse Squat High Jump Cross Core 6 – Plank Hops Forward ...

Cathe Lift It HiiT It Legs - Review

Lift It HiiT It Legs is a 40 minute lower body focused workout. Cathe combines strength with cardio.   Each set starts with a heavy weight leg exercise and then this is followed by an explosive cardio exercise.  The cardio exercise mimics the strength exercise. I really like this workout. There are 24 exercises and I thought the combination of strength and cardio exercises complimented each other and flowed really well until we got to the Woodchop Side lunge exercise. This exercise seemed out of place to me in this workout. This was your strength exercise but the tempo was fast.  The following cardio exercise was  Weighted Explosive Side Lunges.  It felt as if there were two cardio exercises back to back instead of a strength and cardio. The workout got back on track with the remaining exercises.  There are eight premixes in the workout - ranging from 22 minutes to 53 minutes. The only equipment used are dumbbells. 4 stars

Cathe HiiT Circuit Lower Body - Thoughts

HiiT Circuit Lower Body is part of Cathe's Ripped with HiiT series.  This workout is just under 47 minutes in length and uses a step and heavy dumbbells and a barbell to get the job done. This workout alternates high intensity cardio training with high intensity weight sculpting for the legs.  The pattern varies slightly in that sometimes you might do two cardio exercises and then two weight exercises or one cardio move followed by one strength move. Throughout the workout, Cathe varies the tempo, rhythm, and rep count. The workout flows well but a lot of the exercises are very familiar. If you do a lot of Cathe workouts you will be able to just jump right in to this one. The music is a fast paced up beat tempo, but you are not necessarily working out to the music. There are 8 premixes included on this DVD. The workout includes subtitles that pop up and tell you which weight Cathe is using. This was a decent lower body workout. 3 & 1/2 stars

Cathe HiiT Circuit Upper Body - Thoughts

Ripped With HiiT is Cathe latest workout series.  The series contains a total of 9 workouts plus two bonus ab workouts.  The concept with this series is that Cathe is combining heavy weights with high intensity interval training. HiiT Circuit Upper Body is the first workout I did in the series.  It clocks in at just over 46 minutes.  While the title of the workout is HiiT Circuit Upper Body, I felt that  it was more total body focus than just upper body as most of the upper body exercises incorporated legs. There are 8 rounds.  Each round features a compound upper lower body exercise and a high impact cardio blast.  There are some isolation upper body exercises included as well. There are 8 premixes of various length. The DVD is very well chapter. The music is decent. Sometimes you are working to the beat of the music and at other times you are not. The set is a nighttime setting of a metropolitan city. I like HiiT Circuit Upper Body. 4 ...

Amy Dixon Breathless Body Vol 3 HiiT It Big - Review

Breatless Body Three HiiT It Big is a 60 minute high intensity interval workout. After a warm up, Amy takes you through 4 rounds of 8 different exercises.  You do each exercise for 40 seconds and you get a 20 second break. So you are repeating each exercise 4 times.  Amy gives you three different levels for each exercise. At the end of completing 4 rounds of each of the 8 exercises, Amy has you do each of the 8 exercise one time through for 30 seconds without a break.  This is four minutes of non-stop work. Following the 8 exercises is the Core Blast section. During this section, you do 4 core focus exercise for one minute each.  Amy gives you a choice of three levels for this portion as well. After the Blast section comes the cool down. The exercises are: 1) Lunge Hops 2) Three Knee Slams 3) Plank Tuck Jacks 4) Squat Bound Pistols 5) Mogul Burpees 6) Boxer Blitz 7) Chugs 8) Scorpion Slide Core Blast Segment 1) Core Roll 2) Leg Drop Crunch 3) H...

Amy Dixon Breathless Body Volume 2 The Edge - Thoughts

Breathless Body Volume 2 , The Edge is another Amy Dixon workout.  This workout clocks in at around 55 minutes.  It is similar to the first Breathless Body in that it is a high intensity workout. Amy calls this workout threshold training. Breathless Body two however seemed less repetitive to me than the first. The workout is set up as follows: There are four intervals.  Each interval contains three drills.  Each drill consist of three rounds of three exercises that can be performed at a level one, level two or level three intensity.  You do each exercise for 30 seconds with a 15 second rest. In the workout, Amy has one person performing level one, another person performing level two, and a third performing level three. Amy is typically performing the level two intensity of the exercise. After a drill is completed, you get about a minute and 1/2 before the next drill set. Amy is setting up the next drill for you during this time. After the four interv...

10 Minute Solution High Intensity Interval Training - Thoughts

High Intensity Interval Training is one of 10 Minute Solution 2013 release.  The instructor is Lisa Kinder.  This is my first workout with Lisa and I thought she was okay - in  a good way. There are so many HiiT workouts of late, I was hesitant about even trying this one. I did this workout as add on to the Body Revolution workouts I have been doing.   So I did one segment a day. I really like the format.  In each workout, Lisa gives you 8 exercises that you do for 20 seconds.  You rest for 10 seconds and repeat the exercise again.   So for every exercise in the worksheet, you are doing two sets for 20 seconds each. The one thing that I was wishing that Lisa would do was to take the opportunity during the 10 second rest to tell us what the next exercise was going to be.  She would wait for the 20 second to start to tell us what the exercise was going to be. She would demonstrate the move and then also show the modification. ...

Cathe Xtrain All Out Low Impact HiiT

All Out Low Impact HiiT is approximately 39 minutes in length.  It features a warm up, three Low HiiT rounds and a cool down. The three low HiiT sections are divided into a floor section ,  a step section and a sliding disc section. The exercises in the floor section are: Sprint Shooters Squat Kick Squat Lunges Weighted Sumo Squats Double Pulse lunge Explosive Side to Side Lunges Hammer Punch Into a Front Kick Clime Rope for three and then elbow strike Long Reach Lunges Shuffle Drop Down Switch Kick Lunges The exercises in the step section are: Uneven Weighted Sumos on Step Swim Lunges on Step Drop Squats into Box Step and Cha Cha Tap Abductions on Step with Arms Swinging Overhead Windmill Side Kicks on Step Step Slams on Step Super Sonic Running Man The exercises in the disc section are: Disc Mountain climbers Disc Swim Lunges Disc Scissors Disk Jacks I like this workout. Thus far, it is my favorite of the set.  It moves quickly and the soun...

Les Mills Combat HiiT Workouts - Thoughts

Power HiiT 1 is just over 30 minutes in length.  It is a workout that is based on the principal of HiiT.  It is mostly a weight and strength workout but with a cardio aspect.  There are about 6 tracks including warm up and cool down.  A lot of the exercises repeat themselves. Warm up - 4:08 Run in place, forward and backward Squat, Ski Squat Side Shuffles Alternating Forward Lunges Inchworm Pushups Strength Phase - 8:40 Dead Rows Clean & Deadlift Clean & Press Power Press Power Phase 5:45 Sumo Jumps Cross Sumo Jumps Alt Plyometric Lunge Jumps Squat Press Body Weight Training 4:30 Burpee Jump Squat - 4 sets Core  Training - 4:00 Hover Planks Mountain Climbers Spider Pushups Cool Down Stretch - 2:45 Dan Cohen leads Power HiiT.  This workout does feature a modifier. Shock Plyo HiiT 2 clocks in at 28 & 1/2 minutes and it is lead by Rachael Newsham.   This workout features a lot of plyo moves that are r...

Turbo Fire Low HiiT Workouts - Thoughts

Turbo Fire Low HiiT Workouts .   Turbo Fire Low HiiT Classes are part of the Turbo Fire Starter Package.  There are two Low HiiT Classes.  They are:  Low HiiT 20 Class and Low HiiT 25 Class. Low HiiT 20 Class actually clocks in at 18:59.  In this class, Chalene Johnson takes you through three Low HiiT Drills and you do each drill twice.  The low stands for low impact.  HiiT stands for High Intensity Interval Training.  So in this workout, Chalene is doing a high intensity workout with low impact moves.   If you do not want to do high intensity, there is a modifier showing a low intensity version of the move. There is also a modifier showing super high, (high impact) version of the move. Each of the drills are about 64 seconds in length. Then you get about a 60 second break. During the break, Chalene teaches or reviews the next upcoming drill. The cast is huge. Including Chalene and the modifiers there are about 15 other...

Turbo Fire Greatest HiiTs Chalene Johnson - Review

Oh, of course I had to buy this as I really like Chalene's HiiT workouts. So Turbo Fire Greatest HiiTs total workout time is 20:42. The workout contains a warm up, 4 HiiT drills, and a cool down. The warm up and first drill is from HiiT 15. The second drill is from HiiT 20. The third drill and cool down is from HiiT 25. The fourth drill is from HiiT 30. Drill 1 is 34 seconds. Drill 2 is 46 seconds Drill 3 is 55 seconds Drill 4 is 61 seconds Each drill is repeated twice. The Turbo Fire logo flashes and is used to transition the workout from drill to drill. Other than that, Greatest HiiTs is pretty much the same as the other HiiT workouts. Chalene marks the drill and then she does it. I don't mind the compilation and I like having another HiiT workout. I just wish they would have combine all the HiiT drills from all 4 workouts for a super duper HiiT workout - maybe doing each drill once to keep the workout shorter. Although as they already have a 15, 20, 25 & 30 minute worko...

Cathe HiiT Double Wave Pyramid - Review

HiiT Double Wave Pyramid is my favorite of the 3 HiiT workouts. It is 30 minutes in length and uses no equipment. It is called Double Wave Pyramid because the pyramid sequence (which is done according to time) takes you up and then down and it is done twice through. I actually like this. I like knowing what was coming the second time around. That allowed me to mentally prepare. It was tough. You start with 20 second intervals and progress all the way up to 40 second interval and then you start working your way back down to 20 second interval. Cathe gives you a 1 minute break between the two pyramid sets. Some of the exercises you are performing in these intervals are air jacks, tuck jumps, quarter turns, mountain climber etc. 4 1/2 stars out of 5

Cathe HiiT 40/20

HiiT 40/20 (approximately 29 minutes). I had read the reviews and comments on this workout. The consensus seemed to be that this workout was much tougher than 30/30. All I can say is - YES IT WAS!. Oh my Gosh. Gasping for breath was I. Even the three minute breaks we were given didn't seem long enough. I will admit there were several intervals that I treated as a 30/30. I definitely need to work up my endurance and recovery time for this workout. It is a good workout and I love the length. Equipment used - Club Step 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars.

HiiT 30/30 - Review

STS now has a cardio element and it is called Shock Cardio. Shock Cardio HiiT (High Intensity Interval Training) 30/30 is the second workout that I have done from this series and I thought it was good. I did this workout after I had completed Disc 1 Chest, Shoulders, and Biceps and was very happy that the length of the workout allowed me to so. The workout clocks in at 28 minutes. I thought the warm up was a bit long but the rest of the workout flew by. You had 16 intervals that you did for 30 seconds and then you had a 30 second break after each one. There were about 3 to 4 exercise - where first you did the right side for 30 seconds and then you did the left side fro 30 seconds. Each side counts as its own interval and thus made up the 16 intervals you had to do. I think this is why the workout went by so fast. Also, after you did one side, you knew what was coming on the other side. The workout was over before I knew it. Cathe used a step with two risers on each side. I did the sa...