Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts

Monday, 17 August 2015

Pink Garland Birthday Card

Yesterday was one of my nieces 8th birthday so I was inspired to create a cheerful and bright garland card with flowers as she loves flowers and garlands. 

This is the finished card. 
I used the new Tim Holtz punches and one of my stamps designs for the message.

I used:


To make it I simply die cut the circle on the pre scored white card. Using the left over I die cut a smaller circle, I stamped the message and set aside.

Then I punched the flowers out of three shades of the same pink and the leaves of the green paper. Then I shaped them using a foam mat and a ball ended tool. Then I glue them round. I used die cut circles (use any die including tag dies that have small circles for this).
Finally I punched the bow and used a marker to darken the centre.

 Simple and quick to make but I am sure my niece will love it!
I hope you do too!

Monday, 3 August 2015

One die - three ways with the Thinlits Plus Pillow Box Set

Today I was inspired by a series of projects that Sizzix recently did on one die many ways, in which 6 bloggers took this Pillow Box Thinlit set and each made a different version. (You can check them here part 1 and part 2!). But this time I wanted to highlight the fact that you can use the inner panel dies to create beautiful fronts of cards.

For this project you will need:

Sizzix Big Shot Plus Machine Only - 660020
Sizzix Pillow Box Thinlits Plus Die - 660844
Sizzix Accessory - Precision Base Plate for Intricate Thinlits Dies - 660320
Sizzix Accessory - Die Brush & Foam Pad for Wafer-Thin Dies - 660513

I took a landscape A6 folded card, and placed the intricate inside die for the pillow box and secure it with low tack tape in place (just right to the scored line). I used instead one of the cutting plates the awesome Precision Base Plate

Because there is so much detail in this die, you may have to run it two or three times through the machine. After running through machine just turn it over and check that you can see all the cut lines.

While the die is still in place, use the die brush to release all the die cut small bits. I love this brush! It comes with the black mat that  its quite static so all those pieces don't fly away.

Then I place the same die in the other part of the card. I tried to link them as closely as possible. There are many possibilities, I could have left a bigger gap  or even not die cut it at all.

Once run it through the die cutting machine, I saw that I overlapped it too much, but not too worry!  

I  trimmed a piece of the same white card and stamped the message on it. Then just attached it to the front.

To finish it off, I just added the wooden hearts.

Finally I just added a contracting panel for the background. If you are wondering where would you write the message, there two options, the back of the card or make the pink paper a folded one so that you can write inside.

The box is simple, and you can add a contrast panel for the flap.

And with the other panel you can create this simple card too. As you can see a single pass through the die cutting machine

I hope this inspires you to try your dies in a different way!

Friday, 24 July 2015

Happy Birthday Card in a Box

Happy Friday everyone, It's Anna posting today.
I hope you had a great creative week! Here is the card in a box I’ve done for birthday of my friend. This is such a fun craft and a special way to show someone you care. I love putting together a “happy birthday” in a box. It’s fun to have a garland all nicely tucked into a box waiting to surprise someone!
sizzix big shot plus starter kit-Happy Birthday in a Box (1)
The dies of Big Shot Plus Starter Kit allowed me to do this box super fast!
sizzix big shot plus starter kit-Happy Birthday in a Box (2)
When your special someone opens the box, the Garland will look like a pop up card!
sizzix big shot plus starter kit-Happy Birthday in a Box (3)
sizzix big shot plus starter kit-Happy Birthday in a Box (4)
Can I say how much I adore this Starter Kit? The Thinlits die box has the lid attached. For this project, I tried to change.
To make the box's lid: first I cut out half lid from yellow cardstock; then I inverted the die and cut out the other part, so as to realise a unique lid.
sizzix big shot plus starter kit-Happy Birthday in a Box-tutorial (1)
I cut out the box from floral paper and assemble it. Then I selected the papers and cardstock to use for my garland and I cut out hearts, tag, butterflies...
Fortunately, Sizzix now has the perfect solution for intricate dies: the Sizzix Die Brush & Foam Pad for Wafer-Thin Dies. This accessory easily rolls away excess paper to reveal the perfect cut!
sizzix big shot plus starter kit-Happy Birthday in a Box-tutorial (2)
To make the garland: I used a sewing machine to stitch the shapes together. Simply start by placing the first piece under the presser foot, put the needle in the down position and start stitching. Continue stitching, allowing the machine to stitch a few stitches between each new shape.
sizzix big shot plus starter kit-Happy Birthday in a Box (5)
sizzix big shot plus starter kit-Happy Birthday in a Box (6)
The fun thing about creating your own is that you can customize them to match your color scheme!
I hope my small project gave you some inspiration today!
Happy crafting!
Items used:
Sizzix Big Shot Plus Starter Kit (White & Gray) (660515)
Sizzix Die Brush & Foam Pad for Wafer-Thin Dies (660513)
patterned papers (Basic Grey, We R Memory Keepers, Studio Calico)
sewing machine, thread
brad (Prima)
ticket (Prima)
ink pad
Per le amiche italiane! :)
Ciao a tutti, come ogni venerdì Anna è qui per una nuova ispirazione.
Spero abbiate avuto una bella settimana creativa! Ecco un “biglietto di compleanno in scatola” che ho creato per il compleanno di un'amica. Ho scelto colori estivi e fruttati, vista la stagione. Si tratta di un lavoretto che avevo in mente da diverso tempo, perchè è un modo davvero speciale per fare gli auguri: l'effetto sorpresa è assicurato!

Le fustelle comprese nel Big Shot Plus Starter Kit mi hanno permesso di fare tutto ciò più velocemente di quello che avevo immaginato. E quando finalmente la persona apre la scatola, la ghirlanda esce fuori, quasi come un pop up!
Posso dire quanto mi piace questo Starter Kit?! Si riescono a fare tantissime cose e ve ne ho già mostrate diverse. Solo che la fustella Thinlits in formato A4 ha il coperchio attaccato. Per questo progetto, ho provato a fare una piccola modifica, perchè altrimenti la scatola con ghirlanda sarebbe risultata un po' scomoda da aprire.

Vi spiego come: prima ho tagliato metà coperchio dal cartoncino giallo; poi ho invertito la fustella e ritagliato dall'altra parte, in modo da realizzare un coperchio unico (vedi foto dei passaggi). Più semplice a farsi che a dirsi!
Ho quindi tagliato la base della scatola ed ho assemblato i due pezzi. Poi ho selezionato le carte da utilizzare per la mia ghirlanda ed ho fustellato diversi cuori, tag, farfalle ...
A proposito di farfalle, avete visto la novità? Sizzix ora ha la soluzione perfetta per le fustelle “traforate”: si tratta dell'accessorio Sizzix Die Brush & Foam Pad for Wafer-Thin Dies, che fa rotolare via la carta in eccesso e rivelare il taglio perfetto. Non ci credevo, ma è molto utile!

Ed ora vi spiego come ho creato la ghirlanda: con la macchina da cucire, bisogna cucire insieme le forme di carta ritagliate e sovrapposte. Basta semplicemente iniziare posizionando il primo pezzo sotto il piedino, mettere l'ago in posizione abbassata e iniziare a cucire. Continuare a cucire, inserendo nuove forme, facendo in modo di cucire alcuni punti tra una forma e l'altra, per lasciare un po' di spazio.

Questo progetto è molto versatile ed è possibile personalizzare la combinazione di colori a piacimento.
Spero vi sia piaciuto. Ora tocca a voi... Happy crafting!
carte scrap (Basic Grey, We R Memory Keepers, Studio Calico)
macchina da cucire, filo
brad (Prima)
ticket (Prima)

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Happy Box

Hello crafter,
Today is a special day, it' s the birthday of someone important.
Secret gift needs a small box that is different from the usual greetings.
So I thought I would take one to be built.

I searched among the Sizzix dies and I found one that I really liked and so I used one half.

cardstock or paper scrap
stick glue
hot glue
cotton thread

I also had lots fun to use the new brush pad .. !!

When someone is special it's always important to tell him.

See you next project!

Pasticci di carta

*per i lettori italiani*

Ciao crafter,
oggi è un giorno speciale, è il compleanno di qualcuno d'importante.
Il regalo segreto ha bisogno di una piccola scatola che sia differente dai soliti auguri.
Così ho pensato di prenderne una da costruire.

Ho rovistato tra le fustelle sizzix ed ho trovato una che mi piaceva molto e così ho usato una metà.

cartoncini colorati o carta scrap
colla stick 
colla a caldo
filo di cotone

Inoltre mi sono divertita tantissimo nell'usare la nuova spazzola per superfici..!!

Quando qualcuno è speciale è importante dirgli sempre che lo è.

Arrivederci al prossimo progetto!

Pasticci di carta

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Birthday Set with new printable from Sizzix

Hey crafty people out there,
I hope you had a beautiful week? It´s reeeeeaaaally hot here in Germany the last days and it will be for the next week. But I can´t stop crafting? Are you with me? ;) 

On the Sizzix Facebook Site you can find a link to a new awesome set of free pattern to print at home. I printed them on Vellum and I loooooove how it turned out. All the little cute hearts, it´s so lovely. :) And be sure to follow Sizzix on Facebook to get the newest infos and a loooot of crafty inspirations. But ok, you wanna see what I made with this printable? Scroll down. ;)

We are invited to a birthday party tonight and I can´t wait to give this cute birthday set to the birthdaygirl. A card is an absolutely MUST for birthdays and because she will get a voucher, I made a fitting box with the Big Shot Plus Starter Kit.

The list of supplies:

Cardstock, sentiment stamps, needle and some twine, felt, vellum to print the pattern on

I love that the butterfly on the card could sit on the flower on the box. ;) I used felt for the flower and the butterfly to create a little more depth and structure on this birthday set.

I thought it´s a little bit boring just to glue the die cuted circles on the card, so I took some twine and a needle to add a cute element.

Do you like this set? And what about the Sizzix pattern? I think it´s perfect for so many reasons. I think I will make some wedding cards with it in the future.

Have a nice weekend everybody, xo Julia


Hallo ihr Lieben,
mir ist so warm. Ich hoffe ihr verzeiht mir das ich heute keinen deutschen Text schreibe. *puh* Aber vielleicht reiche ich ihn nach. ;) Habt ein wundervolles Wochenende, xo Julia

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Quick and Easy Candy Bag

Hello everybody,
I told you the last weeks how many friends are invited us to some birthday parties and I like to give them something that I made by myself. For the daughter of a special friend I made a little candy bag. 

Here is my list of supplies:
Sizzix Big Shot Plus Starter Kit #660515 and the included Bigz Die Essentials
a paper bag, some pieces of pretty paper and of course some candy ;)

I die cutted some of the flowers with the Bigz Die from the Big Shot Plus Starter Kit and attached them together with my stapler. With bending the wings of the butterfly and the leaves it became a little more depth. The paper bag got a little texture on the bottom with one of my favorite embossing folders! I love the pattern with the cute hearts. 

I filled it with a lot of candy, but you can also use other things like nailpolish, a little book, pens or other crafty things. :) Hope you like my little gift bag and wish you a beautiful weekend.

Have a nice day, xo Julia


Hallo ihr Lieben,
diese Woche habe ich für euch eine kleine Idee für eine Süßigkeitentüte. Zum Geburtstag einer Freundin habe ich, für deren Tochter, eine kleine Überraschungstüte zusammen gestellt. Sie ist nämlich eine kleine Naschkatze. ;)

Sizzix Big Shot Plus Starter Kit #660515 und die darin enthaltene Bigz Die Essentials
eine Papertüte, hübsch gemustertes Papier und ein paar Süßigkeiten

Die Blümchen und den Schmetterling mit der Bigz Die und den gemusterten Papieren ausstanzen und mit einem Tacker zusammenheften. So ist alles schon locker, aber fällt nicht auseinander. Die Papiertüte bekommt mit dem Embossing Folder im unteren Bereich ein tolles Herzchenmuster (ich mag das total) und dann ist die Candy Bag eigentlich auch schon fertig. :) Mit doppelseitigem Klebeband habe ich mein Blümchengebilde an der Papiertüte befestigt.

Dieses Tütchen macht sich auch toll als Geschenktüte für Nagellack, kleine Bücher oder Stifte etc. Da könnt ihr eurer Fantasie freien Lauf lassen. Ich hoffe meine kleine Idee hat euch gefallen und wünsche euch ein tolles Wochenende. xo Julia