
Showing posts with the label IMAX

Cathe Step Boss's IMAX4 - Thoughts

Imax 4 is a 45-minute step interval workout that is part of Cathe's newest workout series, Step Boss. Imax4 follows the same pattern as the previous Imax workouts in that you have 10 step rounds .  Each round consist of a step combo pattern that you repeat six times and a low impact but high intensity step blast. The blast are more drill like. You repeat the same move for a series of reps -  anywhere between 16 to 32 reps - depending on the exercise.  The blast are : Blast 1- Squat on Squat Off Blast 2- Agility Run across the step Blast 3 - 3 lunges, 1 lunge Blast 4 - Step knee straddle heel clicks Blast 5 - Curtsy Lunge off the step with Arm Circles Blast 6 - Squat Abductions Blast 7 - Swim lunge variations Blast 8 - Squat attacks Blast 9 - Pulsing Line Taps Blast 10 - Over the step, squat thrust I found the workout pretty easy to follow.  Because the combos repeat themselves six times, by the fourth time through, I was able to pick up the combo; and ...