Showing posts with label Mini-Album. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mini-Album. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Journey Mini- Album

Here's a project that I made using some beautiful papers, stamps and flowers from Prima and the Sizzix Mini-Album die.

This die has lots of options- the binding is adjustable! You can make the depth of the album either 3/8" or 1 1/8" just by where you fold on the score lines.

The album cover was cut from matboard. I used the Heart Mover and Shaper to die cut the window in the cover.

# 658982 Sizzix ScoreBoards XL Die - Album, Mini

 The Mini-Album die also may be used to cut the pages. Here's how...

  1. Fold a 12" x 12" sheet of paper in half and then in quarters. 
  2. Place the large fold just shy of the last score line on the die and run the paper through the Big Shot. This will cut and score two page signatures.
  3. Place the page next to the book cover and slip a rubber band over the page and cover, then adjust in the book. This is a super quick and easy way to bind the book. You can also use twine, linen or thin ribbon to tie the pages into the binding of the book.
  4. There is also a piece on the die designed to be used as a closure. Attach the long end to the back of the book, then determine whether what depth of a book you will be making and mark a spot on the book where you feel you should close the book. Attach Velcro™Brand fasteners to each side of the latch.
  5. Layer flowers on the cover and add a metal embellishment with the word Journey.

Thanks for reading... Please follow my blog for lots of amazing projects by my Inspiration Team. You can also find me on InstagramFacebook and Twitter!

Friday, 13 March 2015

Fusing plastic bags Mini Album - tutorial by Anna

Hello! It's Anna here to share some ideas using Sizzix products.
This is a tutorial to create an original plastic fabric that could be used for more projects, for example a cover of mini album. It is very easy to put together!

sizzix big shot - scrapbooking - fusing plastic bags - mini album - tutorial - by Anna Drai - cafecreativo (1)
sizzix big shot - scrapbooking - fusing plastic bags - mini album - tutorial - by Anna Drai - cafecreativo (2)
How to make:
Flatten out the plastic bag thin and trim the bottom seam. You can either fold your bag twice until it is 6 ply thick, approximately, or use three or more bags layered on top of one another.
Sandwich your plastic bags between the parchment paper. Run a hot iron and flip it over and iron the opposite side for a few seconds. Please do this in a well-ventilated area.
sizzix big shot - scrapbooking - fusing plastic bags - mini album - tutorial - by Anna Drai - cafecreativo (0)
Using Big shot and Bigz Die – Heartfelt, cut out more hearts from tissue paper.
Place the hearts above the finished plastic. Place an other sheet of plastic. Sandwich your plastic bags between the parchment paper and press with iron. Let cool.
Peel the parchment paper away from the finished plastic sheet. Now, you can use this plastic to make the cover of mini album!
It is better to do the decoration cover before, if you use stitching. Then cut the sheets for inside pages. Place the book half way into sewing machine, use the fold as a guide line and stitch up.Use more Sizzix dies to embellish.

sizzix big shot - scrapbooking - fusing plastic bags - mini album - tutorial - by Anna Drai - cafecreativo (3)
This was an original way to make a lovely mini book :)

sizzix big shot - scrapbooking - fusing plastic bags - mini album - tutorial - by Anna Drai - cafecreativo (4)

sizzix big shot - scrapbooking - fusing plastic bags - mini album - tutorial - by Anna Drai - cafecreativo (5)

I wish you all a great and inspiring weekend!
Items used for Cover:
Sizzix Big Shot Machine (657900)
Sizzix Bigz Die – Heartfelt (660233)
Sizzix Originals Die - Phrase, Love #3 (659957)
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 20PK - Arrow Base w/Layering Shapes (660103)
plastic bags thin
parchment paper
tissue paper
patterned paper
glitter paper
paper doily
alphabet stickers
binder clip
double-sided tape
sewing machine, yarn
Items used for iside Pages:
Sizzix Big Shot Machine (657900)
Sizzix Bigz Die – Heartfelt (660233)
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 3PK - Sweet Butterfly (660802)
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 3PK - Butterfly #2 (659267)
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 8PK – Basics (659747)
Sizzix Bigz Die - Tiny Tabs & Tags (657188)
patterned paper
tissue paper
paper doily
spray ink
wood veneer embellishments
sewing machine, yarn
Per le amiche italiane! :)

Ciao, sono Anna ed oggi vorrei condividere con voi un tutorial per creare un tessuto plastificato molto particolare, che può essere utilizzato per realizzare diverse cose, come una pochette, un porta-cellulare... oppure, parlando di scrapbooking, la copertina di un mini album, così come ho fatto io.
In uno dei miei pomeriggi creativi con le amiche della zona, ho mostrato loro questa tecnica, che ora mostro anche a voi! ;) Trovate l'elenco dei materiali in fondo.
Usate i sacchetti di plastica sottile, quelli per l'immondizia, ora ne fanno di tanti bei colori, anche pastello!
Tagliate la chiusura inferiore del sacchetto e appiattite.
Preparate il primo strato di carta da forno, appoggiate il sacchetto piegato più volte, fino a quando non raggiungete lo spessore 6 strati circa, oppure (se è piccolo) utilizzate tre o più sacchetti, uno sopra l'altro. Coprite con il secondo foglio di carta da forno (badate che copra tutta la plastica). Stirare con ferro caldo, pigiando bene, per pochi secondi, cominciando dal centro e spostandovi verso i bordi. Fate lo stesso dall'altro lato. Per precauzione, vi consiglio di ventilare il locale. Lasciate raffreddare.
Intanto, utilizzando la Big Shot e la fustella Bigz Heartfelt, tagliate diversi cuori dalla carta velina (colore in contrasto rispetto al sacchetto).
Preparate il primo strato di carta da forno, appoggiate la plastica già “fusa” e disponete i cuori sopra. Appoggiate sopra un altro strato piegato a metà. Coprite con il secondo foglio di carta da forno e premete con il ferro, come in precedenza. Togliete la carta forno e lasciate raffreddare.
Ora, è possibile utilizzare questo tessuto plastificato per fare la copertina del mini album!
Potete usarlo così com'è oppure creare una forma regolare, ritagliando un rettangolo più regolare, dalla plastica. Per incollare carta o abbellimenti sulla copertina dovrete usare il biadesivo oppure cucire, come ho fatto io. In questo caso vi consiglio di cucire prima di “rilegare”.
Per inserire le pagine interne, tagliate alcuni cartoncini su misura, piegati a metà. Se sono tanti divideteli in gruppi di tre o quattro e cuciteli al centro della copertina. Infine decorate a piacere le pagine.
Eccovi un modo un po' diverso ed originale per creare un mini album. Fatemi sapere se ci avete provato ;)
Buon weekend!
Materiali per la Copertina:
sacchetti di plastica sottile
carta da forno
ferro da stiro
carta velina
carte fantasia da scrapbooking
carta glitter (per il titolo)
centrino di carta
alfabeto adesivo
binder clip
scotch biadesivo
macchina da cucire, filo
Materiali per le Pagine interne:
carte fantasia da scrapbooking
carta velina
centrini di carta
spray ink
abbellimenti di legno
macchina da cucire, filo

Friday, 13 February 2015

Mini-album in a box

Hi Sizzix friends!

This is my first project as a part of the creative team. I show you the gift that I have prepared for my husband for Valentine’s day and, of course,  for me too. 

This box die is perfect for keeping a small mini-album with the photos of a special family trip we enjoyed together.

We travelled to the mountains, where we found by surprise a snowy landscape. So this snowflake die was perfect for decorating the box as well as some of the album pages.

I have stamped the message on the box using the same label die that I have also used on the inside, which ensures that the box and the mini-album follow the same decorative line.

When we open the box the mini-album appears. The mini-album size is  2 ½” x 3 ½”. We can also see the die-cutting message using one of the new Craft Asylum dies.

And this is the mini-album:

For the cover I have also used  the scribbles dies designed by Tim Holtz.  I love these dies !!!

I have made this accordion structure using the same box die set, the only thing to keep in mind is making  the folds 1/8” smaller than the card die.

All the decorations are on the left side and all the photos on the right side.

For the left sides I have used the snowflakes embossing folder with the same cardstock colour as the structure (dark blue). The double tags are perfect for the journals.

The colours I used for this project  are dark blue, dark grey and white. I also used winter scrapbooking papers.

A collage picture with some of the details:

I hope you have enjoyed this mini-album idea. Thanks for your visit !

I wish you a creative and happy Friday !


Hola  a todos,

En mi primer proyecto como equipo creativo, os enseño el regalo que le he preparado a mi marido para San Valentín y, claro, para mí también. 

Esta caja era ideal para contener un pequeño mini álbum con las fotos de una escapa familiar muy especial.
La salida familiar fue a la montaña, donde nos encontramos, por sorpresa, con mucha nieve. Así que este troquel de copo de nieve era ideal para decorar la caja así como alguna página del álbum.

La etiqueta troquelada contiene el mensaje de la caja, y también la he utilizado en el interior, lo que hace la caja y el mini sigan una misma línea.

Cuando abrimos la caja aparece el mini álbum, cuya medida es de 2 ½”x 3 ½”. Con un mensaje también troquelado, utilizando uno de los nuevos troqueles de Craft Asylum. 

Y este es el mini álbum:

La portada decorada con este precioso corazón que corresponde a uno de los nuevos diseños de Tim Holtz. ¡Me encanta este troquel!

La estructura es de acordeón, y la he realizado con el mismo troquel de la caja, lo único a tener en cuenta es realizar los pliegues 1/8” más estrechos. 

Todas las decoraciones están situadas en el lado izquierdo del mini álbum y en el lado derecho se encuentran las fotografías.

Para las caras izquierdas he utilizado la carpetilla de embossing sobre el mismo color del fondo de la estructura (azul marino) Etiqueta para los mensajes y un tag doble para los journals.

Los colores utilizados son el azul marino, gris oscuro y blanco así como papeles de scrapbooking con motivos invernales.

Un collage con algunos de los detalles: 

Los productos Sizzix que he utilizado son: 

Espero que os haya gustado la idea de este mini álbum en una caja. ¡Gracias por la visita!

¡Os deseo un creativo y feliz viernes!

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Art Journal and More

Life has been crazy for me lately and I apologize for missing a few posts. My daughter got married at the end of April and the day before the wedding I broke my ankle!

Thankfully it is almost good as new. That is lucky because on June 3, I leave on the #PaperTrail, a month long teaching trip throughout the country in Scotty, my vintage camper.

I invite you to follow the trip with me on my blog. I will be teaching classes in scrapbook stores, attending events like the Country Living Show and a big stamp show, meeting up with crafty celebrities and seeing the country. I can't wait! Just check my blog for updates or follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to see where we are and what is happening.

My project today is an Art Journal made using the Mini-Album from the Cherished collection.

Although the packaging for this collection is decorated in the baby theme, the dies are very versatile. The Mini Album has been one of my favorites to work with lately. There is a metal opening built into the die that you can use with Movers and Shapers dies to cut windows in the cover of the album. This is a ScoreBoards die that is designed to cut and score thick material like matboard or chipboard- or any material up to 1/16" thick that you can cut with scissors. It always surprises people to know that you can run matboard through the Big Shot with embossing folders.

For this project, I cut two windows in the Album cover and then embossed the die cut squares with the Animal Print folder. I used the Gelli plate and my new ColorBox Blends inks from Clearsnap to ink the cover and pages of the mini-album Art Journal.

I also used Stencils from StencilGirl and embossing paste from Wendy Vecchi to get some dimension on the pages. I also free handed text on the pages and added some photos of our family. There is a special technique I use to bind the pages really quickly. I like this method because in addition to being fast and easy, the pages of the book lay flat when you are writing in them.

And now, here are some of the projects the Eileen Hull Inspiration Team has created in the past month. They blow me away!

The Inspiration Team Coordinator, Amy Bowerman, of Plucking Daisies has this thing about gnomes! Read about it on her blog...

 I love this soft and shabby Caddy by Melissa Phillips. I also love what she says about hope. See the post on her blog here...

 Beth Watson has made a chandelier of hydrangeas. Wow- very cool. Check out her post here.

These are just a few of the amazing projects featured on my blog by this super-talented team of designers. Check every Tuesday to see what the Inspiration Team is up to and on Thursdays you will see posts from Team ATB (Artist Trading Blocks). They have been stepping up the game so high I can't imagine how they will keep outdoing themselves, but they do! For more out of the box projects and lots of inspiration visit The Artists on the Block.

Thanks for coming by and I hope to see you on the #PaperTrail!