Showing posts with label Bigz Die Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bigz Die Flowers. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Christmas card by Karine


Don’t you feel like Christmas is coming nearer and nearer? I definitely do!!! Traditional colors and a touch of gold of course…I take the opportunity to start my Christmas cards early this year! Here is one of my cards which you will hopefully like

Supply List:

Cardstock: American Crafts
Papers: American Crafts
Labels: 4heures37
Stamps: Stampin'up
Inks: Studio Calico, Versamark
Embossing powder: Zing! American Crafts
Others: Masking Tape, yellow button


650515 :  Sizzix Big Shot Plus Starter Kit
660490  Sizzix Big Die African Florals
660395 : Sizzix Sizzlits Die Decorative Strip Die-Eyelet Lace & Scallops

I used a white cardstock format A5 fold in half so that my flower die stands out.

Then I cut the die African Florals out of red cardstock; the leaves are cut out of green pattern paper scraps.
Superimpose 3 layers of petals then rub delicately your Versamark ink pad on the edges. Sprinkle with gold embossing powder, retrieve the extra powder and heat with your Heat Gun.

This flower will be glued with 3D adhesive foam. I added a nice yellow button in its center.

Cut a pretty frieze out of glitter paper from the Eyelet Lace & Scallops border die. Glue it and superimpose two strips on the upper part of your card.

Finish with the stamps “Just for You” and here you are! This is an easy card to realize in the twinkle of an eye! Especially if you create series of them!

Have a nice day,

Thanks a lot,


Bonjour !

Je ne sais pas vous mais j'ai très très envie de NOEL en ce moment !!! Couleurs traditionnelles, une touche de doré bien entendu...J'en profite pour prendre de l'avance dans mes cartes de voeux ! En voici aujourd'hui un petit modèle qui je l'espère vous plaira :)

Matériel :

Cardstock : American Crafts
Papiers : American Crafts
Etiquette : 4heures37
Tampons : Stampin'up
Encres : Studio Calico, Versamark
Poudre à embosser : Zing! American Crafts
Divers : Masking Tape, bouton jaune

Dies utilisés :

650515 :  Sizzix Big Shot Plus Starter Kit
660490 :  Sizzix Big Die African Florals
660395 : Sizzix Sizzlits Die Decorative Strip Die-Eyelet Lace & Scallops

Pour bien faire ressortir ma découpe fleur, j'ai utilisé comme base un cardstock blanc au format A5 plié en deux.

J'ai ensuite découpé dans du cardstock rouge le Die African Florals, les feuilles sont quant à elles découpées dans des chutes de papiers imprimés verts.
Superposez les 3 niveaux de pétales, puis frottez délicatement votre encre Versamark, simplement sur les bords. Saupoudrez ensuite de poudre or, récupérez le surplus et chauffez avec votre Heat Gun.

La fleur sera ensuite collée en 3D à l'aide de mousse, le centre est complété avec un joli bouton jaune.

Découpez ensuite dans du papier paillettes une jolie frise à l'aide du die bordure Eyelet Lace & Scallops, collez et superposez deux bandes en haut de votre carte.

Complétez avec les tampons “Just for You” et le tour est joué ! Un modèle très facile et rapide à faire pour la réalisation de cartes de voeux en série !

Bonne journée



Sunday, 16 August 2015

Floral package with 1 die, fabric scraps and cardstock

Hello Sizzix Friends!
Last week I bought a present for my sister and I decided to wrap it up with a pretty package.
I realized a fabric flower perfect to be removed and reused.
She liked it so much and I decided to share it with you.

You will need only one die! ;)

You need:
Tissue paper
Sticky Tape
Double-sided sticky tape
Fabric scraps
Needle and Thread
Wrap the present up with tissue paper and some pieces of sticky tape.
Die cut some flowers using Sizzix Bigz Die - Flower Layers & Leaves (657690), fabric scraps and the Big Shot Plus Machine.
Arrange the flower mixing the different fabrics.
Fix the petals with needle and thread (in the same colour of the fabric).
Add two pieces of double-sided sticky tape on the package and paste a cotton ribbon on them.
Make a bow and cut the excess of ribbon with the scissors.
Put the fabric flower on the package with a piece of double-sided sticky tape. (you easily will be able to remove it and reuse it).
Die cut some leaves using Sizzix Bigz Die - Flower Layers & Leaves (657690) and a cardstock.
Fix the leaves on the package with double-sided sticky tape.
That's it!
Easy and super pretty!
Thank you for reading.
Happy Sunday!

*Per i lettori italiani*
Buongiorno amici!
La scorsa settimana ho comprato un piccolo regalo per mia sorella e ho voluto realizzare per lei una confezione speciale.
Ho fatto un fiore di stoffa perfetto per essere rimosso e riusato una volta aperto il pacchetto.
Le è piaciuto molto e, visto che avevo scattato qualche foto, ho pensato di condividerlo con voi.

Vi basterà solo 1 fustella! ;)

Ho usato:
Carta Velina
Nastro adesivo
Nastro biadesivo
Ritagli di stoffa
Ago e filo
Confezionate il regalo con la carta velina fissandola con lo scotch.
Fustellate diversi fiori usando Sizzix Bigz Die - Flower Layers & Leaves (657690), dei ritagli di stoffa e la Macchina Big Shot Plus.
Componete il fiore mixando le diverse stoffe.
Fissate i petali del fiore con ago e filo (scegliete un filo coordinato cromaticamente).
Aggiungete due pezzi di nastro biadesivo sul pacchetto e fissate un nastro in cotone.
Fate un bel fiocco e tagliate l'eccesso di nastro.
Posizionate il fiore di stoffa sul pacchetto con un pezzo di nastro biadesivo (in questo modo potrete facilmente rimuoverlo e riutilizzarlo).
Fustellate alcune foglie con Sizzix Bigz Die - Flower Layers & Leaves (657690) e un cartoncino sui toni del verde.
Fissate le foglie sul pacchetto con il biadesivo.
Ed ecco fatto!
Facile e bellissimo!
Grazie per la visita.
Buona domenica.


Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Pretty flower

Hi everybody!

Today, I suggest a little lightness with a pretty creation in tulle.

This embellishment can decorate your pages, minis and cards of scrap but also pins, clamps or other headbands of little girls.
Everything is possible!

For this, you just need to choose 2 pieces of tulles, to cut several flowers thanks to the die flower layers & leaf and to put them together using a brad. Position the smallest in front and the biggest behind!

Done! So what do you think? 

6602225: Sizzix Thinlits die set 16PK - Friendchip words: script
paper: Swirlcards, Bazzill and American Crafts
Wooden Stars: Studio Calico
strass: Scrapboukits


Jolie fleur!

Aujourd'hui, je vous propose un peu de légèreté avec une jolie création en tulle.

Cet embellissement va pouvoir embellir vos pages, vos mini et vos cartes de scrap mais aussi les barrettes, pinces, ou autre serre-têtes des petites filles.
Tout est possible!

Pour cela il suffit de choisir 2 morceaux de tulles, d'y découper des plusieurs fleurs grâce au die flower layers & leaf et de les assembler ensemble à l'aide d'un brad, en positionnant les plus petites devant et les plus grandes derrière!

Et le tour est joué, quand pensez-vous?

Saturday, 11 July 2015

A frame filled with flowers

Hello everybody,
today I have a pretty home decoration inspiration for you. I love motivational quotes and I got this one in January at a trade show. I had it in my drawer for a long time now, but I thought that it need a special  place in my craftroom. So I decided to make a pretty floral frame for it.

The list of supplies, that I needed:
Pattern paper for the flowers and foam for the birds

I love this frame! To get a little more depth I die cutted the birds out of whit foam. They look really pretty and I like that they are sitting on this flower wreath discreetly. :) So, I hope you got a little bit inspired to create something beautiful for your home. 

Have a nice day, xo Julia


Hallo ihr Lieben, heute gibt es mal ein bisschen Home Deco. :)
Dieser Rahmen hängt nun bei mir im Scrapzimmer. Ich muss zugeben, dass ich wirklich noch nicht den geeigneten Platz zum Fotografieren für Dekoration gefunden habe. So ganz zufrieden bin ich mit den Fotos nicht, aber gut… :) Man erkennt zumindest was ich zeigen möchte oder?  ;)

Hier die Stanzen, welche ich verwendet habe:

Die Vögelchen schmiegen sich so wunderbar dezent ins große Ganze, dass gefällt mir echt gut. :) Und auch die gesamten Farben dieses Rahmens haben es mir echt angetan. Rosa und Pink gehen bei mir ja immer! :) Ich hoffe ich konnte euch ein wenig inspirieren, euch auch mal wieder eine neue Dekoration fürs Heim zu zaubern. Mit der Big Shot und ein paar Stanzen ist das auch gar kein Problem! :)

Habt einen tollen Tag, xo Julia

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Chalkboard Flower Pots

I adore having fresh flowers in my home. Here in my home city of Cambridge, we have a wonderful flower market where I buy tulips in the Spring and peonies in the Summer. I think Peonies look so delicate and the petals almost paper like.

Today I want to share with you a simple DIY for some chalkboard flower pots - perfect for displaying blooms in your home. I started with my Big Shot Plus machine and the Bigz dies which are my favourite to use.

You will need:

  • Sizzix Big Shot Plus Starter Kit (includes Bigz flower die)
  • Flower pots or jars (I spray painted mine white)
  • Chalkboard paint
  • Heavy white card stock
  • Paintbrushes
  • Mod Podge
  • Chalk or chalkboard pen
  • Flowers!

I cut out flower shapes from the card stock using the Bigz die.

I then painted each flower shape with one coat of the chalkboard paint. Before painting, I like to tape the shapes to something so they don't move around.

Once the shapes were dry, I used the Mod Podge to adhere them to each flower pot. 

You can use chalk or chalkboard pens to write the name of the flowers or maybe even a message if you want to give the flower pot as a gift. You could even use this idea for herb pots as well. 

I love how simple these pots are and chalkboard paint is definitely one of my favourite craft supplies. 

What do you think? The roses are fake, so if you never remember to water flowers they are a great option and look realistic. 

I hope you have a wonderful Sunday full of flowery happiness!

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Summer's here - Flowers a plenty

Phew - it's raining, very gently - but it has made the temperature drop a little. Now don't get me wrong I love the summer - but it is nice that it's cool enough today for me to be able to think straight!
So I thought I'd have a little fun and see how fabric printing with sponges cut into flower shapes would work - now obviously I've used the amazing Bigz Dies and Big Shot Plus Machine  - because it's the one I have at home.
So I used the Bigz Die - Flower Layers & Leaves by Dena Designs™ - 657690 to cut the sponges -


Choose a sponge that is between 1.5cm and 2cm deep - you can use the sponge with scourer attached but buy economy as the more expensive ones are too thick to cut well, but you are more limited on the size shape you can cut -
I had planned to decorate some t-shirts for my grandchildren - but decided to see how it all worked on some plain cotton. so I laid out newspaper and then plain paper on my dining room table and selected some fabric dyes, along with some plates, and plenty of kitchen roll I was ready to roll!
I decided to start with the daisy flower and some blue die -
as you can see the flower on the left in the picture is a bit mis-shappen because I pressed too hard on the sponge - but that can be covered or disguised as we progress.
I added a darker blue using the same flower shape, and then decided to use the large flower shape with pink - and I don't think I like it - so I'll cover that later -

so I added some more daisies in a deeper pink and tried over dyeing one of the paler pink flowers.
I also tried a leaf shape - but there was too much dye on the sponge and it's just a blob -
When there was less dye on the sponge it was much better -

but when I tried over dyeing a blue daisy with a yellow circle for the centre - oops!!
so I decided to add the yellow as petals -
Why am I showing you this when some of it clearly hasn't worked too well - it's because I want to show  you next week how I have managed to redeem it. I went to a silk painting class a few years ago and the teacher was amazing at showing us how to redeem our mistakes or disasters! and so I want to encourage you too.
So next week I hope to have added some net or voile, and some embroidery to enhance and to conceal - will it work - I don't  know yet - we'll all have to wait and see!!
Until next week enjoy the summer sun.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Quick & Easy Gift Wrapping Inspiration

Hey everybody,
hope you had a nice week so far? :) Today I want to show you a quick and easy gift wrapping idea. 

Here is the list of supplies you will need:
6x6 inch Pattern Paper and some glue

If you have any 6x6 Paper Pads, this is the time to use them! :) One sheet fits perfectly on this Bigz Die and you get everything you need. I made this four times, to create four flowers by mixing all the single parts.

If you have glued them all together, you are ready. Yes, that´s it! So super easy and so fun. :)

I have made them because I am always in trouble having some wrapping paper at home. I am a crafter, but this is something I always forget to buy. And let´s be honest: I love to add some cute things on gifts for friends. So I have covered a book completely into kraft paper and made a bow with green ribbon. Quite boring right? ;)

Just put your flowers all over wrapped gift and see how beautiful it comes out. And the best is, you can make as many as you want to. :) Do you like it? Hope I have inspired you to try this at home.
Have a nice weekend, xo Julia


Hallo ihr Lieben,
ich hoffe ihr hattet eine tolle Woche? Wenn ihr schon mal auf meinem Blog wart, wisst ihr ja wie sehr ich es liebe Geschenke hübsch zu verpacken. Letzte Woche hatte ich ein paar neue Stanzen im Briefkasten und eine davon inspirierte mich zu einer kleinen Verpackungsidee.

Hier die Materialliste:
6x6 inch Pattern Paper (gemustertes Paper)
Klebestift oder Ähnliches

Falls ihr dieses Projekt nachbasteln möchtet, ist dies die Gelegenheit 6x6 Paper Pads zu verbraten. Denn die 6x6 inch Papiere passen perfekt auf die Bigz Die. ;) Ich wollte vier Blümchen haben, also habe ich mir vier Papiere gesucht und jedes davon durch die Big Shot Plus genudelt. Wie ihr auf den Fotos seht, habe ich die Einzelteile wild durcheinander zusammen geklebt. Das sieht klasse aus und ihr bekommt ein passendes Set an Blumen. 

Ich weiss nicht wie es euch geht, aber ich vergesse immer wieder neues Geschenkpapier zu kaufen. Bastelsachen habe ich ohne Ende, aber Geschenkpapier… Eine Rolle Packpapier habe ich aber immer, also werden die Geschenke meistens darin eingepackt. Mit einer Schleife und ein paar dieser Blümchen versehen, ein Hingucker oder? Ich finde es toll und habe direkt noch ein paar Blumen mehr gemacht. Die nächsten Geburtstage kommen bestimmt. ;)

Habt noch ein tolles Wochenende, xo Julia