Showing posts with label window &window box. Show all posts
Showing posts with label window &window box. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Simple Layout by Gerry van Gent

Hello Sizzix friends!
I hope you all enjoyed a very special 
Valentine's Day with your loved ones!
Today I would love to share with you my
vision of a simple layout using gorgeous Sizzix dies.

657900 Sizzix Big Shot machine
658607 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set Flowers, Intricate
658551 Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die Mini Filmstrip & Mini Tickets
659127 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set Frame Layers & Flower #2
658221 Sizzix Originals Die Curly Gate
659131 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set Labels, Long
658850 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set Conservatory Window
658780 Sizzix Bigz Die Window & Window Box

*   *   *
Because I wanted to add flowers and the collection
didn`t have any I decided to make my own.
I simply chose different pattern papers and die cut some flowers.
For the centers I die cut exactly around the tiny white hearts.
Hello 1

This window is a combination of two dies - 
Hello 2
The top of the Conservatory Window was used
on top of the other window.
658850_conservatory window

The die-cut circles spread all over the page were
die cut from the Frame Layers & Flower #2.
Hello 3
Webster's Pages - "Sprinkled with Love" collection

Thank you for your visit today!
Have a creative day!

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Christmas wagon

Hi everyone.
I hope you all had a great and creative week, today I wil show you  a Christmas wagon. I have used a  different sorts of Sizzix dies

Items used:
Sizzix Bigz Die Ornate Frame ( 658720)
Sizzix Bigz Die Window & Window Box ( 658780)
Sizzix Bigz Die Holiday Lamppost ( 657469)
Sizzix Bigz Die Tattered Poinsettia ( 658261)
Sizzix Bigz Die Vintage Cabinet Card ( 65 7217)
Sizzix Bigz Die Victorian Carolers ( 658764)
Sizzix Bigz Die Pine tree ( 658566) you can use Christmas Trees 3 D (658754)
Movers & Shapers Sized Circles ( 658566)
Movers & Shapers Mini Apothecary Bottles ( 658722)
Movers & Shapers Mini Jingle bell & Christmas Bell ( 658773)
Sizzix Sizzlits decorative Strip Holly, Beaded & Snowflake Garland ( 658760)
Sizzix Sizzlits decorative Strip Winter Florals ( 658735)
Sizzix Retro Christmas 6 stamp,dies ( 659377)
On the Edge  On The   Fence ( 657030) you can use Ironwork Gate ( 658711)
Supply list:
Paper: Tim Holtz paper stash Merriment
Ink: Invild Bolme-Attic Dust-, Rusty Bucket-
Artifictal snow, brads, pountura Paint-white-
How to make_
1. Cut out 1 piece in patterned paper and 1 in recycled cardstock 21,5x9,5 cm, glue together. It is the bottom
2. Cut out  the top 21,5x 13,5 cm in patterned paper
3. Cut out 2 pices 16,5x11,5 cm a pieces 11,5x11,5 cm it is the wagon sides,scor 1cm and glue the sides together

4.. Cut out 4 small circles  and 4 medium , use thick cardstock and patterned paper
5. Die cut the differnet sorts of Sizzix dies and decorate the wagon


I hope you enjoyed my project today
Thanks for stopping by
Wish you a great Christmas week
Hej alle
Jeg håber du har haft en dejlig kreativ uge. I dag vil jeg vise en julevogn hvor jeg har brugt mange forskellige Sizzix dies
Sizzix dies jeg har brugt:
Sizzix Bigz Die Ornate Frame ( 658720)
Sizzix Bigz Die Window & Window Box ( 658780)
Sizzix Bigz Die Holiday Lamppost ( 657469)
Sizzix Bigz Die Tattered Poinsettia ( 658261)
Sizzix Bigz Die Vintage Cabinet Card ( 65 7217)
Sizzix Bigz Die Victorian Carolers ( 658764)
Sizzix Bigz Die Pine tree ( 658566) you can use Christmas Trees 3 D (658754)
Movers & Shapers Sized Circles ( 658566)
Movers & Shapers Mini Apothecary Bottles ( 658722)
Movers & Shapers Mini Jingle bell & Christmas Bell ( 658773)
Sizzix Sizzlits decorative Strip Holly, Beaded & Snowflake Garland ( 658760)
Sizzix Sizzlits decorative Strip Winter Florals ( 658735)
Sizzix Retro Christmas 6 stamp,dies ( 659377)
On the Edge  On The   Fence ( 657030) you can use Ironwork Gate ( 658711)
Andre materialer:
Papir: Tim Holtz paper stash Merriment
Ink: Invild Bolme-Attic Dust-, Rusty Bucket-
Kunstig sne, brads, pountura Paint-white-
Sådan gør du:
1 Skær 1 stykke mønstret papir og 1 stk. i tykt pap på 21,5x 9,5 cm, dette er bunden af vognen
2. Skær et stykke mønstret papir på 21,5 cmx13,5 cm, dette er taget
3. Skær 2 stykker mønstret papir på 21,5x 13,5 cm og 2 på 11,5x 11,5 cm dette er siderne , scor 1 cm som vist på billedet og lim sammen
4. Udstans 4 små cirkler og 4 medium cirkler og det samme i tyk karton, dette er til de 4 hjul
5. Udstans de forskellige Sizzix dies og pynt vognen
Jeg håber du fik lidt inspiration 
Tak fordi du kiggede forbi
Ønsker dig en skøn juleuge

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Christmas card

Hi everyone
I hope you all had a great and creative week. Today I have a Christmas card to show you using the
 Sizzix Pop 'n Cuts XL Die Set - Card, Horizontal A2 w/Circle Label, 3-D (Pop-Up.
Items used:
Snow Florries On the Edge (656920) and Mini Snowflakes set Movers & shapers ( 657474)I use an older Tim Holtz  design but instead you could use
Supply list:
Paper: My Minds Eye-All is Bright-, Vivi Gade design, cardstock
Stamp: KaiserCraft clear stamps.Christmas Sentiments., Woodware-clear magic singles-
Ink: Distress ink -vintage Photo-
Glitter snow,ribbon,paper lace doilies, button and gelatin used as window glass
Die cut The Sizzix Bigz Die - Window & Window Box in  recycled cardstock and White cardstock glue together, glue gelatine to the die cut window , it is the glass, glue the cut out image to the window

Decorate using the different sorts og Sissix die cut and make snow using glitter snow
Thanks for stopping by
Wish you a great week
Hej alle
Jeg håber i alle har haft en dejlig og kreativ uge. I dag vil jeg vise et julekort hvor jeg har brugt
Dies jeg har brugt::
Snow Florries On the Edge (656920) og Mini Snowflakes set Movers & shapers ( 657474) Jeg har brugt nogle ældre Tim Holtz dies men i stedet kan du bruge disse
Supply list:
Papir: My Minds Eye-All is Bright-, Vivi Gade design, cardstock
Stempler: KaiserCraft clear stamps.Christmas Sentiments., Woodware-clear magic singles-
Ink: Distress ink -vintage Photo-
Glitter snow,bånd ,papir lace doilies, knap, gelatine/husblads brugt som vinduesglas
Tak fordi du kiggede forbi
Ønsker dig en dejlig uge

Sunday, 17 November 2013

A "Merry Christmas" Card by Gerry van Gent

Happy Sunday Sizzix friends!
Today I prepared for you a Christmas Card using some
gorgeous new & old Sizzix dies.
657900 Sizzix Big Shot machine
659127 Sizzix Thinlits Dies Frame Layers & Flower #2
657906 Sizzix Framelits Dies Frame, Snowflake
659131 Sizzix Thinlits Dies Labels, Long
658622 Sizzix Framelits Dies w/ Stamps Snowflakes #2
*  *  * 

Card Size: 12.5 cm x 14cm
To make the circle I used two different dies.
From the  Frame Layers & Flower #2 die I used the inside circle
of the doily which is the solid, main circle.
 Then I used the Frame, Snowflake die as this one I used
as a frame. I distressed with ink and adhered on top of the
solid circle.

The round shaped dates you see are fussy cut from the
pattern paper and then glued on top of the die-cut snowflakes.

I love this new set with long labels - it`s so intricate and 
Labels, Long
For my card I combined two of those labels.
The smallest label is used as a base of the title.
From the largest label only the top ornate part
was used to decorate the smallest label on the card.

Webster's Pages - "A Christmas Story" collection
Webster's Pages - a paper clip bow

*  *  * 
And ... I want to share another card I created recently for 
Maja Design blog using two of my favourites new dies...

658780 Sizzix Bigz Die Window & Window box
658221 Sizzix Originals Medium Die Curly Gate

Maja Design "Vintage Frost Basics" collection
*  *  * 
I hope you enjoyed my cards today!
Have a creative Sunday!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

A sweet little lantern

Hi all Sizzix fan
I hope you had a great week. Today I will show you a lantern with a battery light using Sizzix Bigz die Window & Window box.

Items used:
Sizzix Big Shot Maschine ( 657900)
Sizzix Bigz Die Window & Window box ( 658780)
Sizzix Bigz Die Flower, black-Eyed Susan (658422)
Movers & shapers Mini Tattered Floral set ( 657488)
Movers & shapers Mini Branch & leaf set (657208)
Supply list:
Paper: Inkido-Beautiful Memories-Yellow Butterflies and Yellow Flowers, cardstock
Ink: Vintage Photo from Ranger
Brads, battery light and 3D foam
How to make:
1.Cut out 10x10 cm x2 in card stock, round the corner, 2pieces in patterned paper 10x10cm
2. Cut out 4 pieces in cardstock 1x8,5 cm , fold in half 0,5x8,5 cm, it is the corner
3. Cut out cardstock 8x8cm and in patterned paper 7,5x7,5 cm, glue together and glue to the top using 3 D foam
4. Die cut using Windows bigz die, 4 times, glue the Windows to the 4 corner , glue the window to the bottom , ink all edges using vintage photo
5. Die cut the different sorts Sizzix dies
6. Cut out the butterfies out of the patterned paper
7. Decorate the lantern using the flower, branch, leaves butterflies and brads


Thanks for stopping by. See you next Tuesday
Hej alle Sizzix fan
Jeg håber du har haft en fantastisk uge. I dag vil jeg vise hvordan du kan lave en lanterne til batteri lys ved at bruge sizzix bigz die Window & Window box
Dies jeg har brugt:
Sizzix Big Shot Maschine ( 657900)
Sizzix Bigz Die Window & Window box ( 658780)
Sizzix Bigz Die Flower, black-Eyed Susan (658422)
Movers & shapers Mini Tattered Floral set ( 657488)
Movers & shapers Mini Branch & leaf set (657208)
Andre materialer:
Papir: Inkido-Beautiful Memories-Yellow Butterflies og Yellow Flowers, karton
Ink: Vintage Photo fra Ranger
Brads, batteri  lys og 3D foam
Sådan gør du:
1.Skær ud 10x10 cm x2 i karton , rund hjørnerne, 2 stykker i mønstret papir 10x10cm
2. Skær ud 4 stykker karton i1x8,5 cm , fold på midten så de bliver 0,5x8,5 cm, dette er hjørnerne
3. Skær ud karton i 8x8cm og i mønstret papir 7,5x7,5 cm, lim sammen og lim til toppen ved at bruge 3D foam
4. Udstands ved at bruge Windows bigz die, 4 gange, lim vinduerne til de 4 hjørner lim dem til bunden efter alle kanter er sværtet
5. Udstands de forskellige Sizzix dies
6. Klip sommerfugle ud af mønsterpapiret
7. Dekorer lanternen ved at bruge blomsterne, grene, blade  sommerfugle og brads
Tak fordi du kiggede forbi, jeg håber at se dig næste tirsdag