Michael Olijade's Aerobox Burn & Express Workouts - Thoughts

Aerobox Burn and Aer o box Express. These two workouts are definitely the best in the bunch. Aerobox Express is approximately 21 & 1/2 minutes in length. And it is a straight up boxing workout. Michael takes you through a series of punches. You learn the punch combination in demo mode, you practice in exercise mode, and you take it up a notch in fight mode. This is a layered workout where Michael adds combos as you move along. I believe there is a total of 6 combinations. So by the end of the workout you are doing them all super fast in fight mode which I found extremely challenging. I was definitely flailing the arms in some spots. Definitely my favorite of the bunch. The only thing I didn't like about it is you only do the workout on one side of the body. I guess you can switch it then next time you do the workout but you will really have to know the workout and how the combos flow especially when you move up to fight speed. ...