
Showing posts with the label Tracy Anderson

Tracy Anderson Trampoline Cardio - Thoughts

Trampoline Cardio clocks in at 29:30.  This is  a follow along the best you can type of workout.  The workout starts as soon as you hit play.  Tracy is already into the workout. There is about a 3 minute introduction where the music is turn down so that you can hear Tracy's voice over narrative. After she is done talking about the trampoline workout, the music gets louder. The set is greyed out so that all you see is Tracy jumping on the trampoline. It is hard to tell where the wall and floor intersect. This is not a big deal, just details for those of you who like those type of details. There is NO cuing at all.  I did not try to keep up with Tracy. What I did is follow a move behind. So if she starts with criss cross jacks, when she moved on to high knees, that is when I would do the criss cross jack and so on. That of course left me with one move I didn't get too because the workout just abruptly ends, but now that I  know the ending. I can plan f...

Tracy Anderson Total Body Mini-Trampoline Workout - Thoughts

Tracy Anderson's Total Body Mini-Trampoline workout is a 50 minute workout. The workout is broken down as follows: Full Workout (51:30) Muscular Structure (26:30) Trampoline Front (12:04) Trampoline Back (12:54) The muscular structure segment includes standing and kneeling arms, abs, and thigh & buns work.  Tracy uses a pair of light dumbbells and a mat in the toning segment. She also uses the trampoline (mostly as a prop) in this segment.  Expect lots of reps for the leg exercises. The trampoline segments feature lots of kicks, jacks, mini jumps, and knee raises.  Tracy adds various arm movement throughout. This whole workout is a follow along workout.  There is absolutely no cuing what so ever. The only time Tracy talks is during the intro. I did like set and the soundtrack is awesome. Great music to workout too. There is a bit of a warm up but there is not a cool down or stretch. What do I say. It is Tracy. I have come to expect minimum cuin...

November Monthly Rotation 2017

November 2017 Monthly Rotation Hello All.  Here is to a good and productive November. I have been sick and I missed a couple of workouts last month. So I am moving those workouts to this month. November will feature Classical Stretch/Essentrics, Zumba, Tracy Anderson, Fitness Favorites Live workouts and Cardio Coach workouts.

Tracy Anderson Mat Workout DVD - Thoughts

Tracy Anderson Mat Workout DVD is a 59 minute workout.  The DVD offers the following menu options: Play Chapters      Mat Intro      Mat Routine      Gwyneth Interview - MAT      Tracy Main Interview      Back to Man In the MAT routine, Tracy takes you through a series of movements that work the legs. butt, arms, and abdominals.  Tracy hits the legs twice. First in a barre/chair sequence and later in the workout in a floor mat sequence. Like most of Tracy's workouts, the leg and butt segments are easy to follow because they are more structured and Tracy cues them very well. The arms and standing abs segments are less easy to follow because the cuing is not as precise or it is non-existent.  Essentially you are just following along. There is a floor abs segment that Tracy cues well enough so that you can do the exercises as she does them. The workout does con...

Tracy Anderson The Perfect Design Series Level 3 - Thoughts

Perfect Design Series Level 3 is a 51 minute workout that uses a chair for the butt/leg segment of the workout. Following the warm up, Tracy takes you through an intense glute/leg workout were you are doing multi-component exercises for a high number of repetitions.  In many cases, you are working through several planes and a range of motion as you extend, bend and sweep through the various exercise. During the warm up segment you are simply following along. The cuing instruction for the leg/glutes exercise is very precise and detailed. This segment is about 35 minutes of the workout.. Tracy starts out cuing the mat ab exercises but this turns into a follow along segment. This segment is roughly 5 minutes.  As usual in the Perfect Design Series, there is no cuing of the moves in the standing ab/arms segment although Tracy does give you instruction on the "intent of a move" as she goes through this segment which is roughly about 5 minutes. There is a very brief cool down ...

Tracy Anderson The Perfect Design Series Level 2 - Thoughts

The second disc in Tracy Anderson Perfect Design Series is Level 2. Level 2 clocks in at just over 47 minutes.  In addition to a mat, this workout also uses a chair.  After a brief warm up, Tracy takes you into the glute segment in which you do a series of moves on the left lead (our left, Tracy does not mirror cue) and then you repeat the series again with the right lead.  Expect lots of reps per exercise. The next segment is the mat abdominal segment and Tracy moves through these exercises pretty quickly. The reps are significantly less than the glute segment and the transition between the exercises is very fast  Tracie does use the chair in the mat ab segment - mostly as something to work around. Next up is the standing ab and arm segment and like Level 1, Level 2 is free from. Tracy states during this segment that we "should get in tune with her cuing". The problem is that she does not cue this segment. You are just following along as best you can because it...

Tracy Anderson The Perfect Design Series Level 1 - Thoughts

Tracy Anderson  Perfect Design Series Level 1 clocks in just under 50 minutes.  This workout uses a mat.  The soundtrack is excellent and the set is pretty cool too.  It looks like a studio loft, filmed at night with the city in the background. The DVD Menu: Play All Warm Up Exercises Interview with Tracy Audio Settings Voiceover & Music On Music Off Voiceover Off The workout. The workout is divided into the following segments: warm up, legs/glutes, abs, follow along, hips/legs, arm stretches, and cool down. I have broken down the leg/glutes/hip and ab exercises on a worksheet. Please see attached list. The follow along segment included standing abs, arms, freestyle, & balance work.  I thought that this part of the workout was a mess.  Essentially Tracy stopped cuing.  Although, she is still talking during this segment.  However, she is not cuing what she is doing. Truthfully, this part of the workout moved too fast for yo...

July 2017 Monthly Rotation

July 2017 Monthly Rotation. The first week of July I am going to treat as an Active Recovery. Then I am going to embark on a 21 day rotation. The rotation is : Sunday - 4 Miles Treadmill + Stretch Monday - Cathe FitTower Workouts Tuesday - Guillermo Gomez Kickboxing Cardio Wednesday - Tracy Anderson Design Series Thursday - Chalene Johnson Turbo Fire Friday - More Cathe Workouts Saturday - Rest Day

January 2017 Monthly Rotation

January 2017 Monthly Rotation Rotation Breakdown Sunday - Treadmill + Stretching Monday - Tracy Anderson Toning Tuesday - Tracy Anderson Cardio Wednesday - Tracy Anderson Toning Thursday - Michelle Dozios Cardio Friday - Michelle Dozois Circuit Saturday- Rest

Tracy Anderson TAVA - Review

TAVA is a 40 minute Tracy Anderson dance workout that features Tony Gonzalez as a guest choreographer and teacher.  Tony pretty much teaches and leads the whole thing. Tracy is there in a supporting role. Tracy also leads the warm up which is about 4 minutes in length. There is no cool down. So the workout consist of five dance combinations and you do each combinations three times through. At the end of each combo, you freestyle for two 8 counts. The first time is without music and is called the teach or learn session. This is where Tony takes you through the steps and you are learning the steps in real time. There is not half time or any real break down. The second time through is with music. I called this the rehearsal phase but Tony was calling the teach phase the rehearsal.  At any rate, you are doing the step to music.  The third time through is also with music and Tracy calls this the flair stage.  You are suppose to dance with flair and attitude. Ton...

Tracy Anderson Boot Camp - Review

Tracy Anderson's Boot Camp Targeted Training DVD contains  three 20 minute workout. The DVD allows you to select Play All or to select an individual workout. The three individual workouts are : Abs Hips & Thighs Glutes Each workout is setup pretty similarly. Tracy starts you off with her signature warm up of arm movements. You then move into some stretching.  Next comes the main part of the workout - which most of it is done as a mat workout. The workout concludes with standing arm work and stretching. Now, while there is not a segment for the arms, you do get plenty of toning for the arms as each of the three workouts include some arm movements. Almost all the exercises in the Hips & Thighs and Glutes and some of the exercises in Abs are multi component exercises.  Tracy takes a little bit of time to demonstrate each of the exercise. She counts her demonstration as a rep. So as soon you see what she is doing, my advice is to jump in. Otherwise, yo...

Tracy Anderson Cardio Dance Express - Review

Cardio Dance Express contains six 10- minute mini dance routines led by Tracy Anderson.   You can choose to Play All or you can choose any of the individual dances. The segments are: Basic Steps Dance Vitality Cardio Party Sweat Fest Calorie Blast Dance Intensity Each of the dances follow a similar pattern. Tracy starts off with an arm warm up and some briefing stretching. This might take the first two minutes of each segment. Then Tracy teaches a mini combo that last for about 5 to 6 minutes. Next, she free styles for a minute or two before taking you into the cool down stretch. As you go into each interval, Tracy takes a moment or two to briefly tell you what interval you are on. Just some notes .  The mini combos contain around six moves that you learn in a layered pattern and then repeat for the 5 to 6 six minutes.  Sweat Fest includes moves you learned in Basic Steps, Dance Vitality and Cardio Party. There is quite a bit of impact in all of the d...

Tracy Anderson Method Express - Thoughts

Method Express contains six workouts that are all around the 10 minute mark.  Tracy has you use your own body weight,  ankle weights, and hand weights to train the muscles. She uses a variety of positions such as standing, kneeling, prone, supine, all-fours, and lying side to work various areas of the body.  Most of the exercises had a rep count of either five reps or 10 reps.  There were a couple of exercises in the leg workouts that contain more reps.  For the most part, Tracy counts out the reps as she performs each rep. The cuing was pretty decent. Throughout the workouts, when Tracy would complete an exercise, she will tell you "good job".  She does this quite a bit. The music is mostly background music. In Upper Body Express, the music goes completely off three times.  So you just hear Tracy's voice.  Overall, I really like the individual workouts.    There is an option to Play All and if you do that, the workout is 60...

Tracy Anderson Slim & Sculpt Cardio - Thoughts

Tracy Anderson Slim + Sculpt Cardio DVD contains three 20-minute workouts. Two workouts are cardio based and one workout is sculpt based. The sculpt base workout uses a band. The band comes with the DVD. Cardio 1 is the first workout.  Tracy states this is an easier choreograph workout and one in which you should follow along.  It is a mixture of low and high impact moves.  So expect some jumping.  The moves are relatively simple to follow. The problem is that you do not know what is coming next.  The note I put next to workout was "that was a mess". At one point Tracy states that "you are not doing the same move over and over and that you have to focus". Well it would kind help to know what is coming next so that you are able to keep it.  The music was decent.  2 & 3/4 stars Cardio 2 is the second workout. .  Like the first workout it contain both high and low impact moves but Cardio 2 is more of a routine.  There is a lot of...

Tracy Anderson The Method for Beginners - Thoughts

The Method for Beginner s is led by Tracy Anderson. This workout is designed as a spring board for people to the Tracy Anderson Method. This DVD contains two workouts: Intro Part 1 and Intro Part 2. Intro Part 1 uses ankle weights, wrist weights, dumbbells, and a chair.  The workout starts off with a series of stretches and then moves into a mini arm segment. Tracy concludes the workout with a weighted dance routine.  I found the weighted dance routine quite enjoyable. Tracy does give lots instructions. She does not mirror cue. Workout 1 is just under 29 minutes in length. Intro Part 2 uses a mat, hand weights and a chair.  It clocks in at 32 minutes. There is a 2 minute introduction before Tracy starts the workouts.  The workouts starts with a series of stretches, moves into arm work, then there is weighted arm work where Tracy uses 3lbs weights and does 10 reps per exercise.  Next comes chair work.  The exercises in this segment are performed f...

Tracy Anderson Dance + Cardio - Thoughts

Dance + Cardio is part of the Tracy Anderson Method. This DVD has two workouts: Dance + Cardio 1 & Dance + Cardio 2. These two workouts contains absolutely no cuing.  None.  Not even a breakdown segment. Now, I will admit you don't really need a breakdown segment because the routines are very repetitive. In Tracy's introduction, she tells you that "you are repeating stuff over an over" or something in that respect. So after awhile you can sort of guess  what is coming next. Really you are just following along as best you can.  You can count on missing the first few reps of any new sequence. I am sure a couple of times I came up with my own moves. There is impact:  jumping, jacking, hopping, & skipping. I actually enjoyed workout 1. I felt workout 2 had too much toning and there was less dance. I also like the music in workout 1 more. Workout 1 clocks in at 30:22.  Part of that is the introduction. Workout 2 clocks in at 25:47. Dance...

Tracy Anderson Precision Toning - Thoughts

Precision Toning is led by Tracy Anderson and it contains four targeted routines to sculpt the body. Tracy is the only cast member. The routines are: Precision Toning Arms (16:17) Precision Toning Legs (14:17) Precision Toning Butt (15:10) Precision Toning Abs (14:16) Tracy takes you through each routine offering tips along the way. In workout 1 (Arms) Tracy gives a brief (1:40) introduction to her overall method.  After the introduction, Tracy takes you through a warm up.  I could not tell when the warm up ended and the workout started. It is continuous series of moves.  10 minutes into the routine Tracy introduces a series of standing weight work. This is followed by a series of  kneeling weighted exercises . Legs is workout two. The segment uses a chair. You are doing 25 reps per exercise. You do all the exercises on one side of the body before moving to the other side. The workout  intermix live cuing withe voice over. During the exerci...

Tracy Anderson Cardio Dance For Beginners - Review

Cardio Dance For Beginners Mmmm - where to start, Well this DVD contains four 15 minute cardio routines. The DVD gives you the following options: Play All Dance 1:  The Basics Dance 2: Get Moving Dance 3:  Cardio Connection Dance 4:  Cardio Blast From a choreography standpoint I do not want to say the dances are progressively harder, however I will say that as you move from Dance 1 to Dance 4 there is more impact and more jumping.  Tracy introduces each dance segment prior to the segment starting. So there is about 45 seconds of chatter before each dance. Essentially each dance is one long combinations and you are really just following along.What you typically do on the left you do on the right however this is not always the case. Tracy tries to cue but doesn't really do a good job. To make matters worse there is no real or consistent pattern so it is hard to say what it is coming next. And sometimes what is coming next is a move you had not seen before...

Tracy Anderson Mat Workout For Beginners - Review

Mat Workout For Beginner contains three 25 minute workouts. The DVD has the following options: Play All Mat 1:  Full Body Beginner Mat 2:  Chair Mat 3:  Full Body Intermediate Each of the workout starts with an upper body sequence. Mat 2 and 3 use a set of hand weights during the upper body portion. Some of the notes that I took during this workout were: ** Tracy does not mirror cue, The cuing is lacking in the upper body sequence but in the lower body (chair and floor) it is decent. There are occasions when Tracy takes the time to demonstrate the upcoming move during the lower body portion.  Tracy also counts out the reps for you. Most of the time we are doing 20 reps. Towards the end of the sequence, Tracy ups the reps to 30.  Some of the reps are quick and Tracy will tell you to catch every other rep. For the lower body sequence (in each of the workouts) Tracy will do a series of moves for one side of the body before moving on to repeat those ...

January 2015 Rotation

Hello All and Happy New Year Welcome to January 2015 This month I will be doing Tracy Anderson and Shaun T workouts plus treadmill and stretching on Sundays. The Tracy workouts have two to four workouts per DVD so I am dividing them up across multiple days. Shaun T workouts come from the latest Beachbody release Insanity Max:30.