Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Color book organization

Happy Tuesday crafter , 
in this time when you return to school and working with books and papers I realized that they needed many bookmarks

I would like to colorful and different shapes so as to divide the pages for topics and make it more cheerful and fun.

This project can help you little order between the cards and rearrange your content, making the study and work more pleasant and very nice to see .

- Craft Asylum paper, home sweet home collection
- stick glue
- hot glue
- wooden craft sticks

A lovely week :))

Pasticci di carta

*per i lettori italiani*

Buon martedì crafter,
in questo periodo in cui si torna a scuola e si lavora con libri e quaderni mi sono accorta di aver bisogno di tanti segnalibri.

Li desidero colorati e di forme diverse così da poter suddividere le pagine per argomenti e rendere tutto più allegro e divertente.

Il progetto di oggi può aiutarvi a fare un po' di ordine tra le carte e riorganizzare i vostri contenuti, rendendo lo studio e il lavoro più piacevoli e belli da vedere.

- carta Craft Asylum, home sweet home collection
- colla stick
- colla a caldo
- stecche di legno

Una buona settimana a tutti!

Pasticci di Carta

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Exotic layout by Karine


Are you up to a sunny page? That is what I will show to you this Thursday with a new page, size 12x12 for a change!

Supply list:

Cardstock: American Crafts
Stickers: Crate Paper
Labels: 4heures37
Stamps: Bloomini Studio, Stampin' Up
Inks: Adirondack Citrus, Clover
Black Versafine
Spray ink: Studio Calico
Stabilo Pen68
Masking Tape


650515 :  Sizzix Big Shot Plus Starter Kit
660815 :  Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 3PK-woodland-leaves
659957 : Sizzix Original Die-Phrase, Love #3

I start by gluing three small black & white pictures on my white cardstock. Then I had fun printing pretty green foliage patterns around my pictures (Bloomini Studio stamps).

I cut two dies out of white cardstock: the word LOVE and a pretty seasonal foliage pattern. With a very colourful background, these elements will stand out in a perfect way.

I made some splashes with black spray ink to spice the whole up and I stapled a scooped-out butterfly. It is stapled, not glued, to keep all of its volume.

The background will be worked with anise green & citrus Adirondack inks.

I hope you will feel like going through your latest holidays’ pictures!

Have a nice day,


Bonjour !

Une petite page ensoleillée ça vous dit ? C'est ce que je vous propose aujourd'hui, jeudi avec une nouvelle page au format 12x12 cette fois !

Matériel :

Cardstock : American Crafts
Autocollants : Crate Paper
Etiquettes : 4heures37
Tampons : Bloomini Studio, Stampin' Up
Encres : Adirondack Citrus, Clover
Versafine noire
Encre en spray : Studio Calico
Stabilo Pen68
Masking Tape

Dies :

650515 :  Sizzix Big Shot Plus Starter Kit
660815 :  Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 3PK-woodland-leaves
659957 : Sizzix Original Die-Phrase, Love #3

Trois petites photos en noir et blanc sont dans un premier temps collées sur mon cardstock blanc, je me suis ensuite amusée à tamponner tout autour de jolis feuillages en divers coloris verts (Tampons Bloomini Studio)

Dans du cardtock blanc, j'ai découpé deux dies : le mot LOVE et un joli feuillage de saison.
Avec un fond des plus coloré ces deux éléments ressortent parfaitement.

Quelques éclaboussures à l'encre en spray noire pour relever le tout et un papillon évidé qui est agrafé et non collé pour conserver tout son volume.

Le fond de page sera retravaillé avec les encres Adirondack vert anis et Citrus.

J'espère que cette page vous aura donné envie de vous plonger dans vos dernières photos de vacances !

Bonne journée


Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Books, roses and love

Hi everybody!

Here in Catalonia (where I live) on April 23 is a very special day. All people have as a gift books and roses to celebrate love. The main points of every town and city are full of people walking between booths of books and roses, writers sign their works, a lot of cultural events are held ... This is Sant Jordi in Catalonia!

As I said, books and roses are the habitual for all the lovers, and this year I decided to give an original handcraft rosebush.

I'm very happy with this, I hope is gonna be enjoyed! Here you have a step by step:

I use a real branch to stick with hot glue all my flowers

Some details of my romantic roses bouquet

Sizzix products used in this project:
660515 Sizzix Big Shot Plus Starter Kit (White & Gray)
656545 Sizzix Bigc Die - Flowers, 3-D

Bon Sant Jordi and Be Happy!


Hola a todo el mundo!

Aquí en Cataluña (donde vivo) el 23 de abril es un día muy especial. Todas las personas regalan libros y rosas para celebrar el amor. Las principales calles de cada pueblo y ciudad se llenan de gente que camina entre los puestos de libros y rosas, los escritores firman sus obras, una gran cantidad de eventos culturales se llevan a cabo ... Esto es Sant Jordi en Cataluña!

Como ya he dicho, los libros y las rosas son los regalos habitual de todos los enamorados, y este año me decidí a regalar un original rosal hecho a mano.

Estoy muy contento, espero que se disfrute!

Podéis ver algunos detalles de mi proyecto

Productos Sizzix utilizados en este proyecto:
660515 Sizzix Big Shot Plus Starter Kit (White & Gray)
656545 Sizzix Bigc Die - Flowers, 3-D

Bon Sant Jordi y sed muy felices!

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Two lovely cards by Karine


Today let’s go back to card making with my favourite seasonal colour combo!

Supply list:

Papers: Heidi Swapp, Gossamer Blue
Cardstock: American Crafts
Tracing paper: Studio Calico
Transparency: Crate Paper
Enamel Dots: Simple Stories
Gold Masking Tape
Stamp: Bloomini Studio
Ink: Black Versafine

658300: Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
659994: Sizzix Bigz Die-Snowflakes #3
659957: Sizzix Original Die-Phrase, Love #3

These are two cards very easy to realise with paper scraps. They will come as a gift within my kits.

The two cards are matted on dark kraft cardstock so that they stand out well.

I used my Big Shot to cut out a pretty snowflake out of black cardstock. It is simply stapled, not glued) which means it can pivot on the card!

So as to add brightness and a gold touch, I had fun with my masking tape. Three little strips of glitter gold masking tape are fixed on a paper scrap. With my “Love” die, I cut out two pretty hearts out of a pattern paper scrap.

These are glued with 3D adhesive foam pieces.

Simply add a “Thank you” stamp pattern on your cards.

Have a lovely day,



Aujourd'hui retour de la carterie avec deux nouvelles cartes avec mon combo de saison préféré !

Matériel :
Papiers : Heidi Swapp, Gossamer Blue
Cardstock : American Crafts
Calque : Studio Calico
Transparent : Crate Paper
Enabel Dots : Simple Stories
Masking Tape doré
Tampon : Bloomini Studio
Encre : Versafine noire

Dies utilisés:
658300: Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
659994: Sizzix Bigz Die-Snowflakes #3
659957: Sizzix Original Die-Phrase, Love #3

Retour de deux petites cartes très simples à réaliser toujours avec des chutes de papiers pour accompagner mes kits :)

Les deux cartes sont mattées sur du cardstock kraft foncé pour bien les faire ressortir.

J'ai utilisé ma Big Shot pour découper un beau flocon dans du cardstock noir, celui-ci est simplement agrafé et non collé ce qui fait qu'il peut pivoter sur la carte !

Pour ajouter un peu de brillance et de dorure je me suis amusée avec mon Masking Tape. Trois petites bandes de Masking Tape pailleté or sont collées sur une chute de papier. A l'aide de mon die “ Love” j'ai ensuite découpé ma chute de papier afin d'obtenir deux jolies coeurs.

Ces derniers sont montés en 3D à l'aide de mousse.

Complétez simplement vos cartes avec un tampon en guise de remerciement.

Bonne journée


Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Introduction post: Romy Veul

Hi everyone!

I feel truly honoured to be writing this blogpost on the Sizzix blog today.
My name is Romy Veul and I have been a fan of Sizzix's beautiful dies and Big Shot machine for as long as I can remember.
Needless to say, I was completely surprised and very flattered when I was asked to join the Sizzix design team.
This is such an amazing opportunity.I look forward to the upcoming year.

I will first shortly introduce myself.
My name is Romy Veul, I am 21 years old and I live nearby Amsterdam, the Netherlands, together with my parents, my brothers and our cats. I have a Bachelor's degree in Dutch Language and Linguistics and I am currently doing the Research Master Linguistics in Amsterdam. When I am not studying, you will often find me scrapbooking or cardmaking. I started scrapbooking more than 8 years ago and haven't looked back ever since. I love the combination of documenting photos and memories in a creative way.
My style could best be described as layered, detailed and with a romantic touch. I also love to use dies to add some extra detail to my projects. So you can probably imagine that I was over the moon excited to get to work with the amazing Sizzix dies. It is a true honour to get to show you some of my work throughout this year and I hope that I can inspire you.
You can also find more of my work on my blog if you like:

I also thought it would be nice to show one of the projects that I recently made with some of my favourite Sizzix dies. It is a love card, just in time for Valentine's Day.

The base of my card is the Postage Stamp Frame die, which is one of my absolute favourite dies from Sizzix.  The "love" sentiment was made with the Handwritten Love set. I just love the script of the dies in this set. The beautiful hearts were all made with the Heartfelt die. The Mixed Media die set was used to create the honeycomb pattern in the corner of my card. I just love how you can use these dies in so many different ways.

I hope you enjoyed my blogpost!
Thank you for your visit to the Sizzix blog!
Dutch translation:
Hoi iedereen!
Ik voel me vereerd dat ik vandaag mijn eerste blogpost op het Sizzix blog mag schrijven.
Mijn naam is Romy Veul en ik ben al zolang ik me kan herinneren fan van de mooie Sizzix stansen en hun Big Shot apparaat.
Ik was dan ook blij verrast toen ik werd gevraagd om bij het Sizzix design team te komen.
Wat een geweldige kans. Ik zie nu al heel erg uit naar het komende jaar.
Ik zal mezelf eerst kort introduceren.
Mijn naam is Romy Veul, ik ben 21 jaar oud en woon in een dorp vlakbij Amsterdam, samen met mijn ouders, mijn broertjes en onze katten. Ik heb de opleiding Nederlandse Taal en Taalwetenschap vorig jaar afgerond en volg nu de Research Master Linguistics in Amsterdam. Als ik niet studeer, zal je me vaak zien scrapbooken of kaarten maken. Ik ben meer dan 8 jaar geleden begonnen met scrapbooken en ben er nooit meer mee gestopt. Het is de combinatie van het verwerken van herinneringen en foto's op een creatieve manier die ik zo leuk vind. 
Mijn stijl kun je het beste omschrijven als gelaagd, gedetailleerd en met romantische details. Ik gebruik ook graag stansen op mijn creaties voor leuke details. Je kunt je dus vast voorstellen dat ik dolblij ben dat ik met de mooie Sizzix stansen aan de slag kan. Ik vind het een eer dat ik dit jaar mijn creaties met jullie mag delen en hoop dat ik jullie kan inspireren.
Je kunt meer van mijn werk vinden op mijn blog, als je dat leuk vindt:
Het leek me ook leuk om jullie één van mijn projecten te laten zien die ik onlangs heb gemaakt met een aantal van mijn favoriete Sizzix stansen. Het is een liefdeskaart, net op tijd voor Valentijnsdag.
De basis voor mijn kaart is de Postage Stamp Frame stans, één van mijn favoriete stansen van Sizzix.  Het word "love" is gemaakt met de Handwritten Love set. Ik vind het handschrift van de stansen in deze set zo mooi. De leuke hartjes zijn allemaal gemaakt met de Heartfelt stans. De Mixed Media set is gebruikt om het honingraat patroon in de hoek van mijn kaart te maken. Ik vind het zo leuk hoe deze Mixed Media stansen op verschillende manieren kunnen worden gebruikt.
Ik hoop dat jullie mijn blogpost leuk vonden!
Dankjewel voor je bezoekje aan het Sizzix blog!

Thursday, 18 September 2014

A love layout by Karine

Hi there!

Today let’s go for romanticism and colour to illustrate a nice picture taken by my friend Valérie from the Jolis Moments.

Supply list:

Papers: Jenni Bowlin Studio, Webster's Pages
Cardstock: American Crafts
Alphabets: American Crafts
Labels: Ephéméria
Stickers: American Crafts, My Mind's Eye, October Afternoon
Felt-tip pens: Stabilo Pen68
Spray ink: Tattered Angels
Masking Tape


658300 :Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
656545: Sizzix Bigz Die-Flower 3D
659752: Sizzix thinlits Die Set 3PK-Love

A simple page built with lots of cascading little details.

Here I used a Project Life card from the set “Life made simple-Amour” which is just perfect for my theme.
Cut out of white cardstock, it will be colorized with a turquoise blue spray ink.

The 3D pretty flower will be reworked the same way. While my dies dry, I had fun cutting out nice flower bouquets in a Webster’s Pages paper.

The various elements are glued to my background. I made some splashes with my Stabilo Pen68 felt-tip pens to add texture.

Add mini text stickers as a finishing touch.

My page is now done!

See you next Thursday!


Bonjour !

Aujourd'hui du romantisme et de la couleur pour illustrer une jolie photo prise par mon amie Valérie des Jolis Moments.

Matériel :

Papiers : Jenni Bowlin Studio, Webster's Pages
Cardstock : American Crafts
Alphabets : American Crafts
Etiquettes : Ephéméria
Stickers : American Crafts, My Mind's Eye, October Afternoon
Feutres : Stabilo Pen68
Encre en spray : Tattered Angels
Masking Tape

Dies :

658300 :Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
656545: Sizzix Bigz Die-Flower 3D
659752: Sizzix thinlits Die Set 3PK-Love

Une page toute simple composée en cascade avec plein de petits détails.

J'ai utilisé ici une carte Project Life des sets “Life made simple-Amour” juste parfaite pour ma thématique.
Découpée dans du papier blanc, celle-ci sera colorée avec une encre en spray turquoise.

La jolie fleur toute en relief sera travaillée de la même façon. Pendant que mes découpes sèchent je me suis amusée à découper des jolis bouquets de fleurs dans un imprimé Webster's Pages.

Les différents éléments sont ensuite collés à mon fond, les éclaboussures faites aux feutres Stabilo Pen68 ajoutent un peu de texture.

Complétez avec des mini stickers textes.

Ma page est maintenant terminée !

A jeudi !


Sunday, 2 February 2014

Valentine's Cards by Gerry van Gent

Happy Sunday Sizzix friends!
It`s February and soon we are celebrating
the sweetest day of all - Valentine's Day.

Today I created two Valentine cards for you.
Both cards were created with our Free Valentine's Paper Downloads
which are so beautiful and gorgeous. The colours and the patterns
are not only suitable for your Valentine's cards but also for other occasions.
Crazy for you
Card Size: 10cm x 15cm
657900 Sizzix Big Shot Machine
658221 Sizzix Originals Die Curly Gate
*    *    *

The Curly Gate pattern was die cut from corrugated cardboard and 
white cardstock. After that I glued them both on top of each other 
and then adhered on the front of the card.

This is my second card for today...
Card Size: 10cm x 15cm
657900 Sizzix Big Shot Machine
659573 Sizzix Decorative Strip Die Spring Greenery
*   *    *
I made this card look like a cover of a book.
I decorated it simple - I added the leaves, the cut-outs and
wrapped some white twine around the title.

I hope you enjoyed my cards today...
Wishing you a creative Sunday!

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Love Home Decor

As my first Christmas collection for Sizzix is hitting the stores, I can finally share one of the projects using one of my favourite dies that I have designed, Love, Phrase 658625.

I started by die cutting with my Big Shot between 8 and 10 Love Phrases, one layer at a time, using chipboard or mount board. Then, I glued each layer together, I like to use wet glue and apply it all over the die cut.

After I attach each and every layer, I make sure that it is well attached everywhere and that it is flushed to the bottom. Once that I glued all of the layers I make sure that it sits on its own, if not, you can sand the bottom to make it more smooth and/or add more layers.

This step is completely optional. As a bit of a perfectionist I like to smooth all the edges to create a more solid effect. So I apply a thin layer of Grunge paste and flatten it out around all the more visible edges. After all the paste has dried, I sand it a bit to make it completely smooth.

I like to use acrylic paints to cover the whole phrase. For this particular project I decided to give it a bit of shabby chic look, so I use white paint to give it a bit of a white wash look, and then I used  Treasure Platinum rubbing gently all over the front.

And here it is, in my front room. I love it!


Como mi primera colección de Navidad para Sizzix está llegando a las tiendas, por fin puedo compartir un proyecto usando uno de mis troqueles favoritos, Love, Phrase 658625.

Comencé troquelando con mi Big Shot entre 8 y 10 LOVE, utilizando aglomerado de carton o tablero de montaje de uno en uno. A continuación, pegué cada capa a la anterior, me gusta usar pegamento tipo Tacky glue y aplicarlo por todo el troquelado.

Después de pegar cada capa, me aseguro de que estén bien conectadas en todas partes y que estén niveladas por abajo. Una vez que todas las capas están pegadas me aseguro de que se sostiene por sí mismo, si no, se puede lijar la parte inferior para que sea más suave y / o añadir más capas.

El siguiente paso es completamente opcional. Como soy un poco perfeccionista me gusta suavizar todos los bordes para crear un efecto más sólido. Así que aplico una capa de pasta de Grunge - o cualquier pasta de textura - y utilizo un espátula para alisar todos los bordes que sean más visibles. Después de todo la pasta se haya secado, la lijo un poco para que sea completamente lisa.

Me gusta usar pinturas acrílicas para cubrir toda la frase. Para este proyecto en particular, decidí darle un look Shabby Chic, así que utilicé pintura blanca para darle una pasada no uniforme y luego usé Treasure Platinum Rub utilizando mis dedos como pinceles aplicándolo muy suavemente por todo el frente.

Y aquí está, en mi sala de estar. ¡Me encanta!

Thursday, 11 July 2013

More summerly cards with Janna Werner.

Hello everyone, this is Janna. Today I would like to share more summerly cards. If you haven´t seen my other cards, please click here, here or here. If you are interested in how to create a card with scratch paper, you might enjoy reading this post.

Material list:
657900 Big Shot or
658300 Big Shot Starter Kit
657551 Framelits Circles
657846 Texture Fades Bubble & Honeycomb
658354 Textured Impressions Love & Swirling Vines
658356 Textured Impressions Rose Vines & Trellis
card base: Tchibo
doily, petals, twine, stamp, cardstock, rhinestones, brad: Stampin´Up
ribbon: Maya Road
vellum: American Crafts
cardboard stickers: Pink Paislee
spray: October Afternoon, Heidi Swapp
ink: Tsukineko
other: sewing machine, hot glue gun

The first layer on the card above is a white cardstock that was embossed with the Texture Fades Bubble & Honeycomb die. The vellum on top softens the intensity of the honeycomb pattern.

The second card was inspired by last week´s project - a baby girl mini album. I liked the cover so much that I wanted to transfer it to a card. Instead of attaching a patterned paper behind the cut out circle, I stamped onto the card base and put a piece of vellum on top.

I hope you enjoyed today´s summerly inspiration. See you next week :)


Hallo ihr Lieben, hier ist Janna. Heute möchte ich euch weitere Sommer-Karten zeigen. Falls ihr meine anderen Karten sehen möchtet, findet ihr diese hier, hier oder hier. Wenn ihr Interesse daran habt, wir man eine Karte aus Schmierpapier herstellt, dann findet ihr hier eine Anleitung.

657900 Big Shot oder
658300 Big Shot Starter Kit
657551 Framelits Circles
657846 Texture Fades Bubble & Honeycomb
658354 Textured Impressions Love & Swirling Vines
658356 Textured Impressions Rose Vines & Trellis
Kartenrohling: Tchibo
Doily, Blüten, Twine, Stempel, Cardstock, Rhinestones, Brad: Stampin´Up
Band: Maya Road
Vellum: American Crafts
Cardboard-Sticker: Pink Paislee
Spray: October Afternoon, Heidi Swapp
Tinte: Tsukineko
Anderes: Nähmaschine, Heißklebepistole

Die erste Schicht der oberen Karte besteht aus weißem Cardstock, der mit der Texture Fades Bubble & Honeycomb Die embosst wurde. Das aufliegende Vellum mildert das Honeycomb-Muster ab.

Die zweite Karte ist vom Projekt der letzten Woche inspiriert - einem Mini Album. Mir gefiel das Cover so gut, dass ich das Prinzip auch auf einer Karte anwenden wollte. Anstatt den ausgestanzten Kreis mit Patterned Paper zu hinterlegen, habe ich auf den Kartenrohling gestempelt und Vellum aufgeklebt.

Ich hoffe, euch hat die heutige Sommer-Inspiration gefallen. Wir sehen uns nächste Woche :)