
Showing posts with the label Solibeat

Sasha Price & Gina Harney Solibeat - Thoughts

Solibeat is a high intensity 55-minute dance workout.  The instructors for this workout are Sasha Price and Gina Harvey.  The dance workout  is set to live drum beats that really support the energy and intensity of the workout. The DVD offers the following menu options: Dance Learn How Play All  Each of the Dance and Learn How segments are broken down into 8 segments. The segments are: Warm Up Samba Reggae Bhangra Djole Samba Dromme Merengue Kuku Belly Dance Cool Down Sasha and Gina alternate teaching each of the Learn How segments.   The Learn How segments are between 2 and 4 minutes.  During the dance segments, Gina and Sasha alternate leading a segment. In the dance segments, three other cast member join Gina and Sasha and they are also joined by the drummers. During the dance segments, you really cannot hear either Gina or Sasha cue because the drums drowned them out, so you are mostly relying on their visual cuing.  I did n...