
Showing posts with the label single body part

Cathe STS 2.0 Legs and Shoulders

STS 2.0 Body Parts Legs + Body Parts Shoulders DVD Menu Body Parts Legs Body Parts Shoulders Premixes (9-premixes) Audio Settings  For the premixes, two of them include the bonuses, three are express, two are extreme, and two are Mish Mosh. They range in time from 23:34 (shortest express) to 92:59 (longest extreme). Body Parts Legs is a 45 minute workout.  You are warming up with dumbbells squats. You get a minute rest after each exercise. A mat, barbell, dumbbell, loop band, elevation plates and step are on the equipment list. Body Parts Shoulders include a full minute break following most exercises.  Exercises are performed in the standing and seated positions or against the stability ball.  Warmup includes several pieces on the equipment list.  This is a 40-minute workout. Equipment:  barbell, dumbbells, resistance tubing, mat, & stability ball.  

Cathe STS 2.0 Chest and Triceps - Thoughts

STS 2.0 Body Parts Chest + Body Parts Triceps DVD Menu - Body Parts Chest     * Getting Started + Equipment     * Preview     * Play     * Bonuses     * Chapters - Body Parts Triceps     * Getting Started + Equipment     * Preview     * Play     * Bonuses     * Chapters - Premixes (9 pre-mixes) - Audio Settings In Body Parts Chest you need dumbbells, a step, resistance tubing, and a mat.  The step bench is used in the flat back position and the incline position.  The tubing is used towards the end of the workout in finisher exercises.   The warmup includes a set of pushups and a few sets of weighted work. A minute rest is given between each exercise.   The workout clocks in at 37 and 1/2 minutes.     The equipment listed in Body Parts Tricep s includes a barbell, dumbbells, step, tubing, mat, band, and STS Bar.  You can substitute the STS...

Cathe STS 2.0 Back and Biceps - Thoughts

  STS 2.0 Body Parts Back + Body Parts Bicep s DVD Menu - Body Parts Back     * Getting Started + Equipment     * Preview     * Play     * Bonuses     * Chapters - Body Parts Biceps      * Getting Started + Equipment     * Preview     * Play     * Bonuses     * Chapters - Premixes (There are 9 pre-mixes ranging in time from 28:52 to 86:08) - Audio Settings (Normal Mix or Vocals Only Mix) Body Parts Back clocks in at just over 42 minutes.  Equipment used includes a step/bench, dumbbells, STS bars, tubes, barbell, and mat.  In the warm-up, Cathes uses a tube and a set of dumbbells.  Cathe mixes barbells, dumbbells, tubing and body weight exercises in this workout. Between the weighted exercises, Cathe gives you a minute's rest.  Throughout the workout, Cathe or the cast shows variations for some of the exercises. Body Part Biceps clocks in at 37:30.  In ...

ICE Muscle Meltdown Workouts - Thoughts

Muscle Meltdown workouts are individual upper body specific muscle group workouts that come as bonus workouts on the ICE DVDs.  The concept of this workout is that you do five exercises per muscle group back to back and you repeat that for three rounds.  This type of workout allows you to focus in on a specific body part.  Muscle Meltdown Biceps clocks in at 15:22 and it is included on the ICE Boot Camp Circuit DVD.  Muscle Meltdown Triceps clocks in at 13:54 and it is included on the ICE Rock'm Sock'm Kickbox DVD. Muscle Meltdown Ches t clocks in at 15:29 and it is included on the ICE Metabolic Total Body DVD. Muscle Meltdown Shoulder s clocks in at 15:38 and it is included on the ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast and on the ICE To The Mat: Legs & Glutes DVD. Muscle Meltdown Back clocks in at 21:11 and it is included on the ICE Low Impact Sweat DVD. I really liked all of the Muscle Meltdown workouts. I paired them with Jessica Smith Mix and Match 5 Mil...