CoffeyFit RAW Box & Pump 4, 5 & 6 Thoughts

More RAW Box & Pump workout s . Far as I can tell, Kelly has a lot more Box & Pump style workouts on the RAW APP. The ones I have done are specifically titled Box & Pump. Box & Pump 4 has a running length of around 48 minutes. In this workout, you do an upper body strength move that is followed by a lower body strength move. You go into three boxing combination before moving into the next upper body and lower body exercise. Kelly intersperses 1-minute breaks throughout. Out of the six Box N Pump workouts I have done, probably Box N Pump 5 is my favorite. I like the tempo of the workout, which I found to be very methodical. The format for 5 starts with boxing combo that you do on the right and then on the left. This is followed by another boxing combo that you repeat on the right and then the left. You are repeating the combos for three sets. Boxing is followed by two compound weighted exercises performed for two se...